Good morning! I am post the Covid Intubation Call. Yesterday there was not much activity. I stayed in the room. I counted how many patients, we are back to one hundred from seventy. But I see down in the basement near the cafeteria, food services and the call room, many empty beds lining the hallways, and an absolutely forest of empty i.v. poles. Hopefully these are all rented and ready to return and hopefully, hopefully they will no longer be needed. Most of our patients are in the regular floors (wards) and the ICU's are having fewer and fewer patients.
Lately I have been on an 'acquire information' trend. I'm reading, lots and lots of reading. And praying too. Yesterday I read part one of a three part series End Time Disciples Book One. I bought it on Amazon. I'm not saying the author's name, because he's censored. I also read half of HIS KINGDOM COMES IN POWER: THE BATTLE , also available on Amazon. The last one I can't look at the face on the cover, it bothers me. But she's a controversial soul--from her past--I've been watching lots of videos with her. When you watch a video it's harder to think critically, we are trained to just relax and go with it. But I do. She is the one who recommended the last book. And in that last book, I learned that if someone is unable to SAY these words: Jesus was born and became flesh, he died for our sins, and rose from the dead....--then they aren't from our Team.
What I'm going to discuss next is how the end part of that book needs a little disclaimer/softening/explanation. I've spent a lot of time in prayer and meditation on it. So for what it's worth...
Jesus healed the sick.
In the Bible there were many who were prophets.
People like Moses were able to connect with The Divine, and lead the people.
We feel Reiki when it flows. We have a sense for Spirit. We are here in a duality where everything is black or white, good or bad, chocolate or vanilla.
Well, in my opinion, there is a third option--for sake of argument, let us call it the 'chocolate-vanilla swirl', that extra spout on the soft-serve yogurt where both flavors come out at the same time together.
Let me add to this that Jessie C said that no matter how the mind may split, there is always One HEART in a victim of MK Ultra or SRA. One HEART.
We know we are here to have our Hearts and Minds working together as students on Earth. It's not all one or the other. It takes time and practice to develop an accurate sense of Discernment.
The book by Rebecca Brown, just like a phone call with Cisco Wheeler scroll down to the bottom link on Halloween, takes a strong stand against anything occult. With good reason. They have seen the worst of the worst, and want to distance themselves as far as possible from it.
We each have our own soul, and our life lessons. I remember being four years old, standing in front of the fuchsia bush that was taller than me, and thinking how I wanted to know everything there was to know about the plant world and to heal people with it. I was so young, I was completely, totally, innocent. It must have been a past life perhaps? Or part of my calling?
Freeborg (formerly Lisa) and Doreen Virtue recently went through a huge purge of all they had once worked with. This is in alignment with Rebecca Brown. However, Free came to the realization that we are Spiritual beings, and a lot has to do with the motivation behind use of the Tarot. In some cases, it is possible to use the tool, in complete and total alignment with Jesus and our Team.
This takes us back to the days of the mystery schools. And to the Christians who influenced Kerth Barker, the hidden ones who were adept at the Spiritual gifts. If you read his books you will understand that there is a very secret group of mystical Christians. They are very secret because they are the target of attack by darker sects.
In my Reiki training, my teacher Anne was very strict about our being taught to 'let go of the outcomes' when we do Reiki healing. Spirit knows what to do, just let go, because Reiki has intelligence, and it will go to where it is needed most. Healing can be in body, mind and soul. Even if we can't tell a healing has taken place, trust that it has. Be the conduit. That's it. Let the healing energy flow through you.
As I sit here, typing, I have Buddha and Kuan Yin and a mermaid to my right, In front of me a Lucky Cat, a Navajo turquoise pin, Aura Soma THE CHRIST Quintessence, a satyoka crystal blessed by Buddhist monks, and my favorite gift from a patient, a tiny clay Jesus in a manger holding a wand or rattle with a star on the end. The only thing missing, metaphysically, is the Kitchen Sink! LOL. I have deep respect and love for the traditions and the good people who sought to find a way UP and OUT from this Matrix. The vibrations are high, the intentions are high vibration, on the up and up. And as one who works with Spirit, my guides helped me find all of these things!
The key is the test of Nurturing, Warmth, Love and Compassion. This is the vibration of Home, of Heaven. Do not throw the baby out with the bathwater! Always be mindful of the author, how they are writing it, where they are from, and their message. Mull over it and pray in your heart. Discern.
Gosh, I just realized that discern has CERN in it. What a strange combination. For CERN is truly an abomination--like a Maxine what we are told it is meant to do, and what it does, are two totally separate things.
Your call to action, and to Service, is to Love. And if crystals and tarot cards help you to do your assignment better and with more grace and ease, then, so be it.
But if others are afraid--they have experienced darkness and like Cisco--know the slippery slope of how things have 'two meanings' and want nothing to do with what traumatized them--honor them. Respect their wishes. Don't try to convince them you are harmless and these are harmless and defend your position. Drop it. Let it go. Pray and LOVE. Find a common bond. And PRAY!
This is the original blueprint for students on Earth.
Learn to love.
Love to learn.
About everything.
Be thankful.
This is all there is.
Ross wants me to provide some videos as a P.S. He wishes to Speak now.
Carla is really warming up to me. She was talking to Creator and giving thanks for me. For all I do for everyone--even though she can't really understand it about the dying to save others part--and this she will plainly admit. She gives thanks that I am happy, and that there are no marks on me, anywhere, and I'm in good cheer.
She loves to have me back.
I must say this tenderly to keep her from bursting into tears of the things she gives thanks for, about me, to Divine Creator, is that I don't seem to suffer from any mental traumas or spiritual wounds like any other human would who has PTSD or DID (dissociative identity disorder). My mind is clear.
Carla knows me well. She has experienced overwhelming trauma herself in this life, and in other incarnations. And she hits the target in giving thanks for this--no apparent suffering in my psyche, even though I went through all that I did, and she was right there with me through all of it.
I'll give Carla a few minutes to compose herself and catch her breath...
It's the children.
Carla suffers greatly for the whole in what has been happening to the Children here on Earth. The hidden ones who are 'passed around like candy' and worse. She often asks me WHY if indeed I did die for all suffering has the suffering persisted everywhere she looks? What is the point, Ross? she asks me plainly, WHAT IS THE POINT?
This is where the End Times Disciples book comes in, and the work on Revelation by Pastor Nafty.
Even when she reads that, she feels overwhelmed, and says, 'Ross this doesn't make sense to me, it doesn't make sense to me at all honey. Why can't I understand?'
So the answer I have, for her, and for all of you, is that everyone is looking from a different perspective. Some of you are human souls, been on earth forever, and are going to face the Awakening. Some of you have taken the Red Pill, and there are many layers to it so you are working through them--others, not so much. Perhaps you have been busy with the efforts to obtain food and shelter? This is to explain the 'general spectrum' of 'Consciousness' for it's not like a lamp where you flip a switch and it's either on or off. It's like a lamp that has a dimmer switch on it, yes? Can you see?
Add to the mix are the ones who follow the darkness and want to proceed forever although they are fully aware their time is near its end. Remember that these can quote Scripture just as well as others who do believe. So, Discernment always always always is key. And if you make a mistake? Well, if you fall off your bicycle, just get right back up and start riding it again. Think in your mind of the destination, how you are going to arrive there, and keep using whatever works. (he gestures with a hand as it on the road ahead but it's positioned like a karate chop hand and points forward with his arm).
Do not be overwhelmed about the need, there is healing enough for everyone who desires it.
Carla asks me how I can be white haired with fiery eyes and filled with Judgement? Like in the book of Revelation. She's like, Ross, I know you, what is all this?
Let me tell you, the story works, you are going to like it, even to the end, and not to worry. Take each day as it comes. And remember it is blessings that are given, and be very very glad for them! Blessings always surround you, even like the air you breathe.
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Couple who are on the High Road to Heaven