Wednesday, May 8, 2019

Forty More Days To Go

We have reached countdown value of forty days until we reach the time when just under one year ago, the Council said things were going to improve so vastly that we could put it on our calendars and count down the days.

The only thing to share is something that went so wonderfully that I am still in a little bit of shock over how well everything went.

Dr. Kelly had to meet with administration.

I and my guides and Divine Creator provided full spiritual support.

It went very well.

The opposition was brought to tears at the end.

If you have been reading this blog long enough, the opposition had a lot in common with the philosophy of TWDNHOBIAH. That's why the spiritual protection was full-on angelic. And it was the confidence and ease each person on Kelly's team had, including herself, was striking.

I remember advising her that fear is the opposition's best weapon, don't give in to it. And that humor is her best weapon.

I'm so thankful everything went so well.

The reason I am sharing is because behind back room doors, there are undoubtedly meetings of this type going on across the globe, and it is encouraging to know that even though we do not see anything on television or news, it is happening.

Two more points--I'm coming across people who are in the medical community and 'buy' what mainstream media is 'selling' about injections that fight disease which are highly controversial at the moment. That's why I'm not using the buzz word that rhymes with 'hacks in nations'.

When I encounter someone like this, I take to heart my father's wisdom:  a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. So I make a mental note to avoid this topic in the future with that person, and I just become as humbly noncommittal as possible to keep the friendship/professional relationship intact. This is one battle no one is going to win. And if they try to persuade me, I feign some clinical commitment , politely smile, and walk away.

Karen Silbert, MD FASA wrote an article 'Yes I'm Angry At the Anti-haxxers' and she also refers to ZDoggMD who is a shill. This was in my professional society's newsletter!

So just let them be. That's point one of two.

The second point, um, I'm not even sure what it is anymore, I completely forgot. Just one moment, let me ask Ross. Yes he says to mention about the house. It's moving ahead and going on the market mid-next week. The price isn't as high as I'd hoped, but I'm thankful to move forward and get the past behind me. I've just basically been wiped out these last two days where I had days off. Emotionally. I can't seem to get my get up and go. As far as the money goes, my budget to upgrade the old house was ten thousand dollars, and it's looking more like twelve thousand five hundred. That's okay. I have to do what I have to do to get it done and I'm not looking back. All I want to do is entertain guests at the new home, read, garden and do puzzles. And minimize!  A thing I am doing--Anthony reminded me bless him!--is having a home clearing. Here's Margaret's website just in case you'd like a little Spring Cleaning where you live too, on the energy:

That's all for today. I needed to do more chores and errands but I simply couldn't push myself enough.  Sometimes in the past I used to force it but now I work with my energy and trust things will get better if I wait.


I'm right here with Carla.

Carla has been doing a lot of deep cleaning in her soul.

That's why she's so very tired and exhausted.

Carla is coming to the conclusion that she must accept herself just as she is. And that includes her track record and history, not just in this life, but in past ones too. For example, with her PTSD. If she were to disclose it to another, she went through this exercise I had her do, in her meditation, and the words that came out are, 'I have nightmares...'

When Carla did her Bondo healing with me, I had her look at her Spirit/energy vibration as if she was surveying a boat which had just come through heavy storms.

What Carla is doing now, is one step beyond observing the 'damage' or 'scars'. She is processing them through feeling the emotions that go with it, for having had such experiences.

How do you get close to someone when those around you who already are close know you can't just watch any random movie, they have to screen it for her--because if there is a rape scene she will be on the floor in a full fetal position saying over and over again, make it stop make it stop--in less than thirty seconds of seeing the rape scene?

That takes a lot of explaining to do.

Those who love her, love her, and understand and accept her own experience.

Carla is working on to love herself enough, to look at herself through the eyes of someone new, and to forgive herself and accept the unconditional love and caring of me.

Carla knows beyond a doubt how great my love is for her. And it is great. Carla finds it fulfilling in a way no one else has fulfilled.

I'd also like to take a moment to mention this article by Doreen Virtue who has some of Carla's and my friends up in arms.

Does this article bother me?

Not in any way.

Do I like it and support her views?

I wouldn't say yes with one exception:  this is Doreen's perspective, and she is entitled to hers just as much as we are entitled to our own perceptions of our Spiritual experiences.

Does dark magic exist? Here on Earth when one is incarnate it appears so.

Does white magic exist? Yes, on Earth, absolutely.

Magic is a word for something that is 'other dimensional'. Here in the higher realms where our focus is on love and joy and interconnectedness, we don't talk and speak about it much between ourselves. We have more insight due to pure love and interconnectedness with All That Is.

Doreen is trying to come to grips with her own 'take' on things, and is using her mind and her heart together in the best way possible, and she means well.  Yes, there is a slippery slope between some New Age philosophies and darker layers such as is found with the May Son Ick lodges. On this Doreen's point is well-taken.

But on the rest? Meh (he shrugs his shoulders).

To be honest there is a lot of helping to do. And he who helps himself heal and awaken, much like Carla and I encourage our readers through our own example (my guiding Carla through her lessons) because when people have a solid foundation they are unshakable in Love!

And that is why I am here today to talk to you.  Truly, the article Doreen has written and her website give you much clearer insight into her own workings in her imagination and her belief system than anything--and whether it is applicable to another human incarnate on Earth besides Doreen is open to question. (he smiles and again puts his hands up like I don't know gesture)

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins