Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hanging In There

Recent energies have left me reeling--not in an "I can't absorb them" way--but rather in a "my head is spinning with the sudden changes in my day" way.

For example, yesterday I finished work early and came home. I could have volunteered for something, but Anthony needed me. I had the right to stay home but we were short staffed so I came in.

For one case because the second case cancelled.

Here was the day I had in mind:

  1. make breakfast
  2. take Anthony to baseball camp
  3. coordinate work for the house--the A/C unit is broken, other repairs and projects, etc. In other words, 'be productive'.
  4. have fun in the pool.
  5. get ready for work on Wednesday
  6. Anthony goes to his dad on Wednesday and Ross and I get a little time for us
  7. OVERALL feeling--support and moving forward.

Here is what I got:
  1. skip breakfast
  2. go to work in clothes and change clothes
  3. get many texts from Anthony who had a sore throat the night before, my mom told him to skip camp and go home. I know his chances of making the team are zero if he quits now. I encourage him to go on. Then there's a hiccup with his ride. Stress! Stress! Stress!
  4. do case
  5. guilt over whether to stay for volunteer case or go. Decide to go.
  6. timely meeting with Chief of Surgery, and I give her my parking spot
  7. stop at crystal shop. Pick up things for Khiem's care basket, and also, make important connection with Charity (yes, that's her name).
  8. go to baseball field, pick Anthony up. Am being offered Wednesday and Friday shorter days. I decide to accept.
  9. cool him, feed him, wash his uniform on speed wash for game in afternoon. Eat amazingly fast lunch of leftovers barely heated up in five minutes.
  10. in car ride to game uniformed Anthony is dizzy and 'can't get enough air'. The albuterol didn't work. I take him instead of to nearby high school baseball field, to nearest ER. He has trouble walking and I have to drop him off at ER door and find parking.
  11. wait for hours, have a trainee mess up on i.v. attempt, then manage tears as second attempt by RN is successful.
  12. get clean bill of serious things, conclusion, 'it's a virus', pay $175 co payment and go get him fast food chicken.
  13. notify coach and dad
  14. watch a good movie--Quentin Tarantino Inglorious Basterds. Enjoy time with my son.
  15. Watch end of Angels versus Dodgers game.
  16. Wake up with day off and feeling sick.
  17. Spend today horizontal and nursing Anthony as best as I can. 
  18. Appreciate email from coach and also the update that tryouts next week are moved to mornings (will help with the heat, fortunately)
  19. Feeling STUCK.  I manifested a day off, but not the 'productiveness'.
I am thankful for the prayers and healings sent to us in our Reiki Request. I was able to do some food shopping this afternoon, the minimum needed to keep our household going. I'm grateful for this. I find out in twenty minutes if I'm working tomorrow. 

What do you do?

I can't read the news. I can't stomach it. 

My Twitter feed was neutered. It's just not the same. Some algorithm somewhere adjusted it. Same thing happened to FB a long time ago. It's not fun.  Instagram is okay I suppose, but still not like it once was. 

I ordered a nice picnic table for the back yard. It arrived. But it needs two adults to assemble it, and Anthony isn't up to it. I think I might ask my nice neighbor. When it is cool.

I wanted to swim but Ross said no.

I've felt his presence more today. And I've been leaning on him. A lot. He even told me what to make for breakfast. He said the buckwheat. It's like oatmeal or cream of wheat. It was liquid and has a little salt. He guided me to make iced tea for us to hydrate.

Sometimes I feel like my life is a tug-of-war with Spirit. And no matter how hard I try, it's really hard for me to escape being around a hospital. I recall one year I got the week between Christmas and New Years off--it's so competitive in our group to get it!--and I spent it all with mom in her hospital room. Spending the night and being her nurse. A lot of nights, to be exact.

These are the times it's important to find time to do things you enjoy, to be kind to yourself, and to rest. 

I had wanted to do a reading I'm late on--twenty one days late--and Ross said no, just relax. Tomorrow.

A long time ago, I was able to write down lists and get them done. I had energy. I felt like I was useful. It's different now. My colleague who covered for me says that the time I spend with Anthony is priceless. It is. A few short years and he's driving and then an adult. So I enjoy. I gave him some cookies. He wanted sushi and I got him some too. He's been playing with friends on the video games through the headsets, and it's fun to hear him laugh. 

Tonight I water the garden. That's it. I'm hoping to talk to Ross more. The only times we get really are when Anthony's away at school or his dad's, and those times are in short supply. Because typically, when those conditions are met I'm at work.

I feel the energies shifting. I feel the energy  for my outside work building up. And I've had hints to branch out into something different. I'll be hanging in there and seeing what comes.

Ross wants to talk.


Carla had an interesting discussion today with a close friend online. It was about this

Carla brought up a good point. That she has been working at her maximum capacity, both spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically, for six long years with no end in sight. So as a motivator, Carla recommends that the Council (this isn't her Council, it's a different one) be fired and replaced with a group who can give more timely advice.

The matter that really got into her craw is that this 'Event' at this pace can be stretched out to sixty years, at which that point she will be deceased and will miss out on all of the 'celebrations'.   (he clears his throat--ed. He also taps his fingers on the table, with impatience.)

Rome wasn't built in a day, Carla.

It was not destroyed in a year.

Rebuilding it took centuries, and then some. One might even say, 'millennia'.

Some things are worth the wait. (he snaps his fingers.--ed)  Not everything is ready after one minute in the microwave.  (he clears his throat, again, longer and louder this time)

What about Dolores Cannon?

What about her work that she did?

Did she not lay the very foundation for the QHHT?

Where is her life, Carla?  (Dolores has passed--this we all know--ed)

What was her purpose?  To come onboard and set things in motion, which she did, Carla, and was highly successful in her purpose. Do you not think that she herself can SEE the contribution that she did, from where she sits, at this time? Do you not think this is very rewarding to her, for her experience, and a source of pride and recognition for her team?

(he coughs his throat, even longer and louder than the first two times, almost a cough at this point--ed)

This is what I wish to say:

What is, IS.

There isn't anything anyone can do about it.

You can't boil an egg in boiling water without waiting the proper amount of time in minutes. Any more, and it's no longer soft boiled it's hard. And any less, the egg is too runny and raw. Got it?

Everyone has their part in the execution and carrying out of the Project.

Everyone signed up for it.

I know, I know, I KNOW and all of us up here KNOW ad infinitum how frustrated you are because you can't see the rest of the progress, and how it's taking so much time, and how your years are passing quickly. 

Up HERE, where I sit, there is no time. Nobody ages. There is no death and decay. The time on earth is temporary. There is no comparison between the two. 


Relax and enjoy the journey!

Take it with a grain of salt what is channeled, and be thankful for the service of Ron Head, Jennifer Farley, and John Smallman, for they too in this capacity are not with you forever. One day they will stop. And Ascension/The Event will proceed according to plan. 

For all the YouTubers you miss--the Black Child, Bomgar's Body Language, and Carolyn Limaco--they have done their part. You have woken up enough to see.

And for Miss Sherri -- who is on the front lines posting things, most notably the article about 'short ribs' in China as discussed in the Korean news which turned even your stomach Carla, you who have seen everything -- Sherri is doing her part. The runner has passed the torch to her and she is running her lap. Exquisitely. 

We are a team.  We. Are. A. Team. I like to emphasize that.

All of us have our parts. You cannot do the part of me, I cannot do the part of you, WE cannot do the part of others who have been sent to do what they have agreed to prior to their birth, sweetheart.

It is only right. 

Everyone has their awakening. 

We are at the finish line. We are running our race. And even those of you who are known to run races will understand that we run THROUGH and BEYOND the finish line, to slow down, and then walk a few paces to cool down and catch our breath. 

We are going through all of the steps.

And don't worry if you are 'dead' when everything on earth happens! You are going to have a ringside seat, no matter what. And this isn't only for you, it is for everyone who reads this blog and has absorbed all of our messages. 

You signed up for the duty, Carla. 

Execute it well. 

Just like here, with our 'argument' of sorts. I know you will listen. For I am connected to you through our hearts. And it is your gentleness and kindness and willingness to love me unconditionally, that makes my day bright as the sun.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Family