Saturday, September 4, 2021

Monday For Nothing...Chicks For Free


This is Mark Knopfler from Dire Straits. His song was on the radio when I woke up the bird today. Actually, the bird wakes up at sunrise, and I uncover and feed the bird, and raise the blinds to start our day. That's why we have the title for the blog post. It's his song.

It reminds us of the Great Reset.

Here's the original video of the song in the title:  YouTube Dire Straits Money for Nothing.

Now that's I'm trained in symbolism, I see SO much more in the video. The checkerboard floor. The distraction of consumerism. The guy's HEAD taken off and put in a microwave! Ay, yi, yi! It's like the death of a Dark Mother or equivalent male in that 'faith'. Ick.

This eight minute video here  is priceless!

I noticed myself that once my colleagues were getting the Max Eene...I started to 'like' my work. Usually it stresses me, and I wanted to be home with my kid. I always felt conflicted. But then, I started to get feelings of how lucky I am to work, and how happy I am to be able to go to work. I commented on it here, how it's not 'like' me. But I'm sure the exposure to shed viruses was doing that. There was a while it was really hard to hear Spirit too. 

But it's getting better, and Spirit is like before Covid again.

Here is something wonderful I found for free in the comments section on Twitter:  The story of the committee of three hundred. Be sure to copy it/bookmark it. It's eye-opening.

Here is what my intuition had been telling me about the 'juice':  the surge after this one.  I recalled the Spanish Flu, and how the third one was the most deadly. Things change and mutate. 

What it all boils down to, is that no-one lives forever. And when it's our time, it's our time. There are poisons in our food, air, and water. But we have Free Will. It's time to exercise it, and boost up our Spirit while we still are able. Pray. Fast. Meditate. Exercise. Eat clean foods. Pray over your meals for blessings. Enjoy your life! You can watch the movie around you, and make plans to 'flee' if need be. The Greek Orthodox exorcist had too. But listen to Spirit. Work with Spirit. 

That is enough for today.

Here are some words from Jesus through John  to uplift and inspire you.

Ross smiles and nods and waves hello.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Twins who are very delighted and content to be home for the Long Weekend in the States.