Today we are going to talk about, what Ross calls, 'the real thing'.
It is time to move beyond the petty and to the realm where angels walk.
Please remember that last statement. We will get back to it.

My friend and neighbor from growing up is a recovering heroin addict, and I think possibly some other thing too. Her FB feed is incredible these days. It's so filled with truth and light. A healed addict is a very powerful soul. And the healing goes for every ancestor she ever had, too--they are connected.
It's like winning the 'spiritual lottery' (Ross' phrase) to achieve something incredible like this.
The same goes for the drinker who does not drink, the sexual abuse survivor who accepts the responsibility and gravity of the situation and heals, the anger management person who works through the healing process, for everyone who has experienced 'something out of the ordinary that's traumatic' and puts their life back together one piece at a time...
Ross says even when someone makes positive steps, even a little one, 'it is like hitting the jackpot on the Big Bertha slot machine' for all of your relatives who have passed generations and generations before you.
'For on Earth', Ross says, 'everyone has equal chance to win, and a lot faster than if you were not incarnate'.
This is the nature of the Illusion--an equal opportunity chance to learn and to grow--'with love in your heart' Ross says.
'And today, just for this moment, everyone is hitting the jackpot on every single slot machine right and left' up there in Heaven.

I'm going to take this one step further.
Sometimes to heal you really need to be shaken up. Emotionally. In some cases perhaps, to your breaking point.
The reason is because being taken out of your 'comfort zone' in a big way, will help to loosen up some of those deeply buried painful memories from this or possibly older incarnations.
I've had someone describe their sense of this type of '360 healing' is like everything is coming at you all at once from all directions, and it's really stressful.
For me, recently, this has borne fruit. And in 'fruit' I mean healing and valuable lessons in self-awareness.
One irrational fear I have about the Galactics was a lot of anger at them for being, um, way more open with their sexuality than we are here. Kind of like -- well, if you've read here enough you might recall I've referred to them as 'the bonobos', and if you know what 'bonobos' are like, you will understand why they are no longer on public display at the San Diego Safari Park.
This one came up while talking with Ross on the drive home--and, going through the perspective of THIS and my immediate past incarnations--it makes a lot of sense: in Heaven will I have to deal with unwanted sexual advances and possibly rape if sex is so prevalent 'up there'?
To be honest even Ross didn't see that one coming, but he totally 'got it' and understood my concern, and reassured me that this would never be the case. There is always mutual consent, love and respect, or it just doesn't happen. Every time.
I breathed a huge sigh of relief.
Another one that is coming out now, like, TODAY and I mean, 'after I got home from work, TODAY', is that there were a lot of teachers who copied Ross' work 'back in the day'. And it made me really angry and I felt powerless to stop it. Especially after he died.
For Ross was always himself, especially 'authentic'.
Sometimes here there are some teachers who 'talk the talk' but don't 'walk the walk'.
This caused our family immense harm and humiliation back then. Ross sailed above it. And I didn't. I got 'stuck' in a lower vibration. And only today, as in, just now as I'm writing this, am I seeing the importance of forgiveness--copying is a form of flattery Ross points out--and because these people weren't Ross, they couldn't 'get it one hundred percent correct'--so why get all bent out of shape about it?
I have to hand it to Saul--with this message--and I'll quote the part that helped the most: Not to react in anger is good, but it is not enough because that anger has to be felt and released. If it is not released it festers and demands your attention. When you are at peace nothing demands your attention, instead you choose in each moment where to focus your attention. When you choose where to focus your attention, instead of allowing your moods or your emotions to direct you, you will be able to deal with all that arises peacefully, even with situations that arise as conflict.
When a teacher is talking 'love love love' and also 'co-creation'--and I intuitively sense the anger has been not released--it's HARD. It's a total disconnect. And I get angry and upset because it's steering the people who listen to such a teacher into feeling inadequate and guilty for not 'having the good stuff'--the co-creation of a decent life, and the peace--etc.
It's like -- in a weird way only my stupid soul could come up with--it's an insult to Ross and everything he stands for.
Only Ross doesn't care, he couldn't care less, he never did and he never will! LOL.
So I'm taking baby steps towards the embodiment of 'his' philosophy, which is Truth in every way.
For the teachers who copied his work, for the ones who took all the credit, for the ones who aren't fully engaged on the 'front lines'--truly everyone was and is and ever shall be in the right place for them.
For the students, know that your teachers aren't 'enlightened' to perfection if they are incarnate--and always weigh how your heart feels through their teaching.
If it doesn't resonate with you--even if it's your best friend who adores this teacher--think of it like going to a counselor or therapist--there must be chemistry for the learning or the therapy to be effective for you. So switch out.
And for teachers--if someone is teaching to another group and helping them--even if it's not how YOU would do it--let them teach.
Ross would.
I wouldn't. But now I'm working towards being like him too.
I got over it. The cruelty to him at the end. To him and the distortion of his fine work and memory. I'm over it just a little bit--OMG!--I might 'slip!'--but at least I've made the connection and am working towards the goal.

I have to laugh.
I can laugh now because the hidden stuff with this theme, the stuff Kerth Barker and others have exposed so coming to an end.
I'm so grateful for this.
Ross wants me to talk about the vinyl, and then go on with the 'lottery'.
I know a woman who does home improvement herself. She liked the bathroom flooring change so much, she decided to do the kitchen so it would match. She lifted up all the floating laminate flooring herself on 'demo day'. What was underneath surprised her! Yellow fake tile pattern vinyl flooring that was glued on when the house was built in 1973. She had to take a hammer and chisel for three days to scrape it off. Just in the kitchen!
What is she replacing it with?
With vinyl.
Only this one looks like wood.
Today I had an 'average patient'.
I do many of the Reiki Healings on patients...lots of times I go in and take attachments out.
This time something unusual for the good happened. Archangel Raphael showed up. As I was doing the healing, he joined in. I did some removals, nothing major, but then I started to see little green liquid drops flowing out from where I was, into the grid of every living being on the Earth! It was beautiful and like a river flowing very fast only I could see all the particles.
I guess you could say the healing was 'supercharged'. In a big way.
I was told by Raphael to ask for a Diamond Shield for this patient, 'so that nothing can go back in'. I negotiated it, and Raphael said he would pay for it. He asked for the current price. It was one hundred fifty euros.
I paid it.
It went on. (It was placed).
What Raphael didn't tell me to say, until now, is that he, um, 'shared it' through the same exact grid.
This isn't the full shield--Raphael isn't putting anyone out of business--but he says it's like a shellac or coating to keep the 'healing in' and he says it was okay. So it 'would not leak' and that 'things that are meant to stay out stay out'.
It's on everybody. Whether they are able to pay or not, a certain minimum diamond shield (he says, a 'fraction of it', just barely enough to do the job, although he encourages everyone to purchase one while there is still time) protect and to foster healing 'on a soul level'...
We really ARE hitting the jackpot!
I got intel tonight from Ross that Joseph of Arimathea is walking on the ground in Alabama--with wings and a sword--because 'there are things that need to be cleaned up'. He hit the ground around three p.m. today, PDT.
This isn't the 'incarnate angel' kind of angel. It's the real thing. And I don't know if anyone is going to see him or not. But, he's THERE.
And that's a good thing.
It's 11:11 now.
Time for me to go.
Ross salutes you. And waves goodbye for now.
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Couple