Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Navigator

Last night was a big fundraiser for the hospital where I work. Every year, they have this event. And every year, a patient story headlines the fundraiser. There's a video that's very nice, very professional, showing why our hospital helps our community.

This year was different.

The headliner was the free 'navigator' service our hospital provides for patients. If you have a serious diagnosis, like lung cancer or even a big surgery coming up like a total joint replacement, our hospital has staff--many of whom I recognized--who will help the patient work their way through the complex healthcare system. They will offer emotional support, make appointments, answer questions and generally be available for the patient.

When I saw Robin, a nurse I know,  in the video, she was fantastic, very caring, compassionate and professional.

Robin is very dear, and also, she goes to lectures about Reiki. She is a highly compassionate person.

The energy I have been putting into the system is taking root. It's blossoming. This makes me very content.

I realized the need for the Navigator is because there isn't anyone home from work in the family, a daughter or daughter-in-law as in times past, to help the patient in this way. I know for a fact the last time I was in the ER, for pneumonia, there were two other women a little older than I am, who were there for various illnesses, who like me, were completely and totally alone.

Times change.

Caring and compassion are still present.

clap! clap!

Ross wants you to know I have an early start tomorrow, so today is a little in advance for tomorrow's post.

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The couple