Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Visiting With My Soul

I was to write this on Sunday, and I had duties at work. Yesterday, again, too many things came up for me to write. So today, before work, I am up early, and I write what I have been asked to share with our readers. Ross has been most patient, and I am thankful to him for this. It is important for you that we share this with you at this time.

I will be brief and direct.

When I was in medical school and learning to help people to cross to the Other Side, I also was able to go with my consciousness and my soul to make another 'visit' somewhere very special and loving. I am not sure how I was able to go, but I did.

I found myself in the kitchen, and someone was cooking on a stove. It was a woman who I knew well through my automatic writing and through Barbara Matthias. Yes, this was Blessed Mother's kitchen. She was very patient and kind, and always welcoming. There were other times I would visit, but on the first visit, I found her in the kitchen and we talked.

At some point, I asked her where Joseph was?

He was in the workshop, which was connected to the house and steps away. She gestured which way for me to walk. When I got to the doorway, I saw him at work, and I was totally impressed with what I saw. He was concentrating on a project, and his workplace was very organized and tidy. The focus he had was incredible, like nothing I have ever seen, and I have seen many surgeons working very carefully for my whole career.

I knew not to speak and not to distract him until he acknowledged me. I waited. And when he finished the particular task he was working on at the moment, he set the tools down and invited me to see what he was making. We spoke, but Joseph is a man of little words and more action. He had straightforward answers to my questions, and did not elaborate or ask questions in return.

For example, I knew their son wasn't home, not sure how I knew, but it felt like he was away at college or something. The first thing I asked him, with wonder, is what was their son's favorite toy growing up?

Joseph showed it to me. It was a camel with wheels and a string so you could pull it behind you. I held the toy in my hands and marveled at it, turning it over gently so I could look at it from every angle. It was simple, painted to look like an actual camel, and cut with a band saw into a camel shape.

I'm not sure how I left the workshop, but next I knew Mary was showing me a little room, a guest room. It had a simple bed of wood, a mattress filled with straw, a blanket and a pillow. There was a chair. And a simple table for a nightstand. The window was cut into the wall, and the wall was like adobe or clay. The window was closed with shutters.

Mary said this was my room and I could visit any time.

I did.

In medical school I often went to that room, or to visit, just to find the strength to continue with my studies.

Sometimes Mary would take me for a walk in her garden which was just a beautiful and well-organized as Joseph in his workshop.

Other times we would go for walks and talk, heart to heart. There was a path, a dirt road. The home and farm was on the right. The road was on the left. There were rolling hills like in this picture.

The road curved to the left in the distance, and around the bend you could see a great waterfall that looked close to the one in this drawing.

Everywhere was a sense of peace, of joy, and of everything being as it should be. You were safe, and nothing could ever bring you harm. People were kind there, you just knew it and you sensed it, although I haven't seen other people ever besides Mary and Joseph...and sometimes their son, but I only saw him many years later.

The waterfall and the scenery were so beautiful it would make me cry. I never knew anything could be so beautiful.

And the waterfall made music.

Yes, it wasn't singing, but it had music much more beautiful than anything I have ever heard on Earth, with music I can't describe, coming out of it. It wasn't loud, it wasn't just barely audible, it was music, at a pleasant level, that made your heart sing and made you smile because it felt right for waterfalls to make beautiful music. There was a slight roar from the waterfall, like on earth. But it was also generating beautiful tinkling, soft, clear music at the same time. Not like water pipe organs like I once saw at a seashore on YouTube or other unusual tricks. It just was music and you could hear it even if you were not close.

I believe this was Heaven.

Heaven, as I have seen it, is simple and straightforward, with no bells and whistles. The beauty and serenity of everything is more fulfilling than anything else I have experienced. And the people there know you, inside and out, you can tell by how they look at you and talk to you. They know you, and they love you. Your challenges are instantly understood. They listen when you confide in them that you are overwhelmed or you feel like things are just barely able for you to handle. And they say in gentle, quiet ways, that you will be able to do it, that you will succeed if you work hard and apply everything you have learned, for example.

There was never a surprise to pop in there.

I would just relax in meditation and go.

It doesn't feel like a daydream because the other people, Mary and Joseph, you can feel them, their intelligence, their love, and the conversations are richer than anything I could imagine.

Ross wants you to have a good look at Heaven as I have seen it. He says it is important for you, for your growth and your development. He says that everyone's Heaven is unique and their own, and he encourages you in your meditations to 'go look for it'. He advises, 'not too hard' --don't force it. But if you see anything 'unusual' you might want to go 'check it out' and 'see for yourselves' what Heaven looks like for you.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple