Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Finding Your Way Through The Spiritual Rebirth Canal

Countdown day is 103.


I am IN it.

Totally, totally, in the throes of a makeover rebirth.

And it's okay. I am okay. Ross is quietly assisting. 

Let's get to the point:  imagine an existence where you are only surrounded by your favorite things and your favorite people. You have freedom to do all the things you enjoy. There is no struggle or feelings of being 'less than' like you have been used to for all of your prior existence. 

Would you go for it?

Would you accept it?  This chance, this opportunity to be reborn?

It is going to take a lot of effort on your part, inner strength and inner resolve to carry it through.

There are going to be hurdles put in your path and  you are going to have to jump, scramble, and work around them.

What are my hurdles? Well, there's the patient who had the complication that I see every day--that one still is a stressor even though I actually really enjoy the contact and find the patient's kindness and acceptance very healing for me too. Then there's work. Yesterday was a short day, yet, for some reason, I didn't get home until six p.m.  That happens often too. My boss likes to go home early, he has me come in midday so I can be the one to recover the patients. He knows I don't mind because I've told him. And I've told him because I need my job and I'm a single mom. At work, we are always running out of drugs and equipment. Yesterday it was the sevoflurane. I asked for more. They asked me if there's any alternative that I would be able to use? Someone wasn't sure or not to reorder it. I mentioned, calmly, 'it's kind of hard to do anesthesia without anesthesia, you know?'  Now Anthony is coughing. He is sick. Again. Looked very toxic over the weekend. I've kept him home for three days. While I worked. And his health has been a really hard thing last year and this year. I almost broke down facing this move because I need a strong male who is taller than me to really pull his weight. And he can't because he's sick.  Have I seen my sick mother since she's been home from rehab after the hospital? No. Because I can't get her sick, and between me and Anthony we have been sick before, during, and after her hospital stay. 

Yesterday for the first time I took a look at myself from outside myself, and SAW the 'pressure cooker'.

But I keep moving forward.

The drive towards freedom is one of the strongest motivators in all of the animal kingdom.

We want to be free.

I want to be free from clutter, free from an association (Homeowners Association), free from neighbors who remodel their house and the hammering causes new cracks in mine. 

I want a new start.

Let's get back to the birth canal, the original one for how we humans all get here. Most of us. Everyone knows it. The baby does, and understands when to tuck the head and twist from one side to the next. The people who attend to us at birth know it. When a baby and mom get into trouble, they intervene. So, either way, there is hope for freedom and more than one path because everyone is on the same page.

With our push towards Ascension, the energies are such, so very intense, that we must rely on our inner knowing and trust in those who are in attendance to us on the other side who can help in ways we could never imagine!

The other day at work I saw nothing but hearts everywhere, even with a drop of the propofol on the cart!

It helps.

It keeps me going.

I've always been just a little bit earlier than most when it comes to the Ascension pathway, sort of the one who goes through the chest deep snow to break the trail.

What I am telling you is I've seen the goal at the end of the trail. I'm working towards it as fast as I can within reason. The big furniture may move, but the small things are going to take another week. And that's okay. This isn't a race.

It's a push.

A push for freedom in every sense of the word. Spiritual freedom. Freedom to manifest. Freedom to enjoy life. And freedom to a reality which is much more pleasant than you could ever imagine.

When you go to that quiet place every day, and you meditate or at least turn off electronic amplified commercial entertainment for a while and concentrate on something simple like a puzzle, look for it. Look for the light at the end of the tunnel.

Experience what freedom will be like.

It's coming. It's coming for you. It's coming for all of us.

Taste it.

And when the opportunity presents itself to you, go for it with all you have.

It's going to be okay.

Do your best and angels can do no better.


It's crunch time.  Get to work. As in 'coming to a theater near you'  (he laughs at his own joke, the 'human' one)...

For all of your inner growth has been nurturing a seed which is about to sprout its first root. And that's only the beginning. Then comes the stalk with the two leaves, then more leaved, and then! The fruit.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

P.S. Ross says there is a joke about how in California everyone is either a fruit or a nut. He is not implying anything with the fruit comment. But he also makes a goofy face and jokes, 'and I'm the NUT'