Monday, May 13, 2019

How Can You Know....?

Yesterday morning I spent a few minutes in the hammock, resting. I thought of Ross and in my heart I tried to be as close to him 'across the miles' as I could.

I sighed and wished for the day when everything would be peaceful and calm and working together for the highest good!

I was taken aback when the sudden realization dawned on me, at Ross' suggestion, 'how can you know that things are already not working together for the highest good just are they are right now?'

I was like, whoa...Divine Creator is the hand behind everything that is going on right this minute, and even though it may not look like it from where I sit, everything IS in the force field of Divine Love and is aligning together right this minute now, for the common denominator--the Highest Good!

At once it was both thrilling and liberating to feel these truths rushing through my soul!  

Yes, life on Earth isn't easy, yes, there are huge hurdles for humanity to jump clear, and yes, it sure is murky here from our perspective. Fortunately, other higher perspectives exist! And for this we can be grateful...

As our countdown proceeds, we are at day thirty-five until 'everything gets really better'.

What makes 'better' to you?

I wonder if we discuss our better, and perhaps align them, we will be able to manifest them?

Is it feeding the poor? Is it healing the sick?

Is it ridding ourselves of disease and all possible control systems and attachments?

Is it abundance and prosperity?

I don't know about you, but for me, yesterday was a good example of what 'better' entails. Anthony was with me. For the whole day. I was not on call, or post-call.  Friends and family and I were in communication all day, wishing each other a Happy Mother's Day.

I got to go drive and visit my family!! It's been MONTHS and this is something I used to do every Sunday when I was growing up. Anthony remarked, 'mom, I guess this is what Sunday is for, going to visit?'  I said yes and in Italian families it means a big Sunday dinner too and we can do that at our house once we are all moved in.

I brought Italian Heather to my sisters and my mom. It's really beautiful. I've never seen anything like it, lots of pink tube flowers. We brought a hydrangea to another single mom we've known since our sons were in preschool together.

Anthony had an upset stomach all day. We think it might have been the restaurant we ate our lunch at near mom's house. It used to be a McDonald's but when the McDonald's moved to where the Shell station once was, someone else took the restaurant building over and made like a diner from it. I've never eaten there.

So for dinner, I made chicken broth with spring onion (Ross' idea), carrot, and stellini. Anthony was hungry for it and wanted baguette with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.  I gave him a Hansen's Mandarin Lime soda too for the fizz to help him.

It was enough. It was just enough and he slept well, thankfully.

Something is happening to me, and I feel like I am in some way turning into Ross with my soul--back in the day, he did his thing and I did mine. They were mutually supportive, but separate. But you know how an old married couple begins to switch? It's like that.

I love this image here more than anything because it really shows the feeling of the healing team guiding the patient to look toward Health and a positive future. Even if the end of life is part of the process, it is a beautiful part, probably the most important, to face the end with courage and positivity.

When I am talking to my patients, and even to colleagues, something is open in my heart center that never was open like that before, and there is an energy to it, a passion, a flame, a CONNECTION.

I love it.

I sense gradually I am being prepared for whatever is next for me. And I'm seeing the writing on the wall that perhaps I have outgrown my old workplace, as much as I love it and the people there. Why?  Because there's this ENERGY I can't explain that's starting to flow through my heart center. I sense it's important, because I really like the feeling of that energy flow. I am connecting with patients who are not fear-based. These are the ones who respond to love and they do respond well!

I have half a mind to go start a business to teach other places how to become healing centers. How to blend the esoteric with the peer-review-based evidence type of care. I don't know where to begin. But I do have help from Ross and I talk with him a lot these days.

I kept asking him, 'why? why?' with the lesson from Paul at work. Was it to test me? To take me off purpose? Ross was very loving, and kind, and said, it's to teach me to talk about what's going on inside, because I am not a talker. Writer? YES! But face to face talker? No. And for me to seek in Paul, if he is strong enough to be the kind of strong friend I should have by my side, friends only.

I know all this stuff of Heaven is real. Andy Bojarski did a beautiful share about his mother yesterday. It gave me such hope. I've seen the ceiling open up too and the glory and the gates when my own father passed. But that was ten years ago.

I miss Heaven!

I hope our teams bring us home soon, and yesterday's insight as to everything being under the guidance of Divine Father and Divine Mother was a good start. It was truly my first taste of Home while I'm incarnate.

I need to wake up Anthony and get him to school.

Ross is reminding me and he says he will talk to you later.

One last thing, a miracle! Today I owe our passports, a notarized letter from Jared, and one-hundred-forty dollars to the school. It's field trip time. I am going to chaperone. While I was looking in the passport holder, I found one hundred fifty dollars American money! I had been dreading that last fare for the airport transport...and just exactly enough showed up at the last minute when I needed it most. I had no idea it was in there. Earlier I had put thirty dollars into a birthday card for my nephew, and Anthony said, 'mom you better put in fifty or Aunt K will be mad. She always gives me fifty and that's important to her that we do the same.'  So I took twenty from my forty for the week, and put it to my nephew, because it was the right thing. So when I found the miracle money, Anthony said, 'See? mom? you did what I said and now you are getting it back three times more!'

He was right!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins