Monday, July 19, 2021

How To Cope


One of the things I have been dealing with the past two years, is what I call a state of 'overwhelm'.  My day to day life keeps me busy, and my hopes and dreams, as well as my physical needs (meals, sleep, exercise) have taken a back seat. 

Today Ross invites me to talk about it.

Metaphysically, time is speeding up. I look down and then next time I check at the clock an hour to an hour and a half has flown by, and that's when I'm just doing chores.

Spiritually, my awareness has increased to grasp--and yes, I have actively studied the end times--that this time is a special one. Short term might not be so fun, absolutely. But long-term investment is going to definitely be worth it. Absolutely. There is uncertainty, lots of it, and there is potential for lots of buttons to be pushed.

Then there's people...just work situations, life situations, where your daily life is affected by others. There's not much you can do except to muster your way through them...

All work and no fun makes 'John' a dull boy...this is an old saying here in America.

Sometimes, the goal is to work hard and play harder! that is a saying here too.

To cope, it takes a relationship with Spirit, trust in yourself, releasing expectations to allow for 'the little things', and working with priorities.

This weekend, I needed sleep and free time. Last weekend before was brutal. The one ahead I expect to be somewhat the same. Even today, there is a big work demand ahead of me. Even in a perfect world, with a perfect house, this would be a major obstacle to my happiness.

Every day I sense more and more how my relationship with Ross is helping me to make it through my day. He's quiet, so very quiet, but he's THERE, I just know it. I find if I tap into his love for me, it's bigger than my problems, it's bigger than all of our mutual problems ever put together, and it keeps me calm. I have courage to face what's ahead.

With the house, I realize I can only do little things in my short time I'm home. It would be a full-time job for a year or more to organize this place. I'm raising Anthony, taking care of both of us, raising the pets. So, as my mom said, 'if it doesn't cry it can wait'...I try to focus on the important things.

Yesterday, the plants needed watering. And laundry absolutely needed to get done. I did both. The pool needed to be topped off. So this time, instead of last time where it flooded, I set a timer to remind me when to turn the water off. 

I exercised.

This is probably one of the most important things, and I wouldn't have done it if Pokemon Go hadn't set a goal to walk one kilometer. 

But the sunshine and fresh air helped. I'll tell you, there's lots of annoying flying and crawling bugs I had to deal with out there in the heat. But I did it. That's what's important.

I met a deadline for one online course. But with the other two, I'm five weeks behind. I was able to make a list of everything I need to catch up on. And the one that's just resuming again--I have things from the store I needed, but I didn't have time to make a manual. 

If you find pressure, remember, sometimes there's stuff 'underneath' that needs to heal, and contrary to how it may appear, that needs to heal first. This has been the story of my life for as long as I've been writing, and perhaps even longer. Unconscious wounds make us behave in certain ways, trying to get us to heal them. If you look at the big picture, you want to get your big ticket items for your soul in order before you go Home. Not just gloss over them.

Second, loving support from family and friends and like minded souls helps us to carry on. These relationships take time. Invest in them.

Being healthy is important too. Whenever possible, sleep, eat well, exercise, get fresh air and sunshine, meditate, go in Nature, make love...these are what Life is all about, and keep us able to move forward in the physical plane.

Be smart about your online time. My mailbox for email is like a land mine studded yard. Every time I go through it I find deadlines and forms and stuff that can't wait. I have to wade through lots of spam to get to my homework assignments. So, yesterday, after erasing hundreds of files, I remembered the search function, and was able to find my teacher's emails. I made that list right before I went to bed. Do I do surveys? Almost never. Do I tag SPAM as SPAM as often as I can? Yes. 

In the diet, I'm aiming for seventy grams of protein a day. That's what the bariatric patients have to eat after their surgery. The salads with the purslane and home grown vegetables are really making a difference. I feel it. 

For the big challenges I break them into chunks, and do my best to manage. I reframe things too. I call the end of the challenge my day of freedom from X and it helps to make it more positive overall, and therefore easier to cope. 

I accept that the more I try to make my house neat and tidy, the worse it seems to get, but I smile inwardly, and keep trying. There's more for me to do now that I have a yard. And there's only so much one person can do. Yes I need to get rid of things I don't need, or don't work. But I can't do this to the exclusion of everything else life has to offer.

These social changes going on around us have my attention. But, it's outside of my control. Some have left California for 'greener pastures', to put it mildly. Since our 'handlers' are a global network of TWDNHOBIAH, I tend to think Bjorn Andreas Bull-Hansen is the only one who is correct on how to survive everything in the long-term. Go off the grid, and live on a homestead in the middle of nowhere. That's not really possible here in California. Not to grow things. All it takes anywhere else is one crazy politician at the top and everything turns just like here...heavily influenced by TWDNHOBIAH and their many numerical agendas.

Remember, someone is coming back, someone very important. We don't know when. Nobody knows. But the signs of the times match the predictions. Let's prepare and make a wonderful welcome for him, if not with the worldly side of things, at least then, with our hearts.

I have an early start, and must leave. Ross and I love and bless you. He wants to get you thinking about the big picture, the little parts of the big picture, and how to make everything fit together for your life. We want you to experience success in all realms. And to grow in the courage to follow your dreams, and your heart.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The Couple who are very happy in one another's arms in a great big, long overdue HUG