Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Wonder of Home!

My favorite time of day is right before I awaken. I am lying in bed, and that is when I have the clearest ability to see both worlds. At night, our souls go up to Heaven to do work. For example, I am certain that the souls of our friends and the girls and Anthony all met together to create the lesson we just got over. Everything that happens on Earth in our waking time is a lesson. And we are teachers for one another here on Earth. Our souls, our Higher Selves, our Councils--all of us have them!--I can see and remember them this is the only difference...together we decide what we are going to experience. And there is always mutual consent before anything will happen.

Sometimes, if you ask me, when horrible things happen, there are typically two main reasons:  1) burning off karma  2) being an example to awaken the empathy of others.  A little child with a terrible disease is an example of a class of soul called an Awakener. People near the child or who hear of the child are filled with love and compassion for its plight. People who otherwise wouldn't feel these things in their day to day.

The day before yesterday, I saw Ross walking towards me in a tunnel. He had a cloak of sorts on, but I know his build and his walk. He wasn't making eye contact. But he had a lot on his mind, and he was walking through the tunnel towards me!

I was elated!!!

Everything up until that point, related to Ascension (the awakening of a people and their planet together--here is a Saul message related to it just from today-- has been about US raising our frequencies to be able to go UP.

This was was not up. It was even, flat, no hill, nothing. Side to side.

This isn't like where I do the Walk. That one does go up, and it's more open and bright. Where I saw Ross was different.

Have you ever seen Plinko? It's a game played on a popular TV show, The Price Is Right.

The branching pattern of the roots is close, it's similar, but in Plinko there's nails and someone drops a flat disc and it travels down the branches.

I was shown a diagram of Ascension that looks like the branching, but more flat and organized like the Plinko. Part of my job is to anchor the new frequencies that haven't been experienced on earth. So I and some others are the top layer, a few, but enough.

As Ascension proceeds, the energy wave hits each successive layer. In the last few weeks it went from about the lower third, to the next part down, and last week, it touched. All of Hue-manity is the upper layers, and the ground layer is humanity (or perhaps the last two layers I don't know).

It's complete.

And in meditation, I have seen the layer of the Illusion (here and now) falling off in big chunks like in the movie the Matrix, and the bright whiter than white of Heaven has been showing through.

Now Heaven is just as visible, with no chunks, when I meditate.

When my father was passing, I told him not to worry because I can see The Other Side and Here, and I can always talk to him.

What he did seemed a mystery at this point, it was the last thing I ever saw him do. He turned his head from left to right slowly, as if he was looking at something, and he blinked his eyes a lot to let me know he was seeing something.

I couldn't see.

But when his chaplain anointed him later, some time later, I saw what he saw--the gates of Heaven with their shining bricks, and angelic guards with big spears and military stuff on like helmets and shields, and I saw Daddy walking up being escorted to Heaven. It was like a castle and he walked up the drawbridge with them.

When you get a good look at Heaven, it's astounding. It is something you will never forget.

I don't know how it's going to proceed. Jenny Schlitz says there is a huge energy wave coming. She's seen it. I can't see that kind of thing. Each of us can see what we can to help the whole. So I am sharing my part.

Ross wants me to answer a question Jared asked Anthony yesterday. 'Does your mom have any friends?'

I do.

I have many friends of the heart who are online, and we are separated by physical distance. These are people with whom I would trust my life and Anthony's. We are close.

I have friends from all my training, friends from work, friends from my old neighborhood. And new friends from this one. I also have two moms who are veterinarians who are my friend, and some teachers who are friends, and another mom who goes back to preschool who is my friend.

I don't 'hang out'. My work hours are crazy long. If I am going to socialize, it will be with someone I know from school or work. It's a luxury. Most of the time I am tired and mindful of my energy.

In Italy, and also in my father's family, family are more your friends than friends--at least that's how it was. Both of my sisters have lifelong friendships. But also, both of my sisters didn't move in the ninth grade!

Do I have a boyfriend? No. I've been married twice, and also been in relationship with Jared, and everything ended in disaster. Ross is my guardian angel, and soul Twin, and we actually have a better relationship than I've ever had. Mostly due to the vibrational match between us. Last night, we were thrilled, Anthony and me, to have him home early on his father's weekend. We drove to the store to get cayenne pepper for the shrimp creole I was planning to make. And on the way back home, Ross asked, 'hey, what dish are you making for me?'  I heard him loud and clear and I cracked up. For him I made a salad. I call it my cheater salad because it's zero points--golden beet slices, scallions, black beans, and cilantro, all topped with a little lemon juice. There's no oil. It tasted fresh and lovely. The beets were cooked too, and peeled. So, no matter where he is, Ross' warmth and love and humor come through, and we appreciate him very much. I miss him, and wish I could be aware of him all the time.

If I went to a bar, I would be overwhelmed by the low vibration. If I went to a movie, I would read the hidden messages in the plot. If I watched TV, I'd be bored by it and reading the symbolism (look up Simpson Golden Gate Bridge 8/11 on YouTube to get my drift).  If I was in a crowd as an empath I'd feel it. I like nature, the beach, the forest, and my yard.  So it all works out!

That's enough.

There's work for me today. Lots of it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

The Couple

P.S. I survived the liver flush day one. It's nasty. I can't wait for it to end. I felt sluggish all day. This morning I have more energy. I'm not a big one on toxins and flushing things and cleanses. It's my first one. Let's see how things go!