Saturday, May 25, 2019

Hold On To Your Hats

Ross came up with this title.  He also recommends this video 

The reason he does is because he would like to emphasize a basic fact—as within, so it goes on the outside.  The changes we are making/co-creating in our own hearts and immediate environments are peaking and starting to change the energy of what we see in the outside world around us.

Everything happens for the best.

Carla just finished reading this book. It is on white slavery. It was recommended to her by a patient who was Irish heritage. She read it with interest. She particularly recommends reading it for the observance of a pattern, a human tendency, which has often repeated itself and no doubt is behind the machinery of TWDNHOBIAH. It is available on Amazon.

Here is an example of how there is room for us to focus on inner change within. Today Carla had an opportunity to do her laundry. It is at the hostel/apartment where she is with five other parents and their children from Anthony’s school. It was too wet. They had trouble with the washing machine—unlocking it, and the person who shared the wash load with her had to add an extra cycle. Yes, it would dry. Carla was okay with it to dry. But instead of asking, the other parent said that they would run an extra spin cycle and hang up the clothes instead of Carla.

Who is right?

In anesthesia, there is a maxim that is said among teaching professors as once Carla was—there are many ways to bake a cake, all of them delicious. 

There is no one right and wrong way to give an anesthetic. There are many nuances which add very minor details.

It has no effect on the overall result of a patient safety and painlessly going through their surgery.

There are many ways to bake a cake, all of them delicious.

Apply this maxim to the way you face your world. This will shorten the distance between your energy and that of the world around you, and raise both steeply and sharply UP to the Higher Realms!

Whenever you find a need to control or are with someone who is controlling, remember the impetus behind this need is a form of fear. Do not give in to it.

Clap! Clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The magnanimous

(Ross is smiling and is very glad)