Friday, December 23, 2016

A Year Of Growth

I wanted to title this a 'Year In Review', and Ross nudged me to turn it away from looking into the past, to reframe it into the future.

So here is my year, my spiritual growth, somewhat like the ring on a tree:

  • Last December I was completely distraught. I recall sobbing in my hotel room in New York, panicked, feeling like I was losing my home to cracks and instability. I knew the big rains of El Niño were due, and my house was going to slide off the hill. It started with my new neighbors moving in in September 2015,  taking out walls, load bearing ones, banging on everything with the remodel, and from Thanksgiving to Christmas my house really had new huge cracks sprouting up every week. It was a long growth, from dealing with the management company, the association, my neighbors, a lawyer, a MESS! I was staying late on school nights to go to meetings. I have since learned all homes crack. My home is a planned development. I own the land and the structure, the association only takes care of the stucco out. BUT THE HOUSES ARE CONNECTED. For termites, there are rules. We've had them tented, once, all the homes connected. But for movement? All four neighbors must decide, and there's no jurisdiction written into the CC and R's for when neighbors disagree. Is it better to leave the Association payments behind? I don't know. My postman had an eleven thousand dollar bill to replace his sewer lines to his own home. Today I am calm, and confident that this problem is manageable. I like my home, and it might just need paint. I can deal with it. This is a HUGE amount of growth. Incredible! Especially if you add to the mix the past life sorrows imprinted in my soul from life with Ross so many years ago, everything had to come up to be acknowledged and released.
  • My work IS unstable. The lawsuit against my boss came and went. I still have a job. I lined up a backup job before the lawsuit settled in September. I worked four days in the summer as vacation relief for their group which is very large, about forty anesthesiologists. I enjoyed the place and the people, but it's far. Basically I trust in Creator, and in what's right, and do my best...for what's next...however it may go.
  • My Reiki at the hospital is starting to take off. With the bracelets. I am openly accepted and welcomed as a certified psychic and healer. I'd like to focus on this project for a while because it's fun.
  • My skills set as a professional anesthesiologist has reached what feels like professional mastery to me. I am seamless. I bring in new technologies into the operating room. Two new important medications, one sugammedex, the other is a reversal for long-acting anticoagulant (I have to look it up, I forget name). I've been to two conferences this year, last year three. It takes less time to set up, I can get to the important issues faster in my patient assessment, and even, when asked and it's medically indicated (so it won't get lost in the lungs)--pull teeth that are dangerously loose! There has been a hiccup, with a lawsuit, and this too is helping me to grow and to understand this important facet of medicine, with almost everyone experiencing this in their career.
  • Travel is important to me--to maintain my friendships and ties to people I love. This year I visited France, Switzerland, San Diego, Victoria, Big Island (Hawaii), Chicago, and New York.  There are special souls in each of these places we were blessed to visit. Anthony is a very good traveler now too, and thankfully it's something we both enjoy. I don't know about what lies ahead in 2017 in the travel department--it may be less travel--but I'm grateful for 2016. 
  • I sought Spiritual Guidance. I haven't done this since my training. I booked five sessions in advance with Tim Braun, and I made the most of them. I'm highly independent, and I don't like to seek other's help (especially for a fee!)--but it's been since 2010, and I wanted an adjustment. It helped. Now I meditate. I didn't used to. Thanks to Tim.
  • My bracelets have reached a level of mastery I never thought possible. So has my teaching and healing too. I can easily connect now the pattern of symptoms with the imbalance in the chakra--it's not straightforward as all individuals are unique. They don't all fit the same pattern, just like they don't all take the same anesthetic. It's personalized. I absolutely love to work with the stones and create.
  • I took a HUGE step in my autonomy with the bracelets and my being a spiritual person online. I went BACK to the old ways. Teacher (with spirit) guides who is ready. It's not for sale. My gifts are not for sale. Each shield, each bracelet, each anything I make--is going to be with Spirit's guidance for both myself and the other person. The way the Kahunas did it hundreds of years ago. It was the healer who would decide, and they would invite Spirit to help guide them how to proceed, case by case, and even if it is meant to be for the Kahuna to take on the job altogether.
  • I am absolutely delighted with my new crystalline shield. The one I created two days ago, and will create for those who will benefit from it. This one lasts through all of your incarnations, and is permanent.  It's not like the ones you learn in Reiki where you layer them and renew them every day. It's because of who I am, although it matters of no consequence if you don't know me--all it means is I have reached a certain mastery and am permitted to do these things for the benefit of others. Today, it had the acid test--possible mixed signals from my family, and stirring up the old ghosts of emotional upsets and upheavals from my family of origin. There were a few bumps, but with each jolt, it settled back stronger into the New, the Bliss of the Higher Realms. I'm very grateful for it. It also helps me to accept and allow the choices of others, no matter how unpredictable or unconventional, such as finding out Anthony and I will be the only family present with my mom on Christmas Day. I tell myself, 'this is an adventure' and 'spirit has it this way for the best!'  (Two just got engaged, so I'm not sure if their old plans will 'stick')  There was last minute cancellation, of the other four people--just like Thanksgiving was cancelled at the last minute. It is what it is, we all do the best we can, and even though it would be easy to beat myself up for it or blame myself (I missed the party! They are mad at me! --the one last weekend) I know in my heart I was sick as a dog. And the other worker who flew to NYC, MISSED A DAY because she was so sick when she came back she skipped work (like I was tempted to do, but didn't). I know my truth, and I'm confident in it, and anyone who wants to make a big to do about it, well, that's not part of 5D. And for all I know I could be wrong. So it's a blessing...all of its own. Three days, and shield is working more beautifully each day.
  • Balance is the theme for 2017. I have my maid of honor from my first wedding--my most amazing friend--to share this goal, and we will keep each other accountable!  Health, family, work, all the balance--to maintain our success in all we do. And she IS successful. I suppose in my own right, I am too. But not like she is. She is worldly success with a good heart. The rarest combination! I'm doing okay, and happy, and perhaps a little more successful on the spiritual part. It's all good! I just look forward to meeting her amazing husband, who is from where I live--but has relocated all the way to the East Coast. : ) Life is good. 

Where have you been in YOUR year?

What notches are there on your walking stick?

How did you grow?

Did you meet your challenges with grace and calm?

Did you maintain your dignity, your 'sovereignty', and rise above the milieu created for us by Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart?

These are the abilities you take with you after you Transition...these personal growths, and well as what's in your heart, in how you relate to others.

Think about it. <3

Ross picked this one.  It represents him.  

He says he will write tomorrow.   He says 'I love you and good night and Happy Christmas!'

(the rascal! He also says to add, 'Merry Hanukkah!'--ed)

clap! Clap!  

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Family