Friday, October 11, 2019

Looking Forward To Our Tomorrows Together

Today was a day I'd like to remember as one of the first days of the future. I worked together with Ross to co-create this day. I've been working between two extremes--one where Spirit mostly directs the activities, and one where I have a list and push myself to meet goals, often being so busy as to skip lunch.  Today was none of those things. It was both spontaneous and productive. And I didn't have a plan or goal.

I brought Anthony to school while I was in my nightgown and a hoodie. I hadn't even brushed my hair. Good thing there's a car, right?

When I came home, I had envisioned today to be one of making phone calls, coordinating things needed for ourselves, our health, and the home. 

Instead, I gave myself much needed rest. I went back to bed for an hour and a half. I read the paper. I did laundry. I caught up on things online. And when Ross said, 'SWIM', I did. It felt wonderful to enjoy the weather today, get out in the sun, and exercise. The only phone calls I made was to animals rescues in Mississipi. Some half-feral cats, sweet innocent things, have mistakenly walked into the areas where some championship weimeraners are living, the prey instinct to hunt kicks in, and nature takes it's course.  It's very sad, and my friend who is an expert on cats here said to contact such organizations. So I did.

When I picked up Anthony, I spontaneously asked him if he'd like to go to ice cream. We are different now. I get the kid scoop, and he gets a single scoop. But it was nice to talk. When we got home, together, we changed the water filter and the air filter in the fridge. He asked me to read him the article about the MyPillow founder. It's in the Epoch Times, and it's delightfully written. His end of crack cocaine was when three dealers held an intervention for him. They sat him in a warehouse and told him they aren't going to sell to him any more, because they don't want it to kill him. 

Later, I spent time in the garden. The pool is done. The water is only seventy degrees, and it's getting green again. I can't use the water for the garden, sadly. Algea and salts are bad for it. We will have to find a way to drain it slowly. I think siphoning will be good. 

This picture really resonates with both Ross and me. It shows both Heaven and Earth coming together, and we--the ground crew and all of humanity--are the baby trees shooting up.

Many good things are happening, energetically. It is unfortunate we are not permitted to see it on the news/controlled entertainment/corporate media.

Yesterday was a first, a fantastic one. 

When I do Reiki for my patients, it's unlike any Reiki you see online. That's because I work with the patient on a soul level. I see it and the chakras. And when I look at the chakras, sometimes there are attachments. I have been working a long time with my teams to train to be able to do the removals. 

Sometimes even souls of my patients have been tired of being sick, and want to quit. I've seen walk-ins switch during surgery. I wish the new ones 'good luck'. They have trained very hard. There really is an imperceptible difference. It's fair enough to both parties involved, and it's an option some, but not many, souls take when faced with incurable disease and suffering. 

What was new was that I had a student with me, one who is Reiki 2, the most trained in the whole O.R. I've trained others who have left. But this one, we work together during surgery, sometimes remotely (we text) or side by side, depending on the surgeon. This one we had permission from the surgeon, for the surgeon themself!! She said, 'I could always use a little energy.' It was surprising how similarly we felt the energy absorb quickly and then stop. 

Our O.R., it's a little different. One nurse first assist has her father's anniversary of his death coming up. She loved her free Healing grief bracelet I gave her. She asked for another one, and she offered to pay for it. What she doesn't know is last night her dad contacted me through Spirit, and he wants to design it for her. He wants lots of pearls, really big ones, and diamonds (shiny things). Because she took care of him for years after his stroke, and she is worth that to him. Priceless. 

I also have unicorn affirmator cards (available on amazon) and I draw them for everyone who comes into the room who would like one. I hold up the fanned cards to those who are scrubbed in, ask, you want the ones on this side or the other (left or right) and they can say as my finger moves which one to pick.

We also did aromatherapy for the room, for the workers, at the beginning of the case and it was lovely. We take a half cup of hot water from the water cooler, add a few drops (this one was rose and myrrh). It totally changes the energy.

I've had some readers contact me about things that were troubling them. One was having something like a spiritual attack or perhaps some buried subconscious things from some incarnation coming up. 

Another was hurt because of This article beware of Reiki

I gave my advice, from the heart to both.

Most important one is that humor is a powerful way to fight darkness. Real, from the heart, healthy, non-sarcastic humor takes the power away from those who seek to upset us. Both in spirit, and in the physical. Yes, it's stressful, and upsetting, but try to change those situations by mentally, or sometimes out loud, acknowledging how ridiculous, preposterous, and stupid it is to quibble when all there is in the Universe is love? Nurturing, warmth, love and compassion are all that exist in reality. Everything else is a bad, very bad miscommunication in an illusion. So don't let it get you down. Laugh at it. 

Not the tears of a clown.


For the article, it's excellent disinformation. We know what team the actress selling the vampire repellant is on--and we know what she eats and drinks in ceremony. Sad, but true. So there's a bit of truth in the author, and also, a lot of untruth. 

From what I was told, a student asked Usui-sensei how Jesus healed the body with the miracles. And he sent off to learn, having to study and learn three languages. 

If you have felt Reiki, you can't help but notice the nurturing, warmth, love and compassion in the energy.

There ARE many shysters and hucksters who will market 'Reiki' just like there are plenty who will sell fake crystals or send empty boxes. 

Just trust your intuition, keep your heart pure, and the Reiki will be pure.

Now, we are the first to note that some things going on in the world are not funny. There is no way to laugh at what is going on in Syria right now. No way. There's nothing funny about it. But we can educate.

Here is a list of the level of consciousness of countries, by Hawkins, calibrated to the mid 2000's:

Here is what the numbers mean. 

Here is the mountain all of us are here to climb, each at our own pace. 

Pray for those who are in the lower vibration countries to have the courage and strength and grace to climb their mountain. Both collectively, and as individuals.

Send healing to the regions themselves.

And to the people.

Don't send it to the whole earth, it's not as effective because the intention is diluted. Focus it on the areas that need it the most.

Once we get to the middle of the mountain, things will be a lot better here for everyone.

Syria, and the events there, are no longer and 'us and them' paradigm. We are One, all humans, and all are contributing to the overall Consciousness on the planet. Raise your vibration for those who cannot find the courage and strength to climb out of their misery. Yours will add to the collective, and as the collective raises up, then the others will too. You will help to lift them up.

That is why, a day like today, going with the flow, enjoying the gifts, and not being hard on myself, was a drop in the bucket to help the whole team step up a little higher on the mountain.

Be good to yourselves, and be kind.

Know there are experts who have the belief system of TWDHNOBIAH who are pulling hard to drag the climbers' energy downhill. This is because they are fueled and empowered in a system that is based on betrayal and self-hate...all of which are illusion.

Help the Middle East and other regions with chronically low scores on the Hawkins scale by doing everything you can to raise the consciousness of yourself and those around you. Set your resolve to respond only with kindness and love. Even if a boundary is 'tough love'.

Be love.

It's what you are in the first place.

Exercise it. Strengthen it. Make it grow.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple