Monday, March 25, 2019

Spiritual Guidance

I pulled an all-nighter on Friday night. Literally. Only a brief one hour nap while waiting for a surgeon who delayed from 21:00 to 23:00 to show up. I slept poorly. I also slept four hours in the hospital after six a.m. because I was in no condition to drive.

My son came home after his baseball game. He had gotten hurt. He threw his back out during warmups, and he didn't even get to play first base. I washed his uniform yesterday. There were dirt marks from the bench, the poor thing. 

His father had been unkind to him. He has no sympathy and he unapologetically hits the speed bumps at top speed with a turn and doesn't care if it hurts Anthony's back or not. He also is unkind to me, and said I would take him to the ER for the back pain.

Actually, in my stupor, I went into mom mode.

I had hurt my hand holding a head of a craniotomy patient during a slow transfer. Something deep inside my palm aches.

So we both got anti-inflammatory medication.

I would have loved to sleep but I couldn't. Not with him like that. So he did his video games and I did my puzzle. It's coming along but it's certainly not an easy one. 

We needed food, I didn't want to pay for door delivery of fast food, so we went to Costco and got a chicken (and other things we needed for the house, totaling lots more than door delivery--but as Anthony said, it's things we needed.)  When we got home, after the madhouse of the big box store, I was a little frantic. I had to unload the car because Anthony's back was out of commission. I asked him to cut the tomatoes for our salad. We had the ready made chicken, roasted potatoes from the store (I don't recommend them), tomato salad, and baguette. 

I made many trips to the car, under great stress.

Yesterday I couldn't find my car keys. 

I looked all over the house. Anthony too. We had no clue where they could have been. I checked every pocket of my jeans. 

Fortunately we had gone to the old house, and brought our 'weekend car' (in the event of car failure I need a ride immediately so I can always go to work) go the new one. So we were able to make our appointment. 

But it was very frustrating. 

The phone rang while we were looking. It was an urgent prayer line. A robocall. Not on the home phone which only my mom really calls, besides the telemarketers and the fundraisers from my medical school. On my cell phone. Anthony and I looked at each other like, 'wow! what perfect timing!'  I had to record my name, and also I had ten seconds to say my prayers. Someone would call back to us. I said, 'I can't find my keys', hoping it wasn't a telephone scam. 

Then I said, we might as well sit and pray together. I did. I shared with Ross how I'm so absent minded I could even lose my face if it wasn't attached. I said I'm a dumb dumb, and I'm sorry. Anthony prayed too.

Then I blurted out, 'at least it's inside the house'.

Ross said, 'not exactly'.

All day I had the dreaded feeling I threw it away and it was in the trash can outside.

Ross told me to 'retrace my steps' which was difficult due to the sleep deprivation.

He also teased us and I saw him with the keys, jingling them, and laughing in a nice way. He told me, 'they will be in the last place you look'. 

What he did advise was to let go of the problem for a while.

Late last night, before bed, I just wanted to sit.  I sat on the couch. I had remembered my last steps, I wanted to throw away trash from the samples, I set my keys down in the laundry room, and threw them away. I had looked in that trash bag, thought I'd heard a jingle, but dismissed it. This time I decided to get up, and look through every piece of trash and transfer it from the bag to another bag just to be sure.

And inside the little dixie cup from the free coffee sample, were my keys!

If you can look back, as the Monday Morning quarterback, you can see how accurate Ross' guidance was. They keys were in the trash designated to go out of the house. My intuition was close but not accurate. And what helped me to find them was a 'feeling'. Not my mind. Not my connection to Ross, but I'm absolutely certain that 'feeling' was from his assistance. I felt it strong and I had to be sure that's why I checked a second time.

Ross also told us where to keep our keys so we will never lose them in the new house. He also had teased me because earlier we had to go to the old home and pick up the backup key for work, just in case I couldn't find the originals. He had said it's so hard for me to let go...

All in all with the move, everyone is happier. I catch myself singing. Anthony too. The pets seems more content. The bunny absolutely loves being inside. She watches TV with us from her cage, and since the house is open design she can see us at the dinner table too. Things are coming along. There's not much left for me to bring besides photos and some beading supplies. Everything else I can have get boxed up and moved for me to sort through here. Considering the move was about three weeks ago, and considering again how I've been in the old place fifteen years, we are doing well.

The garden is going to be more work. I can see mint and something else popping up from the old owners everywhere all over the yard. But it will be happy work. 

The surprising thing is that lots of things I used to love, I don't enjoy here, and some things different seem to 'work' better in the new home. So I'm just going along with it. 

Long story short, when I'm that tired, I need to take better care of myself. We can just order a pizza.

What I do feel is the energy of organization building up, and also, the energy of my work with whatever direction it is meant to go, the one Spirit has in mind. Ross and I will be better able to address the needs of our outreach to better serve others. 

In the meantime, please 'pardon our dust' as we/our family remodel our home situation for the better.

clap! clap!

Aloha and mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Couple

P.S. Here's the countdown!