Sunday, September 5, 2021

Layers and Layers


Yesterday someone asked me about a book if it was okay to read it? I didn't get the message. Their intuition told them not to read it.

Books are tricky.

For the most part, Spirit has guided me to the right books at the right time. But there was one book, I read, It was a white leather bound-book from the local crystal shop called YWEH or something. Inside were all kinds of secret squares and Solomon keys and art and science. As I read it, I changed. It was my friends, my deep spiritual friends, who alerted me to what was happening. I threw the book out. Even though it cost forty-eight dollars.

What I didn't know was that even though it was white, and portrayed as a book from our team, in fact it wasn't and it was from the other team.

Inside of all literature, and all movies, and all music, are layers of messages:

  • the plot line or story that makes sense to the logical mind
  • the emotional story that tugs at our emotions and psyche
  • the hidden spiritual message put in there from the Dark Ones to 'signal' to their team this other, hidden 'lesson'
  • the key codes and activation sequences only your soul can understand

Here is an example. Last night we watched the movie Talladega Nights. We haven't seen any movie together since going to the theater for the most recent Fast and the Furious release several months ago. 

It's a funny story (watch because often they add social 'themes' to advance the narrative in humorous works)--it pokes fun at the South and the racing lifestyle. But there's a gay formula one racer with his husband from France, added for shock value back in the day, and we noticed it wouldn't be received well with today's audiences. It was a little too much poking fun at that point.

But the hidden messages, the occult ones? It helps to read symbolism. And in this one, it wasn't exactly 'symbols', it was 'names'. When the best friend took Will Ferrell's wife and house (a very Luciferian thing that happens all the time)--he renamed himself from 'Shake and Bake' to 'The Magic Man'. And at the end of the movie? Will Ferrell renames himself 'El Diablo' (the devil).  The film is about worldly success, doing what thou wilt, that it's okay and how the world is run. 

I see it for what it is. 

I pray always for Ross to protect me from key codes and activation sequences that are dark. From all things dark. I have a diamond shield and another shield, I know they protect me (Contact Isabel Henn to get the shield of the Divine Mother if you're interested.)

Even these blog posts have good key codes and activation sequences written into them. Embedded I suppose is a better word. I am not conscious of their going in, but I do sense our energy going into the works we do. 

That book, He Came To Set The Captives Free, is actually a good book from a Christian. I had forgotten when the reader asked me. But the news is so shocking, and disturbing, that that's why you need Ross to protect you when you read it. It's the truth of a Bride of Satan who came to the side of Jesus and totally converted. 

We saw this movie the other day, a short interview, and we are going to share it:  trafficked woman who got free. Before you watch it, or watch it again, we want you to look for the pattern:
  • so much abuse in childhood the victim didn't know any better
  • the abuser/pimp giving her what she wanted--validation and protection
  • this blinded the victim to the lies, and she did what she did for 'their future' which was another lie
  • correctly, the woman realized the lies.
  • correctly, even though there was a delay, the woman trusted her Christian friends who helped her escape
  • correctly, she knew she was in grave danger trying to leave until her pimp found another girlfriend
  • correctly, she knew that only Jesus could help her in that situation. And correctly, she said to Him, 'save me or kill me, and do it Now, because I can't go back to doing what I did in my past'.
  • correctly, that warmth and peace she felt, was directly from Home and Jesus.

It took NINE YEARS for her to escape.

Nine years of suffering without realizing anything could be better.

But to leave the demonic, dark 'trap' she was in, she had to realize he was lying to her. She had to see it for herself. And she needed the steady kindness to keep being available to her until she was ready to act.

This is a template for everyone who is asleep within the system that was created by the 'builders' for our society. 

Truth can't stay hidden forever.

Even if the Truth is seen when people pass--seen for the first time.

Look for the layers.

Do not be afraid of them, you are safe and protected by Ross. 

Always trust your intuition. Don't just jump and do whatever it says, discern first, and give yourself time to get better at discernment. When something comes along that's a 'glitch', don't worry, recognize it for what it is (more learning!) and move on.

Be sure to spend time in Nature.  There you are exposed to the most healing and natural vibration there is. And you are away from 'outside influence'--electromagnetic, spiritual, psychological 'stuff' that is being bombarded at us 24/7, 365 by The Other Team.

Make sure you get good sleep, enough sleep, meditation, and eat simple foods, whole ones. Drink plenty of water too.


What Carla is saying is that there are two teams 'out there'. Both are doing everything possible to strengthen their teams and capture the undecided to their camp.

Be both cautious and curious about what is happening. On a Spiritual level this is a significant event, a battle.

Be still and know God exists.  Our God is a Loving God. And God cares for you much much more than the state or any institution that can be found anywhere on Earth.

Keep this magnificent LOVE flowing in your veins freely.

That is enough for today.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple