Tuesday, November 19, 2019

There Will Be So Much Love

Yesterday was something else. Ross tells me to 'write about your day'.

I woke up and wrote, I enjoy writing. We had a breakfast I wanted to eat, more European style--toast, avocado, cold cuts, cheese, jam and latte.

When I dropped Anthony off to school, I saw one of those things that's like a rainbow in a cloud. There's a name for them, I forget what--a dog something I believe...I took a picture. It was very beautiful.

My day was to be doing things I should have been doing months ago, big things. But wait, there's more! LOL

Once I got home I noticed a bee on a window screen. I've never seen one there before. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw movement. There were many bees. The corner of the roof and the chimney were like an airport with bees coming and bees going. I had to call for someone to look at it and fix it. Fortunately these workers can work without the owner being home. (at the end of the night, I closed the blinds, and saw a live bee inside the house! I put it in a jar. Close call!)

My ride was here. Someone from LA, who had picked up a couple from LAX and brought them to our neighborhood. She was on the way back. Not very used to our area. I gave the directions and made small talk about the bee situation.

I picked up the car from the mechanic. It was much more affordable because he swapped out regular tires for the run flats in the front. Very pleasant surprise. Three hundred fifty dollars. One run flat tire is six hundred. He even did an alignment!  I talked about my refinance of my home. How it went from outrageously high to just very expensive. He cracked up. As I left he raised his sleeve and showed me his bracelet. And his wife is wearing hers too.

Home again. Today was a day of big appointments. Things I had been putting off or trying to squeeze in. The first one was at ten. It's about three quarters of the way to work, and to find it I drove past my friend's old orthopedics office. The gate was closed. It was very sad.

I met with a 'by referral only' practitioner who does a little of everything. We clicked. She's the sister of a coworker. Two and one half hours flew by. It was a wonderful conversation, I learned a lot. She has some suggestions for me to do to feel better. She was amazed how much life force was in my cells even though I'm very low on energy. It's the Reiki. She could see it with her equipment.

I stepped in to one of my favorite crystal shops nearby. I had an interesting, silent exchange with their best psychic, Patrick. I looked at him trying to recall if that was him, I'd been thinking of him. He always books up. He has an excellent reputation. I saw his name on the flyer that was posted, and then I was like, okay, it's him.

But I felt him looking back at me. He saw or knew something that most people didn't see. And he kept it to himself. I don't know if it was the future, or what, but it was big and it was good. It startled him, he wasn't expecting it.

This is how intuition is for those of you who are highly intuitive. You pick things up, you feel and sense them.

It just IS.

Then I looked around the store, it looked the best it has in ages. Wonderful displays, cool products. Then I heard a familiar voice say hello. It was the owner. I've known him for twenty years. He now owns both of the stores I visit. We had a nice chat.

I had to go and just barely made it to my hospital for my appointment. I was patient that day. I saw someone I knew, she was surprised I wasn't in scrubs. The receptionist wants to go to medical school, and wants to shadow me. Then there was the tech who only works on Mondays and Wednesdays, who won't squeeze me in even though I'm a doctor. That was the delay for my care after my pneumonia. The work schedule. And my being busy. I had one appointment in July that I totally forgot and took Anthony to the Angels game instead without realizing it. These were breathing tests.

My saturations dip very low when I walk on level ground. This explained why climbing Vernal and Nevada Falls was so difficult. My sats, resting, and my heart rate, were surprisingly good--in the seventies, and 98%. But when I am walking around, just down the hall, the heart rate goes WAY up. Like one hundred. And this time wearing the pulse ox I saw my sats go down to 91%.  The technician said, 'it dips, huh?'. Yes, it dips.

The first office visit had picked up on the breathing problems. She knew how to help them. She gave me abdominal breathing exercises to do. Funny, huh?

Then I had to rush. My work has valet. And I took it. It was faster than parking. But to pick up your car? it took forever. And...even though the service is free, I was the only one to tip. I gave five dollars. People should help others, even when it's free.

Did I eat lunch? no.

I was on a quarter tank the whole day. Did I get gas? Only for the car that had been in the shop.

I got Anthony, maybe ten minutes late, we got gas, and RUSHED to a local community for his orthopedic appointment. I asked my favorite hand surgeon what to do when he got his finger stuck in the basketball net three days before basketball tryouts. She had said if it keeps hurting to see her in two weeks, but since it didn't droop it was a good sign. The poor boy had pain for four weeks. Well--he broke it. The growth plate is protected. You can see though how it's healing and the fingertip is a little crooked. She warned him against re-breaking it. Then he would need surgery. And gave him a splint.  She was very, very kind and supportive. I was so glad to hear from her.

Unfortunately, we had to rush to leave to go back home so Anthony could take the bus back to the same town her office is in! His first basketball game. I felt horrible he had been walking around with a broken finger for a month, with no x-ray. The day he did it, I was exhausted from work. I offered to take him to the urgent care, but it was late and dark, he wanted to stay home.  I was happy to see him play. I had to drive by myself since the team took the bus. And he played okay, but the finger splint made the ball slip off his hand. They lost. He took the bus to school, and I parked in the front and waited.

He was starving. I had been starving and just had a total food binge at home. I ate three packets of Reese's pieces and I don't even like them! I'd had a handful of pistachios, two fig bars, yogurt with muesli and I was still hungry, before the game. I could only imagine his hunger afterwards.

We got empanadas. They were good. And Ross said to get them again this morning for breakfast. So I'm getting ready. (they were closed, they open at the time school starts, so we did Del Taco instead).

Our sunset yesterday was spectacular. Our high was 91F, and today is to be 70 F, and tomorrow, 60F . Very strange weather.

My personal highlight was that I was able to clean all three bathrooms quickly, before I left for the first appointment. Monday is the day we clean that. And it showed.

Now Anthony is coughing. He's still coughing up phlegm. I need to take him to the doctor for that too.

But that's another day...

Additional notes and thoughts:

  1. The naturopath recommends I go paleo. I just can't do it. I'd be super depressed without the carbs. Also, our lifestyle is so hectic I couldn't prepare the food and take it with me. Nor could I enjoy life with such limited foods. Life without tomatoes? or yams? If that limited a diet was what it took to live the rest of my life, I'm sorry, I'm Italian, there's no way. My grandfather refused to give up his pasta even though he was diabetic. It turns out it wasn't that bad now the science has come to see his ways. Second, I know people who have gone keto, lost the weight, and gained it all back and then some the minute they quit being keto. I'd rather exercise more and get my life in order. I can decrease the sugars and carbs as much as possible, but not the fruit types. And I hate meat!!! I hate eating it. I never liked it. I hate the texture, the taste, everything about it. I will eat it but there is no way in that amount I could possibly enjoy life because I find meat disgusting. Especially the no sausages/lunch meats part of Paleo. Just huge chunks of meat. NO KETO for me ever lol. There has to be another way. I realize some people's bodies are built for that. But I know mine. It won't work. 
  2. The naturopath says to be selective in my thoughts as I manifest quickly. This is true. I manifested work for myself today at nine at night, but I have a hair appointment.
  3. Bye bye Discover. Member since1994. The dispute over the crystal was decided in favor of the seller. $1409 I lost. There is a nasty game between eBay, PayPal, Discover (any credit card company) where there's no cohesion between them in a dispute. They each pass the buck. I've cancelled every automatic payment method to Discover I have. It's been a blessing, actually. I will simplify my life, with one less card, and I found I needed to update the new address on lots of places. Hello AmEx.  Life is good! (they wanted a USPS weight for the package, Discover, and without that fact they wouldn't budge.)
  4. I've been HAPPY without work. Yes. Truly happy, glad to be alive. It's kind of like my first husband, it wasn't until I was away to medical school I learned it was so toxic in my relationship. It's a super important data point.
  5. off to the gym, and then a hair appointment. After that. work around the house, and then Anthony's basketball game. Tomorrow is work. 

Ross says God is good and you will have everything you could possibly dream of in this life and also in the next. Not just for me but for everyone. He wants us to think about our perfect life, to try it on for size. And when we try something, if it doesn't work, don't take it personally, but to move on to something else next. We are constantly changing. That is why it's okay to change what we do...he laughs and says, 'even like Discover!' They are going to regret the day Carla wrote them off. Big time!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

The Twins who are like this (holds two fingers up next to one another).