Friday, November 8, 2019

With Each Breath I Exhale What Is Old And Breathe In The New

Take a moment to look clearly at this photo.  Where is your eye drawn? It's to the lights, isn't it? They are soft, warm, round, and many pleasing sizes. There is color. Against the grey and black checkerboard, they stand out, don't they?

This is a visual metaphor for what is happening now in the evolution of Consciousness on the planet. 

The matrix of rigid structure and form is competing with the emergence of the energy of nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. 

There is no way to hide it, nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. No way.

And it's going to grow.

Whenever things get you down, remember that thought. And while you're at it, why not bookmark this post into your favorites, to help you find inspiration again...

The energies are rough out there. The full moon is building. Mercury is still in retrograde. The media is still blaring constantly the same old stuff--fear pornography at it's finest, really--worry! worry! the sky is falling! the sky is falling! The holidays are upon us.

With my work, it's hard. I have to convince myself what Khiem told me is true. There's not much I can do about it. I also feel that there's new opportunities coming along, energetically, I feel the new coming, but sometimes it arrives suddenly and without time to prepare for the changes...

I have to share that at work, it's been hard. Anthony asked me how my day was last night, as we were at Chick Fil A having dinner. I shared how being a doctor means nothing compared to when I trained. Before, I wrote orders and had some say in things. Now I have to be super nice to everyone, all day, and making requests instead of orders. 'Hey guys, would it be okay if we did this?' (x,y, and z needed for patient care). I am on my best behavior, validating everyone, being receptive, open, honest, and concentrating on being helpful. As in, going downstairs to the OR storage area to get some two inch webrill cotton gauze wrap for the cath lab nurse to wrap our patient's iv so she won't pull it. It was exhausting! And not very fun. I enjoyed all my coworkers and patients. It's just that boss thing that's put me into overdrive that has me upset. I told Anthony I can't even enjoy myself like I used to, I always have to be on guard for how others are perceiving me. 

I want to share with you how Creator puts us in the right place at the right time. Here's what I learned for you yesterday. Rice has arsenic.  My surgeon said, 'only eat rice from California. Not from any other state. And DEFINITELY not from China or India.'  I was shocked. My PATIENT knew! She chimed in and said Lundberg Family Farms! She said they have organic rice, and they post the test results online.  I wonder if that's how Khiem's family got their lung cancer?

Speaking of Khiem, there's two things I haven't shared. At his funeral, he showed me the energy ties connected to him, how everyone in the room knew him and loved him, and he gathered them all together and tied them into a giant knot. It looked like a silk knot with many colors. That's what a life means, it joins others together energetically, even when they are gone. 

He talked to me sternly the other day, when I was feeling down. My boss has taken away all of my confidence. I was an attending, and I had students and CRNA's working for me. I did hearts. But here I had no support, no other heart team to collaborate with. It was evil, hostile, in there. And I would give Reiki to the room in frustration. Well, the team thought I was 'spacing out'. So no more hearts. I came on and did OB. The nurses there loved me, until I stopped buying dinners and lunches. Then I got the scrutiny. And I made mistakes from the hostility. There is no hostile like girl clique and you're not in the clique but you have to interact with them hostility. Too many wet taps. So I had to stop OB. Now the surgeons say I am 'too safe'. They talk to my boss. He says I don't arrive before the surgeon and prepare. He wouldn't even put me on the schedule at all if I didn't take call. I was down, very very down...

Khiem said not to buy it.

He said, 'you worked for me, you are good at what you do, and my letting you work with me is proof of your excellence.'  He told me to never forget it. He also said if they don't appreciate me here go find somewhere else where they do. 

That meant so much. 

I got to see a cool procedure recently.   There's a new pacemaker out there. If you have a single chamber pacemaker, you can upgrade it to one without leads. That means no battery generator in a pocket on your chest wall. And no leads/wires in your skin and heart. It's like a tiny bullet, it goes up your groin, and they deploy it with little hooks in the right ventricle. They can retrieve it if they need to. But it recharges through the skin I think. No battery changes needed. I was happy and excited to be with that team. We have all better heart people, a female surgeon, the heart surgeon I'd scrub toilets with he's so nice (Matcha Love green tea doc), and a kick-ass young electrophysiologist. Actually two of them. 

Remember our deceased loved ones enjoy helping us. 

And yesterday, when I left work through the PACU, Ross winked. 

I've never seen him wink like he has a secret and he's happy but he can't share.

Good things are on the way...

When you are feeling like this, don't despair.


Accept any opportunities that come to you. Some of them are angel visits and the circumstances have been arranged for you by your teams and your higher self.  Today I'm being interviewed for a Reiki conference that will take place in May 2020 online. Ross and I get to share about our 'niche'--bringing Reiki into the hospitals--literally!--and creating a healing center from the ground up.

Exhale what is old. Breathe in the new.

Get help.

All of us have different gifts and talents. Ross wants me to share about the math problems.

Carla loves math. Anthony has been having problems with factoring polynomials. Carla exclaimed with glee that she adores doing that and wishes she could be paid all day just to do nothing else but that. It's not easy for Anthony. So she took a look at the one he couldn't get. 

She just did it without thinking. 

He was like, 'how can you do that?'

She said, 'I don't know. I just do.'

They looked in the answers in the back to double check. Sure enough, it was correct.

Early this morning Anthony completed his homework, and needed her help two more times. Each time, she smiled and said she has fun doing that, and is glad to help. Ask any time.  He was astonished that she had such confidence and ease at moving the variables around. But when she wasn't sure how to make the one last answer check, he recalled what he had seen in class, and together they figured it out. 

That is a total win-win.

Just like Anthony with his height enjoys helping Carla when she can't reach.

Ross shows his hands interlaced--the answers are always found TOGETHER--we are one in that everyone has their purpose and talents, and together we get through life.

Like Dr. Dao with his hand surgeon skills...many people at his funeral were his patients as well as his colleagues, for he helped lots of the medical staff, and never made them pay...

Do what you love, enjoy the strengths which are your own, and never regret your weaknesses. You can work on them, and in time perhaps they can come to be your greatest strengths because you had to earn it.

Carla was once like that with her spelling. She couldn't spell when she was little. But with extra work, and practice, it has become one of her greatest skills...

Ross wants us to be able to look at life from this of calm, contentedness, fulfillment. 

Even if there are bullets flying over our heads and arrows slinging back and forth, inside, as we tap into our contentment which is eternal, we access our strength which is both eternal and divine. 

This is why we are guided to meditate. It helps us to strengthen the connection to our eternal flame at our core, and harness it.

These diamonds are different, but equal value. They are all crystalline carbon, with great strength.  Ross wants you to remember this, and to look at yourself and others in the same way.

Ross wants you to understand that there are a lot of symbols out there. Look for the good. For the ones who need to read and understand the ones hidden in plain sight by TWDNHOBIAH, that is their purpose. But whether you are an awakener or not, look for the symbols of kindness, love, and mercy everywhere around you and in everyone you meet. It's in there. Although in some situations they are harder to see.

Ross says to know that the beauty of Heaven is going to dazzle you. The colors, the lovingkindness, are something that need to be felt, and is difficult to explain. Just like Reiki. You can sense it...

Ross wants to remind you that all things straighten out. Just focus, do your best, and trust. And ask for help! Both from the living and from Spirit.

Last, remember that those who try, and keep trying, will learn to do things successfully. No matter how you are feeling, never give up. Never ever ever give up.

Ross says to be like a terrier. Carla was having dinner with two veterinarian friends. They were talking about dogs, and how in many cases, the terriers were so smart they suspected they were smarter than their owners. They are very good at unlatching things and getting into stuff they aren't supposed to. Long story short, terriers know how to get what they want.

And terriers aren't afraid to push their owner's buttons until they get them.

Ross says, 'go ahead and push my buttons, and those in Spirit! as you learn. We are up to the challenge!'  He says to go for what we want, and underlying most of those things, is that what we want is a tangible form of security, nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. He says the more we are able to harness the inner fire life force within, and align with the will of Divine Creator, when we have mind and heart working together, we can't lose!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

P.S. here is an example of encouragement for how to get through lean times when money is short.