Monday, July 5, 2021

Galactic Liars

 Yesterday Ross and I were having a chat.

I asked him why the people who 'run the world' and 'build' are so intent on saving 'the environment'?

It was clear to me, how Earth was meant to sustain a small number of nomadic people, caretakers of the earth, Earth's true guardians--in perfect and total complete balance with the ecosystem. Anybody could have recognized it.

Why didn't they leave First Nations and indigenous people to be how they were, and to back off?

I saw clearly that those 'ones' don't give a rat's ass about Gaia, or Her People.

These galactic liars, all they want is control.

They will never get enough of it. 

Fortunately, we have one up on 'them'...

The Divine doesn't follow a linear timeline. Not in telling stories. Not in making important plans. Not in anything. 

Even time, the true experience of time, is not linear. From what I understand it's curved, and you can hop around from one place on it to another.

So the 'builders' are using a Greek system to explain everything, and unfortunately, they have schooled the world into this system through the educational system of organized education. SO...everyone 'expects' logic. A story with a beginning, middle, and end. One thing to follow another.

And in this the Galactic Liars are tripped up, and stumble.

God is BIGGER than that.

God doesn't just 'build'.


There is a difference.

Ross and I invite you to reflect on this for the next few days.

With Reiki, and your training in work with the Other Side, with Spirit, and through following us, you understand things on a first-hand basis, through experience, which is NOT 'linear and logical'. You are able to work with the subconscious. And magic. The kind WITHOUT the letter 'K'. 

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The twins