Sunday, July 14, 2019

The Joys Of The Earth!

I saw a post by Marie Mbouni, MD the other day on Instagram:

Dear Soul:  I'm still learning about what you love. I'm going to give us more of that. I promise.

It was a beautiful thought.

Today I felt for most of the afternoon, just like this little girl. I was in the water. I even have a little sunburn on my shoulders and face. It makes me very content to have spent a day in the water having fun, being totally carefree. 

This is good.

You are here for this. It is one of the benefits of being incarnate -- any time. The joys of being alive still exist until you take your last breath. There are joys shared together...the joy of friendship and family...the joy of service...the joy of connection with a like-minded soul...the joy of pets...the joy of a good meal...the joy of finally getting to use the restroom after you've had to hold it...there are visual joys, audio joys, tactile joys, taste and scent joys...even the joy of having something to leave behind to make the world a better place after you make the Transition.

It's all about joy.

That's why in a way it's so sad that things have gotten so out-of-hand. But something is being done about it. And it's happening even though it's not on the news and it's so very hard to tell...

I've learned to look to a very special place to see how close we are (and I am) to Ascension:  within. This is and always shall be the ONLY place where there are no timelines and dates and prophecies to disappoint us. 

Let me share with you how for myself, I just know my overcoming of the Earth Plane challenges is very near:
  1. If people around us are reflections of ourselves, then this is a very good sign. I have an OB-Gyn talking about the Epp-Steene scandals, right in the O.R., and just like talking about the baseball or football game, I'm effortlessly saying what I believe--that blackmail is used to make governments do things, celebrities do things--it's all for the embarrassment to be saved. It's way more than what meets the eye on that island. I found he was agreeing with me. Then he challenged me, and I said, again, effortlessly, 'I have read books by Kerth Barker--he was one of those children'
  2. The Chief of Surgery is asking me to use my 'gifts' to find out how much longer our friend Khiem has. He reached out to her in desperation, and she's been his doctor because where he was before the care was not very good. I explained to her gently that it's soon, that all the time he's sleeping his soul is making the transition partially, and then coming back here. They all do this. It's not just one big swoop except perhaps in traumatic end of life which he is not. I contemplated sharing with her the Conversation post, but I thought it's better to just answer what is asked.
  3. Khiem talked to me today in Spirit while I was in the water. He asked me 'what are you, anyway?' I explained I'm not exactly human in my soul but I have a physical body just like him. I told him what my 'rank, file and serial number' are. He looked it up on his cell phone--and went, 'whoa!'  I shared to him the benefit of being close to one like me -- there's only five I know of here--more up Home for sure, including Ross--there's a special blessing at end of life/beginning of afterlife. Anyhow, his next question was, 'well then what am I?'  Ross helped me with the answer:  WISE TEACHER. 
  4. I went through a very long call with relatively good energy and outlook yesterday. I worked till one a.m. The last case was especially grueling as my anesthesia machine wouldn't pass its checkout, and we had to move it out of the room and borrow one from another room to be able to safely do the case. My surgeon was then delayed ninety minutes. But I was kind to almost everyone. I got into a tiff with Dr. Cao. I asked for blood but he didn't hear me, and when I was about to transfuse he got very upset. You see, in anesthesia, even when there's not lots of bleeding, sometimes the stress of surgery is hard on the patient. A little blood product will help them withstand this stress, especially in face of ongoing blood loss. I fixed the problem with albumin and LR. But a unit of blood we returned at once to the blood bank was out of temp, they refused it back--even after five minutes. You see, the hemoglobin was 11, and the surgeon would not transfuse until it was ten. After surgery, with the fluid shifts, it was 13. He went to my boss, angry, and fortunately, the nurse warned me of what he did so I could call my boss with my side of the situation. My boss is very good at these things. He said even if someone is cruel you can ask questions about 'how much blood has been lost' and things to get the conversation going. I told him with anyone else I talk but Dr. Cao has made me cry and I don't want him to get angry by interrupting him but he gets angry anyway. 
  5. I see the importance of loving your enemies more than ever. I see they are hurt. And hurt people hurt other people. You need to let all people know you are 'into' them, you love them, you accept them, that they matter to you. This isn't easy with those who like Dr. Cao are a little 'rough around the edges'. Think of it like your relationship with your children. When they are fussy and upset and cranky actually is when they need your love the most. YOUR love is basically Creators love offered to those who experience the wound of self-hatred and misperception. It's not for you. It's for them, the healing. But it's needed now, more than ever. So fill your cup, turn on the charm, smile, and even if they yell at you--hold the vibration and weather the storm--when it happens in your day to day. Don't seek it out! But do face it head-on when it arrives.  Khiem was notorious for making people afraid in the O.R. But for me, he liked me. He said, 'your OCD is compatible with MY OCD.' It's true. And thinking about his situation, it's all green heart chakra imbalance--lung cancer--anger like that--probably stemming from fear from a long ways back.  It's not his fault and certainly not his lesson, but for those of use who are of a spiritual nature, we see these patterns for what they are, and take them into consideration along with everything else about the patient/client we are helping, and make a mental note for ways to support it.

This one I will keep brief, but I am starting to understand that when people are multidimensional there is no way for them to be monogamous across all of the dimensions. And that some connections across time and space your Twin and you have made are for the Highest Good. I'm healing. I'm in extremely close contact with Ross on this, and I'm just starting on this lesson, but it's helping me very much to prepare for my future life as a galactic. It's different. And I'm understanding there's no substitute for a Twin, and they are always there for you. It's not like an 'open marriage' but it's something entirely of itself. I can put myself in Ross' shoes now, from when he did the things that hurt me when we were both incarnate together too. It's not as painful. I don't like to think about it. But this lesson is probably one of the last things that would keep me tied to this plane. It really is. And it's healing.  That's all I wish to share.

The other thing to share is just how much appreciation and gratitude I have to Spirit for helping me with our new life. The old house is gone now, gone for good, and we are free to focus on better things ahead. I feel this new home supporting me now. I'm grateful for this. I had looked forward to a day at home to unpack. Now I work. But I have big fish to catch tomorrow, and hopefully, everything will go well.

Ross smiles, waves hello, looks at his watch. It's my bedtime. Good night. He waves goodbye now. He's in a linen robe with a belt.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twinkling Eyes and loving souls