Sunday, March 31, 2019

How To Apply What You Have Learned About Ascension

If you have been with our page long enough, you might recall we are moving collectively towards an energy state where 'angels are normal and love reigns supreme'.  This energy jump is referred to as Ascension. This is the first time, apparently, that a planet and her people have both made this step up in energy frequency together.

What holds us back is our perception. It is our reliance upon interpreting what we perceive with our five senses (taste, sight, touch, hearing, and smell) far and above the information which we perceive/pick up on with our intuition, and our heart.

Today we are going to give three examples to help you see first, how easily things are hidden in plain sight (to see the hand behind the manipulation) and second, how deeply we can bury our hidden pain and ignore it.

It has been said that all of the world is a stage.

If you have been with our page long enough, you may understand that all of the corporate media, all of the entertainment and sports industries, and all of the government has a very strong tie to TWDNHOBIAH.   'Follow the money' is a very good way to begin to see the hidden hand which is guiding current events and the 'status quo' with popular culture.

Another way to see the hidden hand is to realize how the Amish and similar groups shun 'popular culture' and manage to get along just fine in their own community which is like communities were in the past.

We are going to make some points, and then show you a video where you can see these points, but first there is a photo for you to memorize/burn in to your consciousness as it is important:

This photo describes yet another method where the 'unseen hand' can bring a population from 'Point A' to 'Point B' in the space of a single generation as was seen in World War II Germany. It's a science.

Let us return to our first lesson.

What is the future with the Galactics? What kind of world have they 'leaked' to us? In other words, what is their agenda?

  • saving the earth. Cleaning up pollution. Returning Gaia to her pristine state. 
  • Free energy for all
  • release of technologies that have been hidden--advanced ones for healing and travel

Who stands to lose when this Galactic agenda comes to fruition?
  • big oil. big pharma. big real estate. The automobile industry.

Who owns the controlling interest in the industries and corporations and governments of today?
How can TWDNHOBIAH reinforce their position of power?
  • Create a 'face' and a 'heel' paradigm which takes advantage of duality when working with molding of public perception. There is always two opinions, one presented by someone charismatic, and the other is by someone less charismatic (the 'heel')
  • Use deep psychological influence to have the face mock the heel--in this situation, satire by the elected official from Utah--as well as promoting the feeling that 'your team is winning'. Sports, by nature, sets us up for this desire to 'be on the winning team'.
  • Know that this desire to win has deep roots to TWDNHOBIAH and their 'cult' for lack of a better word. TWDNHOBIAH refer to the commoners as 'useless eaters' and take great pride in calling themselves 'the winning team'.

Are you ready?

To learn, you must temporarily set aside your political belief systems and look for the strategy put into motion here in this work.  Also, remember, if this person was any true threat to TWDNHOBIAH, they wouldn't be alive or putting things on camera. And finally, if you've researched enough, you will know there are striking similarities, right down to a mole on the face, between River Phoenix and this 'Truther'...

It is our hope you will have a similar 'aha!' moment as someone very close to us did when it was pointed out that there is more going on here than what meets the eye.  

Train yourself to look for what is hidden, and in addition to the adage, 'follow the money', remember that the goal of the cult of TWDNHOBIAH is to train us to believe that 'black is white' and 'white is black'. Personally I sense this is why the checkerboard is such a common motif for this cult--because it is the leaders of TWDNHOBIAH who decide what is black and what is white for us. But that's my own two cents.

Someone approached me in in hall at work recently, not once but twice, with questions about her two boys.

They were delicate and the location, as well as the parent, were not ready to receive the information. Furthermore, there are financial constraints, and to make changes based on such little 'evidence' in childcare and housing aren't feasible.

Let me reframe it.

Let me speak from first-hand experience as one who has been abused sexually as a child.

Let me also speak as one who has studied TWDNHOBIAH closely, and built from the written experiences of Kerth Barker as well as my own soul memories from my immediate past life as a 'kitten'...

It is a given that the cult of TWDNHOBIAH are predators of children. This goes way beyond sexual predation and they go for the soul of the little one. They want to create as many 'like them', lets refer to them as 'little soldiers recruited into their army' and there are elaborate ways of doing this, along the lines as MK Ultra and Monarch training which have roots to occult esoteric spiritual practices "the left hand path" dating back to before the days of Egypt and Atlantis. 

Children are resilient.

When told not to tell, they don't. I didn't. I was gang-raped by neighborhood boys, and passed out thinking I was going to die from the pain and the pillow over my face to muffle my screams. The mom told me not to tell anyone what I did because I had done a very bad thing and no one would believe me. 

I didn't tell.

I had behavior changes, which makes a lot of sense. 

I drew male anatomy in bright red permanent marker inside my closet, rows and rows of it, one day. Why? Because drawing wasn't telling. Using my mouth was telling. I was hoping my mom would figure it out. My message was that lots of male anatomy hurt me bad and I thought I was going to die. 

Then one day I buried the memories. I stared at a drawing of a black widow in my grandmother's kitchen closet from the exterminator. I don't know how it happened, but my brain took my trauma and transformed it into an exaggerated fear of spiders.  This is because the sensations I had during the attack felt like lots of little spiders crawling all over me and there was nothing I could do to escape. 

I didn't remember until one year after pituitary surgery, because the act of being on a table unconscious while people worked on me was just close enough to trigger a terrible depression. It was in treatment for the depression that the memory came out. 

With Kerth, again, many buried memories, and he had to work hard to heal from them and remember what had been hidden. 

Kerth's grandfather was the closet Luciferian. And the community (his friends) were also Luciferian. Kerth didn't know. His parents didn't know. But the babysitter, the close friend and lover of the grandfather (who was married and the wife also knew--she was Luciferian too)--would take the kids in the middle of the night to ceremonies without the parent's knowing. I'm not sure of the timing, if the parents were out on a date, but there was time to drive the kid, go to the basement, and participate in ceremonies and get back. 

The grandfather used to have a secret cookie jar in the kitchen. Once the kids would tell, then the cookies would disappear. Kerth kept the secret. That's how he was groomed to be a Luciferian, and apparently, a high-ranking one by the way he describes certain ceremonies. 

One day, before anyone ever got to officially have pedophile relations with Kerth within the group, Mr. 666 (that was his street address) kidnapped Kerth from a neighborhood park when he was six, and had pedophile rape of Kerth the whole afternoon. 

Kerth was deeply traumatized. The neighborhood panicked as playmates had seen the kidnap and Kerth was nowhere to be found. 

News spread to the Luciferian group too. This wasn't sanctioned. Kerth was supposed to be saved for his grandfather (who later would rape him, and the grandmother would turn a blind eye, on 'weekend visits' and also during the 'weekend visits' they would go do ceremonies at the Baron's house).

The Luciferian group contacted Mr. 666 and told him to return the boy and skip town, which he did.

But at home, Kerth had lots of pain and blood from his rectum. The toilet bowl was full of blood clots. 

This is where the lesson is. 

The babysitter lied to the mom, and told her it was normal and would heal and nothing to worry about.

The lesson is WORRY.

There's a little voice that wants you to think everything is okay. 

Let me tell you, with little kids--they are never in a million years going to tell you plain and clear what has happened to them that shouldn't. They don't understand what strangers are. Sometimes it's family members. Sometimes it's a babysitter or teacher. Remember the Mc Martin preschool where they took the kids through tunnels to ceremonies in the day and made them drink blood? And worse?

It's out there. The cult who abuses children. TWDNHOBIAH. And they more than anyone want you to think that 'everything is cool'.  Add to this the garden variety of pedophiles...and you'll have plenty of reason to think twice when something isn't right.

My boy in the tub was two, and pulling on his scrotum, HARD. Stretching it out, laughing, and saying, 'these are my jelly beans!'

We don't eat jelly beans. If we did we would call them jelly bellies--the tiny ones--not the big old school ones. 

I asked him, 'who told you that?'

Innocently, in total and complete trust, he said my father's name. Instantly I recalled how his best friend at school the janitor was arrested for molesting children. And I remembered how the one professor at college in Berkeley who made me feel comfortable like my dad was arrested for pedophile abuse of two nine year old girls. I also recall a hatred my father had for Walt Disney and all of Disneyland. 

That was all the evidence I had, along with my gut feeling, and I reported it as well as told Anthony's father. Together we decided he would take the blame for the reporting from my family, not me. And around that time, Anthony was saying things at their dinner table that were totally inappropriate. That was the secondary fact/confirmation because again he said it was my dad. 

The social service case manager said that I caught it early. That Anthony needed a relationship with his grandfather. But to never, ever let them be alone together. So I was always Anthony's shadow on all family visits. My dad had a terminal disease, and it killed him in a short time. No one would ever guess what was his dark side. I know through Tim Braun he came through on a second session and verified it--and begged my forgiveness. I have forgiven him, and I love him as he was a good husband and provider and father to me. I love my son more, he is entrusted to me and I am his protector, so I made the difficult decision and never regretted what I had to do.

If your child is clingy out of the blue, if there is a change in personality. If you son says, 'I don't want to sleep in that room because I disappear'--you are not going to get any more clarity than that, and you need to realize we live in a society where evil is rampant. People you would never guess like the babysitter in Kerth's home, Shotzy, are playing for the other team, team TWDNHOBIAH. They need and want children. They seek them. So do your due diligence. Is it the new babysitter? Try another one. Is it someone in your family that gives you a creepy vibe? Or someone you would never in a million years guess?

It's real.

All of it is real.

And the more people get wise, the better.

As an aside, we saw a pro-life demonstration yesterday. Please set your political beliefs aside for one moment and listen. A group who promote the protection of unborn children will be a natural transition to the concept of protecting children who are ritually abused like Kerth. This is a key way to take down the power structure of TWDNHOBIAH. It will also help the public to SEE what is hidden in plain sight and harness their concern/anger/outrage appropriately.  Thank you for realizing that sometimes there is more to what is going on than what meets the eye. Now you may go back to your political beliefs and we will move on.

Back to the last part of this long--thank you for your patience!--lesson.

Someone at work likes me. 

As an empath, I am bombarded with his feelings and I'm not sure which ones are mine or his or what. 

Ordinarily, I wouldn't be attracted to him.

Ross has been right by my side through this lesson. I had started it without realizing it by talking to Ross about my needs, and how with his being on Spirit side, it's hard to get them met. I need to plan for my future, to have something to look forward to, to share common experiences, and to enjoy conversation on a more regular basis. 

For me to communicate my needs is very new, a very good sign of my healing and growth.

Lots of the questions Ross asks me are 'how does it make you feel?' when I get those funny feelings in my stomach. Let me add that a close friend who knows my track record in the world of romance, taught me that when I get those feelings to RUN the other direction!

I saw a post by Shalom Melchizidek that said you can only have intimacy, physical and spiritual, between two people who are of similar vibration and spiritual growth. Otherwise it can be explosive.

I've discovered this on my own, three times. 

But Ross has had me remember the good times too, with all the people I've had relationship with.

Today I meditated with Ross. And the result?

I saw what  mess I am in the romance department. The attack when I was four left profound, deep, lasting wounds to my psychology. And the immediate past life gave me a distorted perception of human sexuality. I also didn't have much developmental support from my father, who for his own reasons really emotionally pulled back from me when I hit puberty. I never felt that I was beautiful or worthy of a man's attention and healthy love. 

So in this, I am grateful for the crush/attraction that came from out of the blue. I can see my own hidden pain (I am a mess, and also, stunted in my growth in this aspect). I am taking baby steps to describe it to Ross. And I know to watch the guy at work. Ross is training me to look for what is hidden, to look for qualities that are both good and not good for me. 

This is the foundation for being able to look for what I want in life and in relationship. Before so few were attracted to me (successful women, bright intelligent ones aren't lucky in love to be honest)--that I jumped at the chance and felt everything would be okay.

So now for eternity--I'm getting my ability to be healthy in relationship with Ross once I'm where he is--by practicing here, starting with my own feelings. This way, even with 'movie star handsome' Ross, I will be able to hold my own in our relationship as an equal partner, friend, and Twin.

I'm so grateful for this. 

All wounds can heal.

They won't heal by magic.

Everything heals and grows and it takes concentration, mindfulness, and an open heart--and energy!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins