Thursday, July 22, 2021

God Can Do Anything!


Sometimes I think the sole reason we are incarnate, is to get to know Creator better.

When you are outside of your head, and actively watching and learning about yourself and others, life's experiences suddenly seem to work out, and become highly enjoyable.

Today I had the late start, and drove my soon-to-be driver to work. He ate his breakfast in a bowl in the car as we drove. We had (mine was waiting at home) SPAM slices, English muffin with butter and orange marmalade, and apricots. 

'What ones are these mom?' he asked, holding up the apricot. They are my favorites, his is nectarine, and with the summer fruits I've eaten two boxes of fresh apricots this summer all by myself. It was his first one. He said he liked it, but he still likes the nectarines better. 

On the way home, I saw a Tesla Emergency Service vehicle.

At first I didn't think anything of it, just another car on the road ahead of me...

...and then I got it! I got the joke from Divine Creator!

The Tesla Emergency Service vehicle is not electric! It's a regular car/truck/van kind of thing!

I smiled a long time at the implications of that one!

Today I had a big 'aha!' moment. 

It's a little thing, and yet a big thing, all at the same time.

My last house, I was very attached to it. Why? Because I felt God had chosen it for me. I resonated so strong and even had a vision of it before I ever saw it. 

How could I ever let go of something that was given to me by Creator? How could I ever want or seek anything else?

I couldn't. That's not the kind of person I am. I'm happy with such gifts and treasure them., in my porch swing, talking to Ross, I finally got it!

Here at this new house, there isn't anyone walking past me when I'm in my porch swing--there's fences. 

Slowly, the little thought got the big wheels turning in my head, and on a soul level, I got it! I understood--as we grow, God can bring NEW gifts into our lives. And it's better to go along with the growth than to stifle it. Letting go of an older gift isn't insulting to Creator, especially not when we are thankful, and we empty our hands long enough for Creator to put something wonderful new and special into it. 

Even tonight, the salad was one hundred percent from the yard--lemon cucumber, purslane, cherry tomato, shishito pepper, red onion, lemon juice ...well, a little olive oil, and Swiss salt Herbamare.  Anthony enjoyed the salad so much he said 'whatever you put in here mom it would make a really great spice for guacamole.'

We are all interconnected. The guy who supplies over one hundred fifty mice to our local pet shop, the biggest supplier for all the pet shops in the area, decided to sell his house and move out of state just like that. The pet shop owner we've known for years, is scrambling. 

Every job is important!

Even staying at home if you aren't working. Everyone has their own important role to play in what is to arrive, and everyone is needed. It shouldn't have to be when someone is gone that people realize the importance of what that person did.

So, for any small business that means something to you, write a nice online review! Go there often. Express your sincere appreciation. 

Appreciation is the lubricant that helps society move along. And so is respect for ourselves and for others.

Lots of people want to know how to manifest. I never really thought about it. But today, I realized a way to teach it in a way that might be more accessible . Have you ever had something you really, really wanted? You thought about it night and day? That's not the way to manifest. But when you let go, and decide you are okay whether or not it comes, all of a sudden it pops into your reality? That's a little part of the point. 

Here is a way to make the point more clear. If you need something to achieve something else, and you look closely at the something else, then all kinds of things manifest to help you do that something else! Case in point--medical school. I wanted to be a doctor. All my life really. But when I finally decided to move forward, and to apply, then Boom! It was like a row of dominos, one tipping over the next, boom boom boom boom boom--everything was falling into place. 

I have a lot of wonderful tools for spiritual growth. But it's not for the sake of having the tools. I actually use them, and they help me to grow. It's little nudges and hints I pick up on, that help me to stretch in certain ways, that guide me into finding the right tools (actually it's more like the right tools find me).

Ross wants me to share another example. A beautiful reader, years ago, sent me lots of Sicilian garlic to grow, and wonderful stones from I think Lake Michigan. Someplace very spiritual in that area. I eagerly planted the garlic but at the old house it didn't grow right. It was a shade garden, there wasn't enough sun. 

But the stones? I kept them in the egg crates for two years. And about six months on my kitchen counter. It just wasn't right right place or time, and I didn't want to waste these wonderful stones.

I bought a wabi basin, all carved with stone. I knew with the international pandemic situation such treasures handmade from Japan might be harder to find. But this too, sat in its box in the living room, on a cushioned bench, for maybe a year.

When I had bought toenail trimming stuff for my mom, in August 2020, I had seen a little yard Buddha. I wanted it so bad, but it was too expensive. I couldn't spend forty dollars on a pretty cheap statue. I just liked it and was drawn to it, but said no. Later, after Dr. Dao passed, I saw the same statue fifty-percent off at the same drug store. So I bought it. 

This year, I didn't plant garlic. But for some reason, last year's crop (at the new house) which 'failed' grew robust new garlic plants all along the border of the garden. 

And one rainy day, I put the Buddha out with the garlic, in the center of the garden, when I could see it. It gave me great joy. I decided to make that area a place of honor for Dr. Dao.

Months later, maybe even early summer, I took the wabi basin, and set it next to Buddha, and the garlic. 

Maybe a month after that, I had an aha! moment with the stones in the egg crates! THIS was finally a place of honor to enjoy them. Carefully, so carefully, I took each one out, enjoyed it, and placed them side by side almost like cobblestones in front of the wabi basin. And the most special ones that called to me, three in all, one like a heart, I put inside the wabi basin! 

Energetically, that wabi basin is connected to the Great Lakes! through the beautiful, and most treasured stones. Together, with the garlic, and the Buddha, the energy there in this focal point of the whole yard, sings! 

What does Buddha get to look at? The bird feeder a few yards away, a highly active place of joy in the garden! Currently, buckwheat plants are blooming under them, 'volunteers' from the spilled bird seed. I'm enjoying being able to grow plants with seeds for birds, as well as traditional bird feeders. There's something so satisfying about seeing a bird perch on a branch and just go to town on the seeds--millet, and catnip are two of their favorites. 

Just like with our souls, things take time. And when the energy is right, all the pieces will fit together, and create a beautiful whole you never would have imagined looking at the pieces. 

Spirit works like this.

I describe it, just so you know.

Ross is gently reminding me to go to sleep. I have an early start tomorrow. I wanted to write about the Tesla thing before I forgot. 

Thank you Ross, and thank you for this last reminder--every room in my house has a living thing. My bedroom has me, lol. And we have pets in every other room. Plants too. And every morning, I have the honor to help keep all of them alive! It brought me incredible joy to realize this. 

Be glad for all the life which is dependent on you. Here again is an example of how very much you and your efforts here on Earth matter!

Give thanks for this.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,



Ross and Carla

The happiest couple in the galaxy <3 <3