This is our role. Extending a helping hand to those who wish to receive it.
To do so, we must have strong internal support--confidence in our skills, high emotional intelligence, and open heart. We have been carefully selected prior to this current incarnation to be where we are with the skill set we have honed over many lifetimes.
We are going to be courage in the face of overwhelming fear. How can this be? Because we are already awake. We understand that there are forces just outside our perception who are molding society and making moves constantly in the direction of controlling us.
The concept in and of itself is horrific, horrifying, and literally, shocking that something like this could be.
Over time, we have gotten used to it. But many people have not. And sometimes the truth will just lay itself out there, hidden in plain sight, and suddenly someone will be able to see and make connections. They might think they are going crazy, and losing it. Nope. It's like the movie They Live and the sunglasses. It's really real.
So, to be strong, keep up your daily meditation, your daily self-Reiki, your diet (I was all vegetarian many days last week, it just sort of happened--fresh and local and unprocessed is most important even if you eat meat. We do, just not always.), get fresh air and sunshine, and play! Do things you enjoy. Even ask for help. I ask for Anthony to help more in the kitchen. I need the extra help with loading and unloading the dishwasher and other basics with meal prep.
The next part is finding external support. Friends, family, and like-minded souls (Star Family) will help you carry the weight of these emotionally charged interactions. Fear, when seen from the outside, and the reactions of the people who are experiencing fear and denial, can be extremely frustrating. It can be so out of synch with reality that it can even appear comical, to the point of your questioning is this really happening or something scripted for TV? This is where you need to be strong during your actual reaction/event/interaction, but make time to decompress and vent with trusted friends/support system. Together you can achieve anything. Be strong, and be strong together. Enjoy one another.
And make sure you have alternate ways to stay in contact, just in case anything were to happen in the primary source of contact.
Control is real. And control is getting more and more in everyone's face. It really is.
We just had a new change at work, actually two of them. Workflow is impaired significantly! The computer people upgraded the anesthesia documentation system. And the new one is the result of what Big Brother (Epic Optime) decided everyone must use. The hospital pays them lots of money for the platform. It's supposed to make less clicks, it doesn't. And visually it's more appealing to younger docs. But the graph, the most important part of anesthesia care, where you see trends? It's tiny and there's no way to expand its size. Then the nightly email that shows available cases and we submit our requests for work assignment--it's encrypted. And you must register yourself. But even when you register yourself, you can't open it on your phone. You used to be able to. But now for the cybersecurity you can't. It works on a desktop. But who is near a desktop these days? Right? I spent one hour on the phone getting the runaround from the help desk, the Epic go live team, and eventually my friend the nurse who works in the computer department. She's telling me to wait until tomorrow and in person she will fix it. These people who create the programs and make the decisions have no idea, no concept, no clue of the ramifications of their decision. And it will affect people in a big way. Like a friend said, who was asking me for advice on the new upgrade--I talked to the help desk people and they didn't even know how to talk to me. If they had just said it like you just said it I would have totally understood. They need to be in our specialty.
Knowledge is so highly specialized.
That's why keeping your heart open is important. So is patience and the ability to ask for help.
Ross says I have an early start today. I do. And it's time to leave for work. All is well. He loves everyone, each and every one of you, very much. It is only a short time now. We are almost near the end of the most important phase of Ascension. The peak. The rest is all downhill and like a snowball rolling down hill picking up energy and growing and fun to see.
clap ! clap!
Aloha and mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Couple <3 <3