Tuesday, January 22, 2019

If It Comes, Let It; If It Goes, Let It

China very rare and expensive postage stamp - The Drunken Concubine, 300 fen, No 315, year 1962 108 x 146 mm

The title of today's blog post comes as the first half of a lesson.

The second half is, 'God likes it when you reach the point where you just say, God I can't take it any more! I give up! because THAT'S when God can step in, you get out of the way, and GOD can take care of it even better for you.'  My neighbor explained that when I asked about how she met her husband. She said when he walked into a room, he smiled, and she felt like the whole place got happier when he came in, and remembered, 'there was a time once where I used to be like that too'.  She had felt her 'picker' was broken and she just had sworn off men until she could figure out why she kept getting the same kind of bad men in her life. This tall and handsome former professional baseball player who her friend invited along because he always paid for the girls meals and drinks--was God's idea of who was right for her. 

Together with our countdown, to number one hundred forty six, we have all of the news in condensed form for those of you who are with limited time.

For those of you who would like a little more, I'll let you know about Ross' birthday (thank you for the wishes!), the eclipse, and how these lessons came to be.

We had plans to spend the weekend with friends in a special location...since not all of the friends could fit in the lodgings, the few who went are keeping it quiet among themselves.

We cooked all meals together, and it was a delight to concentrate on cooking together. Actually, some of my dishes looked so beautiful that people mistook them for the work of the one who's almost a professional chef.  And the chef friend and I, we were amazed at how altitude affects cooking time--either it was an old stove or it just took longer. We had fun.

The kids had fun with an old air hockey table in the game room. The adults enjoyed time in the hot tub after dinner (the kids went in before dinner).

I had brought an enormous bottle of red wine from Trader Joe's (Rosso was the name on it) and we drank the whole thing over the weekend. 

This was the good part.

The lesson--there always is a lesson if it's not 'on assignment'--was the windy roads, the little bit of dizzy from the thin air, and my fears as well as my bad luck and my forgetting times have changed. 

The drive up was bumper to bumper traffic on a road daddy used to take in the Volkswagen many times without delay. And my having to go pee the whole hours it took to arrive. We left the house at nine a.m. and were the last to arrive to the location because the others used an app and were notified of an alternate route. 

On the way home was worse. Ice. Warning lights. Brake failure and a tow. Lots of tears. The friends were kind and waited down the road at a Starbucks until the truck had arrived and we were heading home. Both the husband who found us and moved our car ahead in the turnout and the tow truck driver heard the horrible screeching noise from the left rear brake. 

The driver actually told us on the way home, the second alternate route had been even worse--in the past a tow truck with the passenger and car on the flat bed had used the brakes too much, the brakes burned up, and the whole thing flew off the side of the road.  The driver and passenger lived but are in critical condition. 

So what was the lesson?

What came up is I don't like to have the responsibility for my loved ones and my own life in my hands. 

Both Ross and I were surprised to see that was in my heart. On a deep level, in my heart, I felt I'd failed him, I'd failed his mom, I'd failed our kids. I was overwhelmed to the point it made an imprint on my very soul. 

I'd done the self-talk the whole way down the hill. We had an auxiliary battery failure, as well as a low tire pressure, starting the drive home. When traffic got bad, many people turned and went the other way, back up the hill, through the town, and down the other road we came up the first time. (As it turns out, that one is actually the safest route, according to the driver). 

I was too shaken to go back up through the ice. I had seen people coming up with chains and I knew it was bad. I remembered how to drive in ice, and never once slipped. But I was near tears the whole time, I hate it so much. 

I kept telling myself, these are safe drivers. This is the best route of all possible routes. My Higher Self, Ross, and Divine Creator has chosen it for me. Fear isn't real. Only love is real.

On the way up, my palms had been sweating and I had to take many turnouts to let the other drivers pass. On the way down, my palms didn't sweat. I did need the bathroom. We were parked in traffic, and I had to run to find a bush but it wasn't easy and people saw. I didn't care. But when people shouted at me like it was a football game, and someone else said, 'wipe your ass bitch!' I felt very bad. Not about me, but about our society. The demonic is very active. It's palpable in the masses.  I will provide two links in the next section if you're interested on that.

The tow truck driver had two huge wooden rosaries on his turning signal by the wheel. I knew he had been sent. It was a safe and pleasant trip home, and with my good auto membership it was free. I have today off to fix the car. 

I don't have the vision, the reflexes, and the fearlessness I had in my youth. I also have seen way to many a trauma at work--the risks to me are a little exaggerated. I have a good car and I keep up the maintenance. But it's okay to know my limits. I had thought about staying an extra day for the roads to improve, I have today off. But the weather was the same, and there would be snowmelt that had turned to ice on the second day. 

It's that way with everything, really. It comes. And it goes. 

One day physical forms will go. 

That's just the way it is. It's part of the plan. Even my favorite neurosurgeon said how his friend had died in a motorcycle accident in his sixties--a brilliant surgeon who died--because there comes a time where you have to set aside certain activities due to your change in your reflex times. 

This car, which I had thought would be our 'forever car'--might need to be let go. 

Our home--which is looking better all the time because of the horror stories a friend has of her neighborhood which are even worse--someone selling drugs, playing the drums until ten p.m. so loud that a neighbor has to wear headphones to block the noise out, and parking in other people's driveways--help me to see there's no easy solution. When it's time to go, you go. Even the driver who was from Palm Springs pays five hundred dollars a month for the electricity in summer for the air conditioning, and they have brown recluse spiders and scorpions to watch out for. 

My fears embarrassed me in front of Anthony. He has to put up with calming music I play on the radio. He can't talk about just anything because I'm working so hard on the road. I know Ross is helping. On the way up there was one part where he said, 'come into my arms' and right around the bend were the worst dizzying heights and Anthony looked down the passenger side and said, 'whatever you do mom, don't take a turnout, it will make it worse, let the other drivers wait.'

In the big picture, the time with friends was worth it. The memories were worth it. Us all seated at the same table, eight of us, for meals was worth it. Skipping the lines at the snowplow facility and just going on someone's unplowed driveway was worth it. The laughter and the people were worth it. Building a fire was worth it. 

There's been three scary places for me to drive, places I've driven before without problem--Yosemite, Big Island (the part up to Hilo as well as the part from Volcano back up to Kona have some nasty steep cliffs), and then this weekend. I guess it's time to reflect on it with Ross in meditation, and prepare for the next phase for me. I know a time came where my parents had to stop driving--I never thought that day would come but it did. I'm not in my twenties anymore. Ross will help me I know.

Did I enjoy the eclipse full moon? Yes. It looked like a cookie with a bite taken out of it, then it turned color once the shadow covered it.

Did I feel any energy? no.

Did I feel any energy from that bogus mass meditation from the snake guy? no.

Has the energy of the Galactic Central Sun been anchored on the earth since before that bogus meditation? YES! For at least five or seven years, actively working!! You can even buy a book about it online at Kindle (search for Author Isabel Henn). 

How does my energy feel right this minute now? Not so good. My colleague broke her arm, so I have to pitch in and help cover for her for the next two months. I feel lots of gratitude--friends, family, people in helping professions who helped us recently. 

I also have my eyes open and I'm cautious about society, the government shutdown, and the future.  That's why I count the days. Using logic and my human mind, it doesn't look good. But knowing Spirit is in charge, and we are being guided, I tell myself that things are coming up to be released/let go. 

Just like with my fear of dooming my family by not protecting them. Ross probably had it in his life contract long before, I probably saw it and okayed it when I was not incarnate. But the incarnate one, it really was hard, and many incarnations later I'm still having difficulty trying to heal from it. 

seaweed, its rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber. 146

I put this here because it looks like ocean/beach life is what's left for me from here on out.

And if I go elsewhere, perhaps, someone else is going to have to drive me.

I can only take so much.

Here's the two videos:

1) old-school type presentation, logical, edited well, and has beginning, middle, and end

2) this one is a more modern version, and it shows the end-product of this dark influence on our society. Even more disturbing is the master May-sun who is running the show...the host of the TV show, and the plan here to influence us by his show. The other host, the YouTube One, perhaps, has a similar plan for young people? All of them adore him.

It's disturbing.

Both what is happening, and also, how few people know or realize what is going on, or even care.

They were watching the Guardians of the Galaxy infinity wars at the cabin. I couldn't stand to listen to it.

One character's name is Gomorrah.

Another had to 'sacrifice someone they loved to make it to the next level'.

And someone said, 'who is you master? Jesus Christ?! -- in mocking tones-- and said that this is in Outer Space!!'

It was proselytizing --preaching to the masses--the Dark Agenda.

God is love. God loves us no matter what. Both Divine Mother and Divine Father who together are Creator of All That Is.  We are loved through all of this and worse inside the Illusion.

So why not love God back?

Here's one last thing that disturbs me. I had listened to the beginning of the song the other day and the words struck me as some sort of sermon. Then I recalled, correctly so, that he was found dead in an elevator...

It's just too weird.

Also what is weird is Ruth Bader Ginsberg is in the new Lego Movie--how random is that? And now she just passed, I heard? Hmmmm? Accidentally posted? It's maddening how difficult it is with the smoke and mirrors to find the truth.

So for some, they are enjoying watching the drama and eating popcorn. 

I'm choosing to meditate, to pray, and to show love to everyone I meet. To do my best to let it--whether it is coming or going. To turn things over to The Divine Creator of All That Is. And to just show up. 

Ross is quiet. He's going to spend the day with me. He's happy very happy with the bracelet project and we will work on it some more today.

He says to you, 'I love you' and 'Thank you' and 'good times are ahead--hang in there' and 'keep talking to Carla'. 


clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins