Sunday, November 7, 2021

Six of One, Half-Dozen of the Other


Yesterday was the resolution of the conflict over how to spend the weekend. I decided it was too weird to take separate cards to Disneyland. I chose to wait until the one-year-old birthday party was over. Anthony wasn't home until four-thirty. 

But surprisingly, it was very empty to get into the parking structure and the park. Some of the rides were short-lines. Lots of people were there. We stayed perhaps four hours.

It's different at Disneyland. Yes, I see the same things I've always noted that are 'hidden in plain sight'. It takes more to navigate the park. It's masks on indoors. And they are picky. No bandanas or gaiters or masks with valves on them are permitted. So I'm constantly trying to figure out where the mask is (I wore N95 since a new surge is starting to build)...and what the risk is.

What's different about Disneyland is that you need a reservation to get in to the park. So there's less people 'walking around', but it seems that for any ride or food, the wait lines are longer than usual. It actually took us this morning (I know! we got a bonus day!) one hour to get from the gate of the parking structure to the gate of the park.

There is a long, long, very long walk along the former tram route from the parking structure. You get in many steps. Last time we went I could barely walk. This one, it wasn't fun to walk, but I didn't have to stop to breathe. I think my efforts are starting to pay off a little in the exercise department. 

I found I enjoyed people more these last two visits. When we were on a ride people on the next car all waves to us and we waved back! The canoe ride was very fun too. There's just a nicer atmosphere at the park, way less crying kids or upset parents. 

Usually I'm just working on Spiritual stuff when I'm there. But this time, it was pleasant to enjoy the workers and other guests at the park. 

With the pandemic, everything is so uncertain, outside the park. So to be able for a few hours, to drop the cares, and walk and take in the sights, was very welcome indeed. Here's the Schumann resonance  and here's the latest John Smallman just to calibrate yourself again.

Our suggestion is to do something you enjoy, to go out and enjoy yourself, even if it involves taking a little risk. The pandemic has gone on for long enough, and it hasn't any signs of slowing down at least in the 'control department'. Find a project you'd like to carry through, and focus on it. Or, focus on your health and catch up with much-needed appointments. Enjoy your pets, your family, your neighbors, your coworkers while you are able. There are no guarantees or plans out in the open. Whether this is the straightforward dawning of a wonderful era, or perhaps a short detour through some stress to reach that eventual 'better place', we won't know until everything is well-underway. 

Remember the treasures we have in one another. And in being able to communicate freely like we do.

Breakthroughs arrive in waves. So, before the next one hits, take a deep breath, relax, do something that brings you pleasure--even if its laundry and getting another 'to do' list item checked!

When you do these things, you put yourself on 'God's Time'--which is eternal and where we create. It's good for us. So healing!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple