Thursday, November 18, 2021

Change Is Afoot!


This is going to be a difficult blog to write because, as it stands, there are no 'Right Answers'.

From all outward appearances, change appears to be happening. We are going to provide links to these original sources, but it is up to you and the test of time to decide who is 'right'.

Remember we have been training you in the skill of Discernment. Plus we already know that from the 'Art of War' it is necessary to send out 'misinformation' and 'disinformation' from both sides of any conflict.

At the end I'll give you my assessment of what's really going on, what 'rings true' today for me at the moment. And Spirit has been pushing me to write this so I will.

Data Points:

  1. Nordic countries 'flipped' against 'freedom' and new 'passports' are mentioned for 'big venues'. This is a major change of direction for that 'boat' that was on it's 'freedom course'.
  2. This week's Ben Fulford says that the conflict is well underway and the 'Light Teams' are gaining the advantage.
  3. This week's Right On Radio has explosive information. It has to do with the application of technology. For me, what also was explosive is Jeff's sharing of his 'family ties'. What was disturbing is the blanket statement that you can't 'speak to the dead'...I do. I pick up on things from Spirit and have my whole life. I sensed the Gematria comment about Josiah's death, and that there's a certain 'battle of sorts' raising the bar in the enormity of these disclosures...
  4. Saul encourages us onward!
  5. Schumann Resonance today has a bit of white
  6. The ever-enigmatic Cobra team has it's 'next meditation'
  7. First hand cry for help from someone with ties to political struggle, not unlike the Chinese who posted things during the beginning of Covid and was, um, 'silenced' and 'disappeared'.

For extra resolution, here is an NDE:  a survival of serious child abuse has two NDE's

What do I think?

I'm not afraid of the Voice of God project.

It's a little unnerving, yes. 

But what I see is that humans already transmit Love, Divine Love Energy, and so does every living being on the planet. I don't think you can break or hijack this grid. It's not possible.

We don't have to worry. We are in good hands. I happen to think that reincarnation IS possible. If Atlantis sank, and I experienced that, and I remember, no matter what happens here we are going to be okay. 

On the one hand, metaphysically, this is an incredible show or movie, what we are living through now. 

Even if there is hardship, remember, not everyone dies in the hardships. In war there's survivors, both in the soldiers and the people in the countryside. In pandemics there are survivors. In China with the revolutions there were survivors. So, don't be afraid. 

On the other hand, we have Life Lessons and Tasks to do. We can't metaphysically let the dishes 'pile up in the sink' and just 'binge watch' the 'Spiritual show'. 

It takes a balance.

I believe already our readers create a magnificent network, and we have been strengthened by daily Reiki healings and Divine Peace Healings. Our boats are 'ship-shape' and will weather the storm.


It is important to do things which bring joy to yourself and to others. This energy, joyful energy, is a direct hit to those who seek to oppress it.

There is a quality of, 'we just aren't getting to him' to it, that flusters the Dark and makes it lose confidence, go back to the drawing board, and redouble it's efforts.

Be that cause for them to go back to the drawing board today.

clap! clap!
Aloha and mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple