Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Explore Your Many Options

You don't have to follow the 'recipe' for 'success' which is promoted in the narrative.

What is the narrative?

The narrative is everything that is told to you through the news, the media, the entertainment industry, the government, and advertising. 

Today we are going to explore more options.

One of them which is tried and true--outside the narrative of course--is the combination of Love and Gratitude. Getting into this mindset will be like a magnet to bring good things to your life.

Carla is going to apply this to her work every day, and also, as she did when she lay in the hammock and spoke with Ross, as she looks for other opportunities for her career which might be better suited for the needs of herself and her family.

Another option is the course Ross recommended to Carla in her current work state--one which is eating at her because the politics are so distressing.  This option is Look For The Fun.  Every time Carla is facing an unpleasant challenge, this is the course of approach Ross usually recommends to her.  This changes the dynamics when we view something as an adventure.

Acceptance is a healthy way to adjust to What Is. Things are how they are for a reason. You are the way you are, your life is the way it is. Acceptance, especially in combination with Forgiveness, is an excellent foundation upon which to build changes or future plans. It is the healthiest way to be, psychologically.

One which Carla has really enjoyed lately is the feeling of doing what is right, even when it is difficult. The DMV mailed a handicapped placard to her home, for one of the people who used to live there. It would have been nice to have the parking. Carla's mom has it, and so does her niece. 

It would have been so easy.

But she realized there's someone who needs it more, the person it is intended, and she went to a neighbor who has contact with the old family. She gave it to the neighbor and instantly her heart felt light and a happiness came because she helped someone who needed it very much. 

The same was true for their bunny, who was having a little pain in her bottom and not wanting to eat. Carla took her to the vet, and while waiting, got to sit with the bunny for a long time. Nurturing feelings stirred in her heart and Carla found she enjoyed being present for her little bunny in her family. She was surprised to learn a few things. The first was that their bunny was very well-mannered and easy to handle, which is unlike most rabbits who are pets.

The second is the scar on the neck of the nice lady veterinarian which was screaming out to her energetically. Through the course of conversation, Carla learned that the veterinarian had numb fingers of the right hand. Actually, compared to not being able to walk when the injury happened, the veterinarian was doing okay. She had been in the hospital for nine months, and part of it was in a rehabilitation facility where you learn to walk all over again.  And today was actually her first day back at work.

And the cause of the accident?

The petite veterinarian had been trampled by a cow!

Hurt in the line of duty!

Carla remembered her friend the mom who is a veterinarian talking about the horrible working conditions when she was in training and interning with large animals. She was up all night like Carla, and at risk for injuries too. She was a walking zombie and that's why she left to become an animal pathologist and work office hours like anyone in industry.

Apply what you have learned is another good option. We will give an exercise to you, but first we must explain the lesson. There is a 'light' or 'sparkle' that your regular eyes do not perceive unless you focus with your attention and your intuition and your sense of resonating with your center. You can pick up on it when you meet people face to face or see photos in print. For Carla the print is a little easier. When you look in the eyes you get an idea of who has our team's energy--a sparkle and a presence--and who lacks this. When there is lack the eyes seem flat, dark, and hollow. It's like there is nothing there. So here is an article where if you look past the smile, and at the eyes, you have the opportunity to pick up on this pattern. Not everyone has it to the same degree. Some of the women at the end have it a little less. But give it a try if you'd like to expand your skills at discernment.

Yesterday Carla went to check out her old house. She saw some hiccups in the repairs which had gone on for about a week unfixed. So she took action. She contacted her friends in the business who had helped her with leaks in the past. She did the right thing. And it's not going to be pleasant--they need asbestos tests, even though in the same garage it's been tested and abated. But to sell the house she didn't want any mold. They are also going to charge it to the insurance. Tomorrow the plumber comes with a huge laundry list of tasks in addition to the leak. And Carla will pay for all out of pocket.  It's the right thing. A not-so-fun right thing, but the right thing and she slept well because of her decision. The sale will be postponed because they don't want it on the market while the equipment and repairs are being done.

Ross says our countdown is at thirty three and although it might spin a little slower than a forty five rpm record, the music is the same, just very beautiful, as we wait and are 'on hold' for about a month.

Anthony was in a school play last night. Carla was delighted. The whole audience loved him! He played a Russian ballet teacher in the play You Can't Take It With You, and he stole the show.

That's our son, who brings us and the world, delight!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins

P.S. We will be taking a brief hiatus for about ten days beginning on Sunday. There is a reason which we will be sharing with you as the days arrive. xoxoxoxox We love you!