Friday, January 1, 2021

Happy New Year Blessings!


Ross and I, we wish you a wonderful, happy and blessed New Year 2021.  We had a delightful celebration at our house last night. And already we have shared with each other what we wish to transpire in the coming twelve months! 

Do you have your lists and requests ready to present to the Universe? Time is wasting! Take the time to envision a wonderful life for yourself, your families and your friends. And also for your country in which you live. And the world as a whole at the present.

Carla has been going through incredible growth, and also facing some serious work challenges. 

We are going to limit our 'news' to five main topics, and then get on with the breakfast for the coming day.

First we are going to discuss what we would like to call the 'Truth Sandwich'. We want you to be on the lookout for it when you are consuming any form of media. The last one we saw was on Netflix, in a movie called A Social Dilemma. 

We need to remember that when offered a 'Truth Sandwich', there is a piece of Truth for each piece of 'bread', but in the middle the sandwich is filled with the most blatant and obvious lies! For those who are looking and watching with red-pill focus lenses, the lie is easy to detect as long as you are not passively watching and taking the whole story in--part of you is always critically analyzing it. The lie in the middle of the documentary was the hiding of the pedophilia agenda/propensity. There have been photos of the kill rooms underneath those Washington, DC pizza establishments. The person who went to 'kill the pedophiles' was controlled opposition to make the movement seem crazy, and to discredit it.

How do we know? We know the symbols. We understand all of the pedophilia symbols. And if you've seen any of the exposes on the hidden internet access to child pornography on clothing and furniture websites, you've got a smoking gun there, truly.

So that is point number one--no source of media is ever to be trusted one hundred percent on anything--because odds are high that everything is controlled by the few people with money and power who control everything, and they dutifully scrub the internet for all sources of truth Truth and censor it. They have armies to do this.

Second is the eerie prediction by Bill Gates months ago that, 'if you didn't like the first wave of Covid you REALLY won't like the second one.' The capability for bioweapons to be designed for certain DNA types is technology that has been known for a long time. With the predictions of 'a pandemic going to happen' if you've watched old videos from him and his buddy Anthony could they know? Seriously? In my opinion, they swapped out the flu they spray us with every fall for this new strain of Covid. That's why the deaths are constant but the hospitals are overflowing.

If you watched the YouTube on the 1917 Pandemic, you would know that it started in a military base in Kansas or Oklahoma, and hopped around the globe for about two years before eventually dying out. A parade in Philadelphia wasn't cancelled and the people were decimated. Some people died in less than one day from coming down with the symptoms. This is how pandemics work.

So here, in Southern California, they don't want people to panic. But all the morgues are full, there are refrigerated trucks with the bodies, and those are getting full too. The extra tents outside the hospitals ('field hospitals') have been set up. Hospitals have a hundred more patients on any given day than they did with the Spring surge. Operating Rooms have closed down to emergency cases only. It's so bad that an anesthesia friend of mine was called upstairs to intubate a Covid patient and by the time he arrived the patient didn't make it. He was already deceased. Oxygen is becoming in short supply, the tanks of it, and there is no oxygen concentrator to be found--the little portable ones for pulmonary patients. I haven't had vacation for a year now. All of us are working very hard with little respite. Another friend I know, has every other case in the OR being on a Covid patient (which increases risk to the team). They need GI studies, feeding tubes, as well as routine emergency surgical care. 

Do masks work? That's a good question. Does boosting your immunity work? It can't hurt. Sunshine, UV light, humidity all help to make the virus die. If you are exposed to the virus, it's very 'catchy'--exposure means illness is more probable than not. Most people I know personally have had very mild illness and recovered. But since there is a large population, the small percentage of very sick patients is enough to fill our hospitals. Mine has excellent decision making teams and has handled the pandemic surges well.

Many would like to think it is a lie or a hoax and it isn't. It actually is, in my opinion, an unpleasant tool that was deployed for achieving a goal which usually is a loss of freedoms. Remember the formula, Problem, Reaction, Solution--where the people who want the Solution actually CAUSE the Problem in order to offer the Solution. It's very sick. Psychological damage is the goal in the public, so that they will feel that 'anything is better than Covid' and decide accordingly. If you say it is unnatural, or perhaps, it hasn't his your area yet, that's perfectly fine. But it has hit my area hard. And many uneducated in the ways of the Red Pill are rolling up their sleeves and welcoming the experimental jab. I only know one person besides me at my work who isn't taking it.  So our second point is about BALANCE and PERSPECTIVE on the BIG PICTURE for events you see happening globally and that are in the media. Be wary for 'Fear Porn' in the media. 

Third, is AWARENESS. I was driving to work, and even though I was enjoying my favorite Christmas Carol by Vince Guaralidi trio, Ross asked me to turn the radio off. I did. And I saw the full moon, with clearer eyes, as I was driving in to that direction. I appreciated the mountains in the distance filled with snow. I was aware of the presence of what I was doing, where I was, and why. It was special, all on its own. 

From what Ross communicated, AWARENESS like this, is very important for our Spiritual development. And certainly, in the times since, I've seen many 'coincidences'--messages from Spirit--to reinforce my AWARENESS. I didn't get messages like this since the early 1990's. Even after talking about my mother passing, I saw in the break room a coke bottle that said, 'daughter' on it. That was mom saying hello! These coincidences will totally delight you. So be receptive to them--by turning off and disconnecting artificial forms of entertainment and allowing yourself to Just Be. 

Fourth, is INDEPENDENCE. It felt great to say F-ck You to Anderson Cooper and all that crap they show for New Years on the TV. The ball dropped in New York and we didn't give one shit about it. Instead, we listened to music we like, a countdown of the hits, and had casino night at home, an old family tradition.  I made little appetizers for the meal--Ross wants me to share the courses:

  1. pinwheel turkey rolled sandwiches from Boar's Head.
  2. Little ham and swiss sandwiches with a cornichon pickle on Hawaiian Rolls--two each.
  3. small open-faced salami and cheese sandwiches on olive oil rosemary bread
  4. carrot and raisin salad with goji berries
  5. Chex mix
  6. broiled stuffed mushrooms with cream cheese
  7. grapes, red seedless
  8. Cheesecake factory cheesecake
  9. coca-cola, Italian beer (for me), water, and for midnight, a flute of champagne Veuve Cliquot my favorite with a strawberry on the rim
Ross wants to share how we didn't buy any takeout and our portions were exceedingly small--a tiny plate each--but we were self-sufficient. By the way our household drinks exclusively Mexican coke. It's got real sugar in it instead of high-fructose corn syrup.

Fifth is minding and being mindful of your Sphere of Influence. Just like the serenity prayer--please grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.  We can't fix things that are happening across the globe. But we can fix what is in our geographical and electronic realm/proximity.  If you read the most recent Ben Fulford--we always take him with a grain of salt, mind you--he explained how there was a man and a female spiritual source for the energy to make the pandemic possible. It's complex. What Ross and I want you to understand that there are significantly more higher Spiritual beings who are making the opposite happen--they are working for the highest good. Ross says, 'we are flexing out muscles'. And we keep mum, very very quiet about it. Darkness cannot detect us as we operate outside of their frequency of perception. 

Ross says I can share something that was so top secret I didn't tell a soul. I noticed a certain frequency was always 'heard' with my spirit ears around where I grew up. I felt it again as work took me to the area. I was able to identify it as a 'sink', like a drain, that was taking the energy of the area and converting it to something the dark ones nourish themselves from at our expense ('our' being Gaia, Heaven, humans, animals, the Earth). So, our teams stopped the drain. After a day of being denied energy, to the dark ones, Heaven took things one step further. It wasn't easy, but now the area is a fountain of gold sparkling energy and is feeding and nourishing the area. As it was originally intended to do. This broke an energetic 'trap' for a higher spiritual being who was stuck in the area--didn't mean to be but was accidentally lured into it and not able to escape (at the will of the dark ones). Resuscitation has been provided, and is ongoing to this spiritual, otherworldly creature. This type of situation has gone on and on all over the globe at the hands of the builders, and our teams are undoing it.  Please, please, please, we caution you and implore you NOT to attempt anything of this on your own. Even if you tried--it is the highest form of complement to copy us we know--it would be unable to work despite your best efforts because you lack the security clearances in your energy frequency to accomplish it. The dark ones might try to trick you into opening something or closing something. It's been done to very advanced light workers this kind of trick where the lightworker is so excited DO something spiritually that they are completely oblivious to the agenda and what they have done. So if you haven't been doing this type of work with your teams for many years now and keeping quiet about it--now is not the time to start. Further it will detract you from your assignment you were sent to do, and you should be focusing on THAT. Ross wants you to understand that since you can't see the progress that is being made, and going forth by leaps and bounds, he wanted me who can see to explain what I see for you. 

And now, we are going to start on breakfast! It is absolutely wonderful keeping these vacation hours! The French call it 'grasse matineé'--the 'fat morning'. Anthony has really enjoyed sleeping in on winter break. Our breakfast yesterday was at noon! I'll get working.

We send our undying and unconditional love to you, with our best wishes for a prosperous and healthy 2021.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple