Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Something Upon Which To Reflect


Ross chose this photo of a home. He wanted you to know there is a beautiful home, where you are always welcome to visit. And to think of it as such. 

It is our Spiritual Home.

Just for today, we are going to discuss our Earthly homes. Last night, I worked until ten o'clock at night, on backup call. I had to drive home at night. There is a great deal of road work being done both near my work, and near my house. Although daytime driving is disruptive, because of the ways the lanes are moved to accommodate the construction, at night it's even worse. They turn down the lanes so you avoid the actual construction which happens at night. 

I ended up on the wrong highway...it still was in the right general direction. But this path was poorly lit, and it too was having some lanes moved out of the way too, for construction. I literally prayed the whole way home. I knew I'd get there. But there's others driving really fast , zooming left and right past me. 

It's a hard way to live.

I realize that the social engineering has taken a lot out of society. When the women were at home, it was a safety net. They had community and support. The children had someone to care for them. As did the aged. And when 'things happened', it was the kind aunt or other family member who took you in. 

My mom's neighbor has a son of a sister who died (nephew) who lives with her full-time. He does drugs all day long. But he's not on the street. Another niece has three daughters, and she was divorced with nowhere to go. So they too, all live with her. 

This neighbor is the one we would call when mom forgot to hang up the phone correctly, and we couldn't call. She would look in the window to make sure mom was alive, or knock on the door for a visit and call us back. She loved our family. When my dad was on his deathbed, she and her daughter watched Anthony for a little while so I could be with my sisters and brother in law and mom in dad's room.

The 'labor saving devices' took away women's work, or at least, changed it. And the keeping the house beautiful was a small step to drive the next generation of females out of the home and into the workforce. The social engineers did the test run with Rosie the Riveter. Once the women were working, the family became even more unstable...

Which brings us to this forty-minute video on Homelessness in Oakland. It brings up some excellent points. Especially how people on minimum wage can't afford the current rent to live in the Bay Area. Ohio, is a member of a community, and he explains how society doesn't run without the people willing to take the minimum wage jobs. It's not all teenagers living at home any more, with the minimum wage. He explains it well, how in this line of work, and that line of work, you need people who are willing to do the actual work. 

By contrast, in this three minute video, you will see how a 'solution' has come up in Hong Kong, where it is the most expensive place to live in the world. You see the shame in the residents who live there--they are unwilling to have their faces photographed. But, in this dystopian 'solution', it represents just about how far that 'limit' can be taken--to make people pay rent for a space that's no bigger than a coffin.  

When we have a homestead, and a water source, we can be self-sufficient. 

When we have a suburban home, we can make a side business in the garage, or grow things.

When we are in an apartment, perhaps we can grow food with hydroponics, and work from home, but we are also more dependent on 'the system'.

From what I learned from my favorite student who is taking American History, with the Civil War, the South in general grew up with a gun culture. Everyone had guns and knew how to use them. But in the North, there were people mostly who had never seen or used a gun. It was a factor that helped the South. 

Apparently, it was the basics of supplies and manufacturing, and the numbers of troops, North having more than the South, that put the favor on the North. They put naval blockades against any ships coming to and from England, which is how the South got money and manufactured goods. England was backing the South. But, ironically, before the war, somehow the textile industry in England stocked up several years worth of inventory and raw materials, so they war didn't effect their industry/economy...

It's all fishy, isn't it? It's almost as if there was some Master Plan that was being put into place, a long, slow drawn out one, to make people totally subservient to the system and powerless. 

Like cattle.

But, as they say, 'out of the mouths of babes'--in this four to six minute video--a little girl has a near death experience. And it is the best 'reality check' of all. 

Medically, what happened to her is something we worry about after tonsillectomy--the bleeding. It can be massive. And it's difficult to put the breathing tube in 'underwater' when there's hemorrhage. As well as hard to put in an i.v. because the child is hypovolemic and dehydrated. 

In the first video, the left eye on 'Moose'--is something I've seen kill a healthy thirty-six year old woman. A bad tooth. The infection goes up into the eye, and then, there's 'blood poisoning' (sepsis). That he would have that for eight years off and on is very sad. 

Thinking about the rat problem in their community makes me very sad too. Rats are such a sad, sad part of life, and I'm thankful for our friends the cats and some dogs, who help protect us from them. 

Together Ross and I have laid pieces for you. To think about. He reminds me to share the photo information...about the beggars. Apparently in our community, many people with the 'homeless' signs at street corners, aren't homeless. They make twenty to forty dollars an hour panhandling. Our local police say to give money to groups who help the homeless, the real ones, instead of to these beggars. 

We have human nature.

Both in the 'movers and shakers' (economic drivers) and in the homeless. 

We have how things used to be (not exactly perfect) and how things are (very expensive, you must hire sitters, elderly care, etc)...

Then there's the Spiritual overlay on the whole situation. Creator likes harmony and peace and self-sufficiency...and there's how things truly 'are' at the moment. 

Love is the Solution for Everything. 

And when it all boils down, this 'home' is 'temporary'.

Just like the little girl said. 

Prayer will help fix these problems. 

And also, meditation.

I found a way to place a 'dome' over a 'compromised' area which is a stronghold for the Other Team. It leaks when you try to fill it the standard way. I created with my mind's eye, rice like particles. They stick. And they will plug the holes enough so you can fill the 'dome' with healing energy. And as it trickles down the holes/network, you can hear that it's not exactly welcome to 'the dark side'. But it flows like a tree's roots, and helps heal nevertheless.

We hope you find this helpful!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The beautiful pair