Tuesday, July 23, 2019

It Is Crunch Time!

I see.

I see so many things these times.

Ross selected the title, and as we proceed in reverse order of the time these events happened--the most recent first, starting with the swim.  Yesterday, I ached for the pool. Apparently water is a fourth-dimensional experience. I love it. The day before I didn't have time to go into the pool, and in my opinion, therefore it was a wasted day. I got much done, and parted with many things that were not easy to part with, a whole car full. In this new house there just isn't room. But back to the pool.

I set the intention to give myself joy. For me the pool is joy. And I immersed in it, and I felt it. Anthony even left the video gaming to join me and played the radio too. I saw a sunset that was beautiful. (As an aside, I've seen more 'funny looking clouds' lately, and this gives me even more joy).

After I made the sandwiches for dinner, and washed the dishes, I went to bed. A colleague took my call--and my choice of the best lineup--but was concerned because a slow surgeon had just booked a long case at the last minute. I was going to keep my phone on to come in and relieve her, if cases were running after midnight assuming I had today off. But then I was assigned to a room. I had to work post-call--even though I wasn't taking call. I needed the day off for baseball things for the family. <3 She is working her regular scheduled day.

I reeked of chlorine. I also needed to wash my bathing suit. Ross had told me to wear it, the new one, so it wouldn't look too new when others saw it. It's my first old lady bathing suit. What a rite of passage! It's not the end of the world. At least I can still swim, and enjoy the water.

So I went to take a shower, but the little faux tub in there was taking the water, so I let it fill while I washed up.

Then I went in.

I haven't had that good of a cry in a long time.

I've been asking my team, 'who am I, why am I here? am I making any progress?' all week now. I actually saw my HS sit on my Council for the first time, so I must be making progress. She took the second chair to the left as I faced the table. There were six or so of them. I recognize each one. But I''m always standing in front and talking to them. I never sit.

I realized we are multidimensional. That means there are many forms of us 'running around' living our various lives as our different incarnations all over the galaxy and the cosmos. We just don't know what is going on in the other places when we are incarnate as humans.

I know I have more than one husband because of this. It's not like here on earth where it's sequential, meet, marry, divorce, remarry. It's all going on at the same time, Now, where actually, there isn't any time.

I know the lesson I have been given for the past I don't know how many years, is you can love more than one person, and you can have special relationships which feel 'monogamous' even though you know that they aren't.  They aren't because of this no-time thing. And the relationships I am in have been carefully selected. It's not just sleeping around. I do know that in the Higher Realms, if a male, for example, sees a beautiful girl on the street and is taken with her beauty it is perfectly acceptable for him to kiss her romantically, even if he doesn't know her, because that's just a compliment. It doesn't go farther but it's how it is with everyone up there. Hence the bonobos accusation I made--also--years ago.

Yesterday was the first day I realized although Ross has promised to be monogamous with me--chances are good there's some other relationships of his going on 'out there' in this no-time of Now. And I was heartbroken. Absolutely, positively crushed to reach this level of 'Galactic Awareness'.

What happens in a moment like this?

Does anyone come and comfort me from the spiritual realms?

Not really. Not right away like here when you are incarnate.

They mine data.

The mine data from my feelings as I am a data point that is useful for Ascension. I feel it. I can hear many clicking/sense the recording and instant transfer of the information. And this happened much more often around 2012, 2013 whenever my innermost feelings were coming to the surface. These were deep feelings yesterday, the ones closest to my heart.

Finding a mate is brutal here on Earth. There's so many emotional landmines to walk past, so many red flags to see, and so much competition. It hurts. Some people are up for that game. I'm not one of them.

While the data is mined, and I'm aching and filled with emotional pain, they probe a little by asking questions. And my reactions are totally new and fascinating to them because they've never considered the connection a human incarnate can perceive. And as they uncover it in me they find new ways to deal with others who are incarnate, especially the humanity (as opposed to Hue-manity who was sent here). The galactics get a little excited by the discovery, kind of like a new fossil or gemstone from the dirt.

Then Raphael came to comfort me. He explained to me things, and reassured me I could trust him. I always do trust him. He reassured me that I AM loved, and I AM lovable.

I was near inconsolable. I wanted to be the One, the one special ONE for Ross, and to be perfectly beautiful for him. I knew there's the higher self up there (I even told Ross he's probably banging her--which startled him I would use such crude language). Then there's all the incarnation possibilities.

Raphael explained that when you are on earth, when things go bad, you always go back to your mother and father. And even in the Spirit Realms, we always go back to our Divine Mother and Divine Father when we need encouragement, support and understanding.

So the same it is with a Twin.

Both Ross and Raphael explained to me that as the Twin there is a special bond that cannot be broken. And further, there are many who would love to be the Twin of Ross, to be in my shoes, and to be close to him.

It is what it is, up in Heaven.  And this new John Smallman helps a lot--I just read it this morning:  https://johnsmallman2.wordpress.com/2019/07/22/wisdom-your-spiritual-support-team-offers-gentle-guidance-to-you-at-all-times/.  I also adore the title. As a child I read the bible every day and prayed for Wisdom to come to me. It also answers some of my questions. I've seen the new to being in the spiritual realms come up after leaving their bodies. I've been in the room where these discussions take place. I've taken part in them with Ross. It comforts me to read it.

Did you ever read Don Quixote by Cervantes? How he goes out there and fights the windmills?

I'd like to share something painful that happened to another lightworker, Magenta Pick See.

She got a hate comment about her size. Someone had the nerve to say she was sedentary, by looking at her photos, and challenged her to 'be a better physical vessel for these higher energies'.

This had to be a professional troll to say that. It challenged her authority as a channeler, with the old schoolyard taunt of being fat.

I could tell by her share that it shook her to her core.

Bella Capozzi said she used to channel until she got the hate messages years ago, and it just wasn't worth it for her.

Many, many people offered Magenta/Petra their loving support.  I was going to, but then my patient woke up and I had to go. In a way this was better because it gave me time to reflect.

Here are my thoughts:

  • In Reiki we were taught to expect a little weight gain. The reason is that the higher frequency energies will tend to pull us up off the planet, so to speak, and the extra weight is needed for the physical vessel to stay grounded. I've gained probably thirty to fifty pounds. Now I'm working to take the weight off, but it just happens. It's common. And the accuser clearly doesn't understand the Spiritual enough to give Petra credit for the incredible frequencies she is channeling with the Council of Nine. 
  • When you are called to service by the Higher Realms, you follow it. And for me, being online, I've had to be very sedentary. It's like, 'exercise, or help save the world?' How could you turn your back on saving the world? Right? People are NEEDING you to get the information out. They count on it. I recall the days I needed KP's posts, and I hung on his every word. I waited and checked often because I was aching to grow in spirit, and other than him, I didn't know how. 
  • Haters make you Famous. It's not fun to get these challenges. But it's also a way of gaining visibility and credibility with your followers. It is an incredible example of how low the opposition will go to stay in the game. Clearly, in the John Smallman, they are well behind in the race and there's no possibility of them ever catching up. Ross and I sent love and healing to Petra's guardian angel. They will know what best way to use the energy for Petra. Hopefully she will rally and continue her fine work.

I'm going to share two articles. They are controversial and express my views and mine alone not Ross'.

  • Dr. Drew gives sex advice on night radio on a local station. He isn't a specialist in Infectious Disease, as far as I know. I think he is an M.D. but he might be a PhD instead.
  • Anywhere within one hundred miles of the coast there is a certain type of rat called a 'roof rat' or 'black rat'. They are very small and keep to themselves. The big ugly sewer rats are elsewhere. I've seen some by the pier in Long Beach/San Pedro, that they call wharf rats that are huge. They were dying from the rat poison. Anyhow, not all rats are equal. If you'd like to know more, the victor pest control website has lots of information.
  • This is predictive programming at its finest. Get gullible humans to think of the possibility of plague, here in L.A., and then the energies will shift to make it happen. People like to be right. People like drama. And who knows what could be weaponized--fleas? I've heard that ticks were.
  • BF in my book, is more shill than truther.
  • The first Nuremberg trials were a dog and pony show. Why? Because Operation Paperclip was going on under everyone's noses, covertly, AT THE SAME TIME!
  • Even if something does go on the Internet, think for yourself and demand more! Demand from Spirit that everything gets cleaned up 100% and no more monkey business from anyone as the New Earth comes to be.

Then there is one last article. You probably missed it because Anthony needed to go and play catch with his new first base mitt. He was patiently waiting while I was writing. But then his patience wore thin. So I didn't upload it or share it. It's personal too, so I didn't go back. But it will help you understand the first part, and also, the John Smallman. My teams notice, and they care, and they respond with Love as I grow. https://reikidoc.blogspot.com/2019/07/synthesis-of-patchwork-lessons-in-life.html
  • sometimes the things you protest the most about are the things you don't like about yourself. The sudden realization of this can be explosive. When it happens to you, be kind to yourself. Allow healing to take place. 


Ross wants to say something.


I love my Carla.

There isn't anything or anyone who could take her away from me. I am her Twin. And she is mine. She is my heart, my love, my sincerity, and my hope for a better life for all, for everything.

We in the Higher Realms are watching as the Truth gets uncovered and discovered while you are in the middle of the Illusion. 

Everything happens for the best. 

I want you to tell yourselves this again and again ad infinitum, as it will help you with the current conditions.

Petra, this horrible attack happens for the best. It raised your vibration, it strengthened your connection with your followers, and it made the Truth shine more than ever. That person cannot be convinced to see otherwise as they are not of the same vibration as you. It's beyond comprehension to them that back Home you have a perfect shape and size and can run circles around them metaphysically. Some things are best to let go.

Do not worry about plague. Do not entertain the thought. And if worse comes to worst you can always go out an dbuy a flea collar or take the same systemic medicine as your dogs. (he giggles).

Make the most of each day, of each interaction, and totally be PRESENT.  Make sure you are not distracted by your thoughts and your screens. These opportunities present themselves to you for your growth. I want you to enjoy them. Everyone in the Spiritual realms wishes for you to enjoy them and make the most of them. 

As Carla said to her colleague yesterday, we are here together to decrease the total suffering--we are together for the long term as a team. So help one another. Reach out. In every way. Smile. Smiles are very important. LISTEN. Listening is an important skill. Look at what is happening to the art of the physical examination skill among physicians--https://www.thedoctors.com/the-doctors-advocate/second-quarter-2019/the-waning-of-the-physical-examination-and-its-impact-on-outcomes/?utm_campaign=2019%20The%20Doctor%27s%20Practice&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz--ZBlEYM-pPV--UyTYkO0phLWv5Jkc415atD2owVoomAjHPVeFHr3SyXJ2mwIFpX3XaYm5JR1xkJbf9qeknJKTgAPekrA&_hsmi=74122260&utm_content=74121819&utm_source=hs_email&hsCtaTracking=3564b08e-84a3-4904-b28d-af49a28e9b09%7C08ca6b6c-62ac-41ac-beb2-6fc60dd94881.  Don't let this happen to you, and your skills of being human.  Keep them sharp!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple