Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Kitten Connection

We thank you for giving your attention to Thomas and his hobby. Spiders are in fact, a vital part of the ecosystem of the planet. It is not necessary for one to become their fan, but to be aware of their role much as we are conscious of the role of the honey bee is our intention.

As promised, we have four women who are our guests, and they are going to share from the heart on a topic which is very important to them:  felines.

Please keep in mind the Saul message, which says, 'everyone wants only to be seen, honored, respected, and loved.' original article.

Because it is four guests, we ask for you to allot the time of fifteen minutes for each one to share their story in this documentary about them:

Which woman was the one you felt the closest connection to? With whom would you like to offer friendship, and to hang out?

Which one would you offer financial support if you were of unlimited means? (you were rich and money were no object).

Do you understand what happened to make the turn of events which led to having multiple cats?

Are you susceptible to this happening to you? What events could happen in your life perhaps, to make you turn to love and support from the kittens?

For these women, will they find the love that they seek?

Is what they are seeking something internal, or external to themselves?

Have you ever gotten yourself into something so deep it was difficult for you to get out of the situation? Did you get yourself out of it?

We would like to add something different to the discussion. Has anyone ever seen the movie The Kingsmen? What are the roles of the dogs in the training to pass the test to become a Kingsman? At first the students are given a puppy. Taking care of them is a way to demonstrate reliability and responsibility isn't it? But then, the final test, is a test of loyalty to the dog over loyalty to the organization, yes?

There is an even darker facet to this kind of treatment with puppies. It is an important part of the MK Ultra/Monarch program. A victim/subject is given a dog as a comfort. The dog offers unconditional love to the victim/subject, who is stressed beyond the imagination otherwise in the programming in which the mind splits.  You can see where the road heads on this relationship with the victim/subject and the pet. This becomes one more way to traumatize the victim, isn't it?

We see with a wary eye the emergence of the role of pets in society today. Some have supposed that there is one big global initiation going on worldwide into the occult. We see couples having a dog before they have a human family, 'just to try it out'. We see a culture here in the United States where people bring their dogs with them to the grocery store, to the shopping center, even on airplanes. The same is true with cats with the traveling. People even have 'service animals'--not the ones trained to lead the blind but the emotional support animals. It is kind of like one can purchase a certificate online to declare their pet a service animal.

This is only one step away from the next part of the initiation, isn't it? For the group.

We also wonder how many of these guest women speakers have perhaps sexual abuse or trauma in their past, or perhaps SRA?

Could it happen to you?

Not likely.

Are you able to find compassion for them? To talk to them across the table as equals, soul to soul, and smile while looking in their eyes after knowing their truth?

This is a very important task for our healers, you, our ones we know who are up to the task. Human frailty is normal and unavoidable for certain souls during the life process. Human frailty can also be exploited by those who wish to find control and compel others to nefarious activities.

Would you like a cup of tea? We are almost at our last guest, and are going to pass out the little finger sandwiches and dessert pastries on a magnificent silver tray...

We thank you so much for joining us, and for honoring and respecting our guests.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Huggables