Tuesday, January 12, 2021

What Is A Beautiful Joy Of Miracles?


Good morning! I am home. It's nice to have some time to work on projects and rest. Anthony appreciates it when I am home for him too. Yesterday was a huge step forward for me, although it might not seem like it. On Twitter, Kevin from KevinMD interviewed a woman who is the founder of WomenInWhiteCoats. The topic was Women 'Pivoting' Away from Medicine. Some of it was due to Covid being the 'last straw'. Now her business is 'supporting women physicians' who are 'finding the second shift and stress of childcare when schools are closed' to be 'too difficult'.

When I watched, I was always critically thinking. Her appeal, although with some fact, is heavily emotion-based. The women gain 'strength' by sharing their stories of mistreatment in the training process and on the job. They feel like, 'I am NOT ALONE!' 

This author's claim to fame is her article about Kamala Harris and what it means to 'us' women--what Kamala's mom said to her, something along the lines of, 'you might be the first to 'break the ceiling but make sure you aren't the last.' That gave her hope, purpose, power to share with her Women In White Coats group, she said to Kevin. It's such a wonderful and exciting thing. 

I saw her. She is an ER doctor. She was talking about what it was like to be pregnant in the ER, how hard it was...

Inside I smiled. 

You know what they say, you don't know what you never had?

That's me with emotional support. My father trained me to be tough, strong, mentally sharp, and to never give up. I learned that I could do anything if I set my mind to it. And medicine was something I really wanted, I wanted it enough to go against my parent's wishes (they didn't want to pay for medical school tuition) and go anyway once I was married and supporting myself.  I wanted it so bad I got myself through it. I paid my own way. I paid my dues. And I didn't complain. I complain some now because it's been a whole career of lacking sleep and ultra high pressure. To be honest, I couldn't 'share' with women in white coats if I wanted to. And certainly it wouldn't give me strength. 

But I watched her speak for her own reality. And I didn't engage--on any level. Because with wisdom (yes, I always prayed for that), I knew from my studies that the glass ceiling is only broken by those who their Luciferian masters permit to break. I also know that the Dark Mothers as described by Jessie Czebotar hold all the power to run the Luciferian system, which is poised to be collapsing if things in the alternative news are correct. Black is White, and Up is Down, so...I had compassion for the author/leader/interview lady. She's a young soul who wants very much to trust the 'system' and is 'pivoting' as best as she can to protect herself, her home and her family. 

I 'liked' the post, and I commented, sincerely, to both KevinMD and her, 'thank you'.

There were only two comments on the whole post. Including mine. 

One of the things she spoke of was how people are doing what they love. Covid has been good for us in that respect. I've gotten my website up--not the store, but working on it! And I'm taking a class, a ten week class, online, from my old Reiki teacher, in her expertise topic, beginning astrology. 

Did you know in the past, all physicians were taught astrology?

They were!

But then, last night, as I was getting ready for bed, the ER doc who had passed, started to talk with me across the veil. I asked him if he minded my brushing my teeth? I actually got my notebook and sat to write to him, before brushing my teeth. But he was kind and waited. I got ready for bed and then took this message from him:


about nine p.m. to nine thirty p.m.

(his initials are SZ)

SZ: Hello Carla, there is something I would like to understand. What is it on Earth you are doing?

C:  As Carla Maria:

  • I am raising Anthony to the best of my abilities as a single mother
  • I am grieving the loss of my mother
  • I am working to support myself and Anthony as an anesthesiologist at (our mutual workplace)
  • I am facing the Covid pandemic as I am required
  • I communicate with my spiritual teams as much as possible
  • I wait for reuniting with Ross who I love and adore
  • I face social and health challenges
  • I garden and raise pets
  • I snorkel whenever possible in tropical waters as I adore fish
As Gaia Sophia:
  • I help with the awakening process and Accept energy upgrades
  • I keep a commitment to the carrying out of my vision for the planet
  • I do what is required for Galactic Necessity but I also watch/observe/monitor what is going on on the surface through the eyes of Carla
  • I heal vigorously those in my midst including you
  • I guide souls
SZ: And how do I address you?

C: As Carla, like we did when you were incarnate.

SZ: Wow! I can call you that?

C: Absolutely. Besides I am more comfortable with that address with you.

SZ:  Carla? I was surprised by all of it. Totally, totally, totally surprised by the whole thing, the big picture--I had no IDEA of any of it!

C:  Shawki, if I may take the liberty to call you that, that is precisely the point of one's being incarnate! For you NOT to know of anything of the Higher Realms and Home. It is very convincing, isn't it, the whole thing? To test out the True You and get to know more of yourself.

SZ: (long pause) I guess I did.

C:  Of course. You are a wonderful healer and part of the community. 

SZ:  I enjoyed myself a lot. Possible a little too much. (Medicine) was very easy for me (high intelligence).

I took care of you once. Go and find it in your medical record.

It was I who sent you home for your swollen eye. Remember?

C:  I had almost forgotten! That was in 2012?

SZ:  When I was at the top of my game.  (Pause). You know what they say, Carla?  Only the good die young! Or in my case, sixty-four, which is the 'new thirty'.  (we share a good laugh together)

C:  How can I help you?

SZ:  Don't get the shot.

C:  I won't

SZ:  Not if they make you and force it on everybody.

C:  I'll do everything I can to avoid it.

SZ:  They will come after you at the Hospital. 

C:  (remembering the post from my sister's brother in law on FB--an article that in LA the schools won't let kids come back without having taken the vaccine. By the way here's a fascinating video on Downtown LA to look at after the conversation between me and SZ)  I've practiced long enough anyway! Perhaps I can find myself a sugar daddy? Better get to the gym!

SZ:  I'll help you with important things. I will be there for you as always.  This sure beats getting old! (he laughs). How are you feeling?

C:  I enjoy your company, your perspective. I'm hopeful. And I pray.   (He shows me he is in his prime. He's enjoying sports/activities up in Heaven. And he says, I DON"T HAVE TO STUDY!!!  I gave him a lei around his neck 'For a Supporter of Gaia Sophia'. He was honored. And he stepped back to let another spirit come forward. 

Ross:  You are holding your own my love. (He holds me, then he raises my hand to his lips, and kisses my hand gently.)

C:  Thank you for the military (I know what is going on right now.)

Ross:  They know.  Thank you for making a good dinner for you and Anthony. (He gives me a kiss and tells me to get to bed. But he hands me a beautiful bouquet of white flowers that smell beautiful. They were just like the kind we used to have around as children. My soul remembered them! This morning, I looked up Israel wildflowers. They have many. And white anemones grow around Capernaum and Galilee. There's white mustard flowers, too. Spring is full of fields of wildflowers. I was surprised to learn many of the ones that were around when I grew up in Southern California are the same as in Israel. Common garden flowers like Gladiolus...He told me to put Stephanotis--Madagascar jasmine--the Hawaiian Wedding flower--at the top of this blog post.)

I guess this here is my 'pivot'--a skill I love and enjoy. Writing. And mediumship. 

And education. This is an excellent video on Covid 19. A pulmonologist with a sense of humor and heart makes it, along with precious hand-drawn diagrams to help us understand. Do know the pulmonologist is at the front of the frontlines, and along with ER doctors and anesthesiologists, at highest risk of catching it. I heard some nurses in Covid units are getting tattoos of spear tips, as they are the front of the front lines too, they literally are. If you are on certain medicines, they are protective against Covid 19. And also, Cannabis helps to decrease the inflammation. I have CBD oil instant coffee packets I got from Michele Billman who is with CBDWerx. It's a nice way to take it. Here's the article.

Ross is very happy and he says that is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Soul Twins