Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Yellow Chakra

Double sided SO-239 for joining two sections of CB coax cable

Today we are on countdown day number 239--technically, it's nine p.m PDT, so I'm going three hours ahead for my time zone. But for many other parts of the world it is entirely correct. So I'm writing it.

I have been working with my yellow chakra, the one in the solar plexus--and it's been giving me quite a lesson.  And I've been enjoying it.

I listen.

I listen to everything my physical body and my soul and my emotions are telling me.

And I like to think about it.

The other day I came to the decision to join a weight-loss organization's online program. My weight had kept going up. It was hard to breathe. Hard to reach to put on my socks. I know part of it is age. But I had a tummy in the way and I never had that growing up. I remembered how hard it was for me and Anthony to climb the hike up to Nevada Falls. Other people were super fast. Not us. We were not used to the elevation, had exercise-induced asthma, and were out of shape. 

Most decisions, when they are in alignment with Spirit, create a domino-like effect of things falling into place.

However, when it's a lesson, it's not easy. And for me, this is a lesson.

Within the microcosm of myself being adherent to twenty-three points a day (everything has a food value in the system) at the beginning, Anthony was at camp, and I was able to follow it. 

My weight dropped. I lost five pounds just like that. I was ecstatic. 

Then reality hit.

So, if you imagine my life as a little cog in a machine that interacts with other cogs in my 'work and life'--I'm seeing where my life on WW program and everything else is like grinding up the gears!

Now, what I am starting to observe is how the SYSTEM is designed to maximally stress us out. 

And furthermore, how a lot of our illnesses stem from us being enslaved into an economic machine that doesn't have our best interest at heart--but we have to eat and to eat and have a roof over our heads and to be able to get what you need to survive--you drive to work and do what you have to do.

For so many years I thought the diabetes and the high blood pressure and the obesity and the addiction (yellow chakra imbalances) were because of US having 'a problem', you know, it was 'our imbalance', right?

Now I see with my own day to day data this isn't the case. 

For the mother who gives everything to her kids and lets her shape go (I did a little of that).

To the career that takes all kinds of hours--many do. I know that at the auto shop the workers go without lunch and work twelve hour days like me....there's a need to self-soothe. And this need to cope and self-soothe is what creates the pattern of yellow-chakra based energy imbalance which leads to chronic disease.

Now THAT is very empowering.

How did my program get difficult? The weight went back up. There were circumstances where either I couldn't follow it (on Call I eat four meals a day) or there was reason (Anthony made Tiramisu).

This is where, in my own 'reality', I'm learning to take the responsibility for what I eat, to sort of tweak the system so I'm not blindly following their instructions but changing my lifestyle. I'm getting active.

And the first sign of other problems starting to 'budge' was today. I cleaned. I spent the whole day cleaning and working in the garden and outside in the yard. We had Santa Ana winds recently, and there were leaves and branches all over the place. 

Another sign of improvement is I'm throwing some things I don't need away. My trash can is full again already!

The last sign of improvement is I'm not beating myself up with expectations, my own or societal ones. 

Self-love is important because it helps you to disengage and distance yourself from The System which is created by TWDNHOBIAH who do not have our best interest at heart any way whatsoever.  It is only then you can find your balance and really ground yourself to what matters most to you. 

This is how we heal and align our third (yellow) chakra. 

I also saw in a catalog a foot soaking basin. It was thirty-four dollars. White enamel. It looked SO good to soak the aching feet! Well, in the garage, was a basin of plastic, from a case in the O.R. that was cancelled! So after my yard work--I treated myself to a nice soak. And it felt wonderful. I put in Buddha Wood oil and Dead Sea salts. 

Putting a little self-care into your day is important too. 

I have a long way to go to find balance with my intake, my output, my environment, and my self-awareness as an individual who has been through many incarnations trying to get my lessons 'right' lol.

I had the presence the other day to call in my HS. I asked her what the deal is? Why is life so lonely? It's so sad and so unlike back Home. Are we sent to endure or what? Could she help me?

I guess she did answer, but I don't remember. My point is to be comfortable enough in your own skin to go to someone in Spirit and ask them what you need to know.

I think this is an excellent starting place for what is to come next, whatever that is, and whenever it is going to come. 

Ross says he loves you, and he waves hello. He's been working very hard lately too. 

He wants me to share this picture:

He wants you to look at the photobomb.  It's not him. It's a person from the haunted house event I went to with Anthony and his friends and parents.

I used to love Halloween. It was my favorite for the longest time. I loved the creativity and the ability to be anyone you wanted to be for a night. And also to decorate. I worked in some Haunted Houses when I was growing up. One night we got best room!  So I appreciated the chance to experience one and see how good a job they did to put the haunt together.

Ross says the headless dude is him. 'I lost my head' over Carla and I am madly in love with her--'head over heels' -- he's smiling and laughing at his own joke.

So, there you are, our first official photo as a couple, complete with a photo bomb!

He says the size of this headless 'model' is actually close tho his actual size and his build.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Twins