I cleaned out my kitchen pantry. I filled three boxes with items I had bought when Covid quarantines hit, that were unused, and now approaching their expiration date.
If you saw my FB post about purple pancakes, that is one of those items.
I had to wait until Anthony was away at camp because he never wanted me to buy the mix in the first place!
This brings me to the first of my important lessons I've learned recently. When hardship strikes, it is natural to protect your family by ensuring there is adequate food supply for the home.
The lesson is that this is only a temporary stopgap.
Food goes bad.
We need to count more on Creator, and actually, on others too. Instead of expecting the worst we need to anticipate the best in people. Because without enough people to make and prepare and deliver the food, we won't have any.
This lesson has another twist, and it is indeed frightening.
I bought some mangosteen fruit at the asian market. I've never had them. I watched a video on how to eat them. And they ARE delicious fruits! I saved some for when Anthony came home, and he agreed, they don't look like much but the taste is incredible.
One of the videos explained how the seeds they aren't sure if they are edible. But because of the fruit flies that come to the US along with the fruit import, all mangosteens are irradiated and their seeds will not grow.
At first I didn't think much about it. That's fine I've heard of irradiated food to make it last longer...
...but then I remembered my avocado seed that wouldn't grow. I had done like in the seventies, put toothpicks into it and let it sit in water on top of a jar. I had been annoyed at it because usually within days, the little root grows then the leaves come out. I had wanted a little 'friend' by the kitchen sink and to plant it in the yard.
It threw out the avocado.
But this morning, the horror hit. It was like the pieces of a puzzle falling together! So and so buying up all the farmland. The seed bank in some north, north country. The paying of farmers not to grow crops...computer hacking to get to the distribution systems.
We live in a time where prayer has never been more important!
Pray over every meal, even the ones where you eat meals outside the home! Be THANKFUL for the food which is given, has arrived, to your plate. Remember everything is shaky like a house of cards, and there are TWDNHOBIAH who are trying to knock that house of cards over--they are intent on it.
Give thanks that Our Father in Heaven once sent manna from Heaven and kept His people alive for many years!
Our God can do anything!
But be proactive too. The best helping hand is at the end of our own arm, right? Grow things. Save seeds. Learn how to prepare food.
The last part of the lesson was the birdseed.
I always compost my bird's old seed (birds eat what they like on a particular day, and don't finish their bowl like a dog or a cat. they need fresh seed, so you throw out yesterday's bowl and give new each day.) And the primary seed, much to my delight, the safflower, grew into a big, bushy plant with lots of flowers!
Well, the flowers dried. I picked them. There's thorns everywhere on that plant, and the flowers are like thistles--full of them. I wore gloves.
You know it takes me about an hour, and a lot of being poked by thorns, to get about one tablespoonful of seeds? It does.
The millet that grew, the wild birds found while I was letting it turn brown. So those were kind of pointless in a way, and profound in another--the bird seed was replicating itself and feeding birds, just not my bird, lol.
I saw a lot of movement on the catnip bush this morning. The birds were eating those seeds too. I guess they are going to fly 'extra high' today? lol.
But these are the lessons of food. I guess the last drop of the lesson, is Anthony wanted to go out to dinner last night, but I had some food in the boxes to go through. We had steak, and Rice a Roni, and baked beans for dinner. For an appetizer we had salad and I put a nectarine that was just a little past its prime in slices on the salad. You can get more life out of your fruit this way. It was at peak flavor and added a lot. Then for first course 'dessert', we tried a Korean Melon.
It was crisp texture like an apple-pear, but tasted like cantaloupe or honeydew melon. I cut it like the slice shown, four tiny thin slices for me, and four for Anthony. The melon is the side of a standard hot dog and bun, but a little plumper. I liked it!
We also had Swiss Roll cake, two thin slices each. I appreciate asian desserts because they are not too sweet.
I don't like American cakes with their frosting.
Let's move on to music.
Everything has a vibration. I've known this forever because I can sense it. It's like everything is alive, even inanimate things, because there is energy stored in them from being made, and from the environment or who interacted with them.
Even the Earth has a vibration, a resonance frequency, and they track it--click here--to see the Schumann Resonance Frequency. White spikes are high energy bursts!
Here is an excellent article by Anne Reith, PhD on the New Moon In Cancer, how she mentions this as a 'pocket of time and energy'...you get a feeling for the movement of the planets and the stars in this article.
In one of my courses, our latest lesson was about traditional Italian music. And it's true, it's in my soul, the joy of the Tarantella (it's a community healing dance actually). Our teacher introduced us to the zampogna (listen here for these unique Italian bagpipes). This just reaches so deep into my soul, this instrument!
So, as I shift from a simplistic view of music as a tool of TWDNHOBIAH in my learning, I see that music is just as important for humanity--it's for our souls. Unfortunately modern music has horrible magic layered into it, rituals, sacrifices, and on one level, I'm concerned because what if this is like the hidden symbols everywhere in plain sight? Our subconscious can interpret and respond to them without our knowing it? But on the other part of the lesson, country music like this is pure. In Italy they have the bagpipe players play for the madonna (Blessed Mother statue) at the nativity, as they say the shepherds were the first musicians! It's a wonderful, beautiful tradition!
I know without a doubt, in Heaven there is the music of the spheres, and this music is indeed both Divine and Holy, and more beautiful than anything the ear has ever heard.
If you put on your discernment 'hat', and watch this video about music by Robert Sepehr you will be able to reflect on these connections.
I would just like for today, to wish to my Carla who is both beautiful and kind, gentle and tender--the most happiest of birthdays!
Enjoy your day off sweetie.
Today you will have a good day.
Now go and have fun!
clap! clap!
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Couple of Illuminated Twin Souls
P.S. Here is an extra bonus treat for you! Navajo Wisdom about the four invisible senses