Thursday, January 24, 2019

Observing The Power Of Love In Action Directly

Our countdown is 144. For those of you who are wondering to yourself, 'is this a special angelic number?' -- here's a link to all the many times it was listed in the bible: There's Revelation and more references.

I had once heard there were 144,000 pairs of Illuminated Twin Flames here.  I don't know any more what's the truth on that number.

I'm going to share simply about three people who I interacted with recently, and how they teared up and really opened their hearts further just in my presence with me doing nothing special other than being grounded in love and truth and sharing it.

The first was the administrator of Anthony's school. I asked her how her husband is? He's fighting cancer. He used to work at the school but he's been very sick.

Her father just passed on Christmas day. She had been taking care of both her parents and her husband. Recently they had sold everything and moved into senior living facility for her husband's age/health needs. I was like, 'oh my gosh! that's so hard! On Christmas Day???'

Her father had pancreatic cancer, and never once complained or took a pain pill. At the end he had to go back and forth to the bathroom a lot, with her husband helping him transfer from the wheelchair to the toilet and back. He asked once for some medicine for his breathing (morphine) and that was it. Her sister is a hospice nurse and was helping too.

I promised her angelic bracelets. They help with grief as they bring the energy of Heaven more into alignment with you here on earth. You can hear your deceased loved ones better, and they can hear you across the veil better. Also, if you are like Jim, who is getting the news today if his cancer treatments are working or not (initial talk from the oncologist two weeks ago was that the 'treatment didn't take' but this is the results from the confirmatory PET scan they get today. Jim has been saying over and over, 'I don't want to die, I don't want to die!').  The angelite will help Jim to move through this time with grace and gentle energy to assist him, whatever will be his fate.  My friend herself said her father was very peaceful when he died, he was right near a statue of the Virgin Mary and also by a picture of Jesus on the wall as he passed in his wheelchair. It gives her comfort to know he is with them in Heaven.

Last night I made them. If there was only one bracelet I would make that would be it. I give many away for free. The angelite is not a cheap gemstone. I pay out of my pocket or with the donations. Whenever there is need, Ross and I give one. We made one for Jim, one for his wife, Therese, one for the widow (Therese's mom) and also one for a friend in Hawaii who suddenly lost another friend around the holidays. We are happy to help.

The second person was My Le. I've written about her story coming from Vietnam. I saw her and asked how her two daughters were? One was married not long ago, perhaps a year or two. I asked if there are any grandkids on the way? There is! Her first granddaughter is due in August.

I was delighted and praised her saying she will be the best grandmother! And that she will be able to enjoy dressing the granddaughter and combing her hair all beautiful...

My Le almost cried on the spot. I saw her tears well up in her eyes. We both know she has a temper, that her ex-husband and her divorced because he was spending too much money, and that her relationship with her daughters isn't as close as it could be.

I looked past that.

I looked to the truth.

My Le is an excellent doctor and friend. She is kind and loving. And she truly IS going to make an excellent grandma.

Kindness like this is important. It helps people to get on with their lives, to regain hope, and to do their best.

Here is another example...with my plastic surgeon. This is one who doesn't trust people, and only allows certain ones to work with him. I've overheard him tell another that I would never be able to be truly professional (as in high-end, expensive, boutique anesthesia care for plastic surgery). I was shocked at the time because I ate lunch with him almost every day and we were both vegetarians! His wife has health problems (I think Alzheimer's based on the interaction with her at the fundraiser) and I've given her a bracelet/earring set.

Our patient had a large skin lesion that was oozing blood. I'd never seen anything like it. But my surgeon has. I confided to him that I think it's a really nice thing what he does for his patients. He was caught off guard. I pointed out the lesion with the oozing and said, 'can you imagine what a mess that is making at home?' and he understood. He said they can grow back and he will have to go deep. I was surprised these things recur. I also confided to him how it's very nice how if people aren't happy with how they look, they can go to him and he can help them. It's really a nice thing.

His heart opened. He spoke freely all day. He didn't get angry or upset at the team (often he does). And he thanked us for the good care we gave to his patient.

There's one more part to share, it was another speaking of my truth--usually I'm quiet. A colleague wanted to use a new long-acting liposomal form of local anesthetic for shoulder blocks. Pharmacy wouldn't let him, because insurance didn't pay. But now they will. He was mentioning to me about his interest to try the medication with the pharmacy, to start discussions.

I paused.

I decided to share what I know.

Dr. Steven Shafer from Stanford spoke of it at the Hawaii conference. He showed us the raw data that had been submitted to the FDA for the drug approval.

Apparently the liposomal form is only better than water when water is injected as a local anesthetic. And then, only for hemorrhoid surgery.  The new formulation was never tested against the non-liposomal form of the local anesthetic which is one hundred times cheaper, or at least, the data wasn't submitted to the FDA.

That's because it wasn't better.

He showed other tests that proved the cheaper one was superior in every way.

This lie of the new formulation's superiority was touted by the reps who didn't know the data, and now it's out there as part of the medical community--and it's shameful and wrong what has been done.

I told my colleague that this is the data, sadly, and to be careful when you work with the new expensive version because the claims might not be true. The original local anesthetic gets absorbed into fat too. So the liposomes don't make much difference.

He appreciated my candor. I'm glad he did.

It's time for getting reading for the morning. I did spend some time with Ross in meditation before this. He wants me to write about 'the sparkle' and 'getting back the sparkle'.

On my walk in nature two days ago, I found a Christmas tree ornament that had fallen into the bushes. It was sparkly silver. But there was mud on it. That was my lesson from Gaia. Does it still sparkle with the mud? Yes, actually, it's not all the way hidden.

She also asked me, 'how can we get the sparkle back?'

That's a big part of my journey now. Working to get the sparkle back.

clap! clap!

Thank you Ross!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins