Saturday, August 4, 2018

Separation and Reunion

CHINA - EASTERN JIN DYNASTY (317-420) : Deqing Kiln Tool, Eastern Jin Dynasty (317-420), collection in the China national museum, Beijing, China.

I have been working hard in the Operating Room. There was overnight call on Wednesday, I was called back in for the afternoon and evening on Thursday, and last night I had to stay until after nine o'clock. My 'dinner' had been half a donut from yet another one of the 'going away parties'. People are leaving the workplace and going part time in such numbers that administration is now 'talking to the workers' to find out what the 'problem' is. 

Ross wants me to share about my work, my 'work' work, so I will.

The first patient had a cancer. We discovered it during diagnostic surgery. There was high risk for this cancer due to the medical factors leading into it. Even the scrub tech who prepared the area was suspicious for cancer, because in prepping the area there was a foul odor normally not present.

Energetically, I honed in on the chakra in the region of the cancer. It looked like a grey dirty old fan. I started it to spin. And I worked with the energy to lighten it and lighten it until it was 'whiter than white'--not laundry soap commercial 'white'--but the energy of Heaven 'white'.

I also spoke with the soul of my patient while they were sleeping, I can do this when I work with the energies and have done so since I just can...this patient was shy, calm, and pleasant. The words just leapt from my heart to them:  TAKE SOMEONE WITH YOU!

As it is with most messages in the Spirit world, they are much clearer there, and down here with word words they need explanation.

If you are going to die/suffer, and the energy of Heaven is with you, use the opportunity of your illness to help wake other people up and bring them Home along with you in their Hearts.

They understood.

Raphael was present and placed a clear bubble of energy around the cancer so it would not be allowed to spread. (according to the surgeon this one is very curable and most people recover completely after it is removed).

Vernal Falls in Yosemite National Park is 317 feet tall

The next was the child of a surgeon, who had been emergently admitted due to complications of 'hard living'. There was fear present, and anxiety, above and beyond the usual for any procedure. The team had to work to reassure the patient so it would not be battery to go against their wishes to 'wait another day'. When there is hemorrhage, the team must act quickly.

I knew with the place where this patient grew up, and the father's career, and the anxiety/substance abuse that there was high likelihood this was a victim of either sexual abuse, other forms of child abuse, or SRA. 

As this procedure went along, and I was doing routine anesthesia things, a whole row of chakras had that icky grey metal color.  I rebalanced and adjusted them so that in one fell swoop they were spinning in the right direction and whiter than white. 

Archangel Michael also was present and did something special for this soul, to help it heal.

I said nothing except here. The patient was surprised it was done so quickly. Everything went smoothly.

The last patient had vascular disease. A charming patient and family with ties to the Old Country.

I almost forgot to 'work'. I did.

This one wasn't so much one to heal, but there were energetic ties connected to this individual, and I was able to send healing through those many connections. As I did, all the nadis (little external accessory - for lack of a better word-- chakras opened up on them.) Again, spinning properly, whiter than white, when they had not even been visible before.

It took a scrubbing action. And when I finished Ross and his teams were really excited and happy. Ross kissed me and asked me if I knew what I had done? I didn't, I still don't know, but I guess it was a good thing...

I learned while talking about how the anesthesia went with the family, I learned from the child that the parent had 'partied hard' up until later in life, just a few years ago to 'take care of the health'.

I wouldn't have guessed this by the energy in pre-op. Spirit always helps to see the truth.

The separation I've noticed is the deaths of siblings of people I know. These people happen to be extremely 'worldly'.

One was the brother of a plastic surgeon I trained with. Sudden, unexpected.

The other was the brother of a colleague of mine. I had to work late because the call came in, people said he was crying, and he left his post which was call two, making me, 'call two' because I was 'call three'. 

This man is the most likely to work the system to favor him financially--and to the dismay of everyone else in the group.

I sensed there was something from spirit in the 'balance department' going on with this loss. Remember the 'take someone with you?'  Well, sometimes people who are close to us, people who suffer, are 'awakeners'--angels with a high rank classification who choose to endure horrible things in order to open the hearts of those who are around them.

I knew the heart was opened, and I reflected how at times, death is a great teacher of lessons, important lessons of the heart, and perhaps the whole reason that the veil exists between the afterlife and here--is so that the lesson is not lost upon us?

I know for a fact that Ed said that there had been tensions in his family, but 'it took his mother's death for people to come to their senses about these disagreements and find peace.'

To be honest, I don't get emotionally involved/triggered when a lesson like this is going on for someone who is in need of the lesson. As an empath I've learned to set boundaries to protect myself from being sucked into the pit of emotions. With Ed, I'm close, and his tears did affect me, and I noticed he was working to 'keep it together' so I 'pulled myself together' too. 

To be even more honest, I didn't get the emotional response I used to get in the past, either, the one where you think 'they got what was coming to them'. I'm glad I didn't get that one with my colleague. Even though we aren't emotionally connected, I got the 'nudge' from Ross and realized he will need bracelet for grief like Ed, and to make two. 

It's the gesture that says, 'I love you' at a time when unconditional love is needed and the right thing to do to support someone. Will the soul change, wake up, and take into consideration the needs of others? I don't know. But the benefit of the doubt (hate the sin, love the sinner) is the best thing to give in situations like this.

Now I have a tale of joyful reunion.

This patient frightened me with the medical situation--I am cardiac-fellowship trained and this was going to be anesthetically a difficult case.

Where I work we sometimes run into a certain kind of athlete you don't see in other parts of the world.

He was a surfer.

A famous one.

I got a 'nudge' and asked, 'do you know so-and-so?'

My window cleaner is a retired famous surfer. A sweetheart who tells me to sell the house and go move with him to Mexico where he will take care of me and I can be the 'little woman'.  (that's the best line anyone ever gave me, by the way)

He did.

When my patient was close to my window cleaner, he actually got him into 'the car business' to help him have a way to support himself when the surfing was done.  He said the window cleaner 'surfed the biggest there was' at pipeline and other places in the world, and was truly one of the best of the best.

He asked me to give my phone number to the window cleaner. He also wrote a note for his friend.

So I called. It took a few people to help me get the right number because the one in my phone wasn't right.

Can you imagine, a patient on oxygen, with full monitoring, waiting for surgery, chatting on the phone with an old buddy, and inviting him to breakfast or lunch or dinner once he gets out of the hospital?

When they got off the phone--about ten minutes of sheer joy on both sides--he showed me old photos of him from back in the day. One is a photo up on the wall of a restaurant. I saw a Kanvas by Katin ad, with him standing tall on the far right, at the prime of his life...and on waves doing amazing things.

What we three have in common is we are all 'goofy footed'--we surf and skate backwards, with the right foot in the front. We basically face the other way.

He said, 'I'm having too much fun to even realize I'm having surgery!' as we rolled him back to the O.R.

Everything went well. As he said, 'you've done your homework' as I outlined the risks and my plan for it.

He couldn't believe the coincidence that I would be doing his anesthesia and know his friend.

I believe it.

I bet Ross and his teams worked hard to provide it.

I am taking a little hiatus for a few days and will return.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
the Twins