Wednesday, June 5, 2019

Missal Number 2

Ross pointedly emphasized to me my random comment I made to him a short while ago, that it's basically difficult to shut me up.

It is.

But I'm a lot slower today.

I saw the Pulmonologist on Monday. He says I have one HUGE lymph node under the carina. Two cm. I had a CT angio seven years ago that had large lymph nodes. So yesterday I made the calls to make sure the hospital where I had the study (not ours, my local one) and the doctor's office could share the information.

I also went to get more labs drawn. They are looking why my asthma is so out of control. The process as a walk in from start to finish was two hours. Yes, that's right, to draw blood. My doctor misspelled a test, the lab was calling his office, it was a total nightmare. Five tubes. Looking for valley fever, bird allergies, local allergies, other stuff.

I know it's going to be expensive.

I got a new prescription, a nebulizer steroid. It costs a fortune. For a one month supply it's one hundred eighty dollars. I got them to give me the pharmacy price and only took half a month supply, since this is a new med to me. It's helping me to sleep, actually. My coughing is a lot less.

My energy level is nothing. I just want to lie in bed all day and that's what I've been doing. I've been reading the Codex Magica by Texe Marrs. It decodes the 'semaphore' that is flashed in the media. For example, I 'read' the handshake between the UK royal and the US dude and what it meant because of that book.

Basically, TWDNHOBIAH have a form of 'semaphore' with gestures and symbols that invoke help from an outside realm. The signals of their 'semaphore' are 'living' to them. And we are bombarded with them 24/7, from all directions.

So, if you'd like to know how deep the shit is. That might be the kind of book for you.

On a lighter note, I took a bath today! Yes, in my shower stall. I ordered one from Amazon, and it's very nice. It has little sticks you put into sleeves that act as support. The bottom is cushioned. It's round. Not that tall. And the inflatable part is only the top rim, and they provide a foot pump for you. Do be warned all instructions are in Chinese, but there's pictures too. I really needed to soak, and I'm so glad I did.

I've been off work Monday, Tuesday, and today. As my mom says--she's had pneumonia twice--you can't mess around with it. It will take you a month to get better. And there's good days followed by bad days. My doctor gave me a week off. But there's call on Saturday (first call) and Sunday (backup). I don't think I should take call just yet. With my boss it's like day by day. He's scary, totally unsupportive, and cold. I think it's sad.

Do know, if I don't work, I don't get paid. I want to work. I'm just not feeling good. It's work to breathe. When I lie down at night I cough all kinds of stuff up. My temperature is up and down, erratically. I'm not breathing as fast as I did at rest, but with exertion I'm huffing and puffing. Tomorrow is my last antibiotic pill and my last steroid pill. We will see how I do.

Edra was my RT. I had another one but Edra knows me and she did my second nebulizer treatment in the ER. Edra has been sick with her asthma. She says it's horrible and you throw up on yourself from the coughing, you pee on yourself, and you just are there gasping like a fish out of water. She looked out for me and made sure I got my first doses of everything in the E.R. because they wanted to send me home.

Sandra was my RN. She's the charge nurse. She's the wife of a cardiothoracic surgeon. I've written commendations for her excellence in the past. When I did epidural blood patches, she was the only nurse in the whole department who truly kept the blood specimen sterile when she passed it off to me.

Sandra was upset they had me in the hall in a chair. She got me a room. The pediatric room. I enjoyed the art of sea turtles on the wall in there very much. I think that art helped me just as the treatments. It gave me joy.

Sandra is a wealth of information. She's actually very awake. And her husband was at Long Beach Community hospital, doing hearts, when new people bought out the hospital. She saw the writing on the wall, he didn't. She decided she wanted her husband, not the house, and that the stress was going to kill him. So they sold the expensive Palos Verdes home, and moved near where my sister lives. The six kids all went to high school. They've just finally put the last one through college! They have since downsized again, near the water.  And her husband assists. He closed his office and he isn't the primary surgeon. He also helps read Life Scans and does legal consulting and does talks too. Her request is that he doesn't work nights. She is very wise.

She is also very Buddhist. She had been to a talk the night before, then the bought me a book--autographed! the night I was in the ER. She gave me recommendation for another book on diet and health. I have in on my kindle, I'm going to read it next.

Long story short, the pneumonia helps me to get an excellent 'read' on medicine from the inside. From the people. From the systems. From the pharmacy. From those close to me.

Anthony took two days off school just in case I needed someone to call 911. Bless him. He even let me have the last of the Toblerone today.

Its also giving me a 'read' on myself. Where I am in life, and where I want to go. I'm really, really tired.

I'm letting the old house take care of itself. I have someone running the project, and hiring the workers. I just have to pay. It should be on the market soon.

The new house is unpacking a little better. At least I can find where things are.

You have no idea how much the healing, love and prayers are keeping me going right now. Compared to the complexity and errors of mainstream medicine I'm experiencing--and that's with my being a doctor and doing things right--the Reiki and energy healing is really helping to get everything else to flow the right way. And it's keeping me calm. I feel like I'm riding on a river of love. For this I thank you.

I'd also like to invite you to pray for my caregiver in the ER, Dr. Oman. Omen? I can't recall her spelling. She's the one who got mad at me for a testicular torsion case and raised the flag against me. My discomfort was twofold. The child was my own boy's age, and the surgeon --I had reservations about the surgeon. Pediatric cases are easy, especially when the child is bigger than I am--taller, etc.  It was unfortunate I had a patient crashing the whole time this second case came down. But Dr. Omen has an unusual pattern of communication. It's like yelling. We were talking in the hall, she didn't talk with me much, about my case. And she asked me is there anything else in your history? I said I have a weird blood clotting disorder, and I'd just been on a plane. She got irritated and said, 'now look what you've done, you have painted a perfect picture of a pulmonary embolus. Now I'm going to have to go evaluate THAT!'.'

Yup. That was doctor to doctor communication. About me. In the hall. With that tone.

So let's pray for her and send her healing. I hope she has the sweetness back in her voice for other patients soon. When you are sick you totally need it.

Ross says that's enough. He's not sure when I will next write. And about the days. he says keep counting. Anything can happen. And to review where you are now versus one year ago. For me, the new house and yard is wonderful, a miracle. That my family is in good health is a second miracle.

And that we are surrounded with like-minded souls?

Utterly blessed!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple