Sunday, August 19, 2018

Fully Embracing Oneness

Picture in the Temple of Sacred Tooth Buddha on Sri Lanka on which it is represented: King Kithsirimevan (301 - 328 A.D.) took over the Tooth Relic from Meghagiri Vihara, carried same on his crowned head to the palace and placed it on the throne strewn


Some of this is going to sound just as out of the ordinary to you as this image of people worshipping a tooth.

This is a compilation of some different things I've seen--we have seen, Ross corrects me--which in our opinion, point the way for a healthy, vigorous response to the changes which undoubtedly are going to arise when the truth comes out about many things. 

We give you the tools on what to expect, and how to empower yourself--through mental preparation and education--please give yourself the time you need to get through the videos. They are important, otherwise we wouldn't have included them.

A brief update on Carla and a meditation for you.

I'm post call. It was a brutal call. Although I was sleepy and unable to function most of the day afterward, I was helpful and on top of my game throughout my shift. I was up until three in the morning. I slept until ten, showered, and just barely got my free breakfast from the hotel where I stay that is close to the hospital.

This is why I was unable to function all Saturday--I had a circadian challenge. The Federal Aviation Association has understood the science of sleep deprivation and fatigue for decades:

This phenomenon is so well-known Singapore Airlines is making much-needed changes to help their long haul flight passengers be healthier:

Here is the meditation I did:

I went outdoors. I sat in a comfortable position. I watched the beauty of the trees and the leaves. My compassion was such that I realized the struggle of the birds--when I saw one I realized it hatched from an egg, had to learn to fly, and must fend for itself without shelter or a bank account...

This is the type of thought that drifts across the mind while meditating. You just hold the thought, thank the insightfulness of the moment, and let it go.

Then I would breathe in, slowly, bringing in whiter than white light through my crown chakra, and with each exhale I would direct it to my 'hara', my abdominal power center. There is a Japanese name for it, it's from Shoden Level 1 manual of the International House of Reiki.

My aura was very low, very very low, and I had to work to strengthen it. 

Getting back to the 'gist' of this blog post I will share a conversation with a colleague, Nagi Zaki, MD, when it was time to relieve him. He wanted to go to Covina for a planning meeting for something he was organizing with his church. He is Coptic Christian, and apparently is a deacon of his church. They are planning an event in November with all the deacons, and they will wear white robes made of special white cotton fabric which is imported from Egypt. They will wear little crowns (or halos, not sure). The theme is for it to look like 'what if Heaven was on Earth?'

I said nothing. I agreed to assume care of the patient, and I smiled and wished him good luck with his meeting.

Stephanie one of my Reiki students was scrubbed in. I'm not sure if she heard.

If you read this blog post about Heaven I was remiss because I forgot to share the best part--after Nana I saw Raphael waiting for me, on the left. He is very shy and reserved, all heart, and was super supportive and glad to see me, looking down a little, and welcoming me. Then behind him, a little to the right was Michael. And I was VERY happy to see him, as I could sense his pride and joy at my accomplishment being able to reach this level. I'm talking Archangel Raphael, and Archangel Michael. The real thing. And they are both amazing, incredible, and wonderful souls to be near.

The point of this share is that everyone is right where they are meant to be in their evolution of consciousness, and doing the best they can or the best they are able to do at the moment.

Even people like this are just as equal to an advanced Lightworker when it comes to their right to go to Heaven on Earth, and they are playing an important part in the big picture none of us can see or appreciate from our perspective--so there's no point in talking about your role in Ascension and the part you play to them.

Be friendly, polite, and encouraging in all things. 

And that's it.

On the USS Midway in San Diego, jet 301

I have had three major 'aha!' moments leading up to this. Here is the first:

Seen on Instagram, the_steadhams, from chinarabutler and the Savoy Show:

a white woman is saying this to the camera. I don't know who she is:

Black people cannot be racist. Let me repeat that:  black people cannot be racist. To be racist you must be prejudiced and you must wield institutional power. And although anyone in this country can be prejudiced...anyone can believe something negative about someone based on their race whether you're black or white, um, you cannot be racist if you don't wield institutional power. 

And black people don't wield institutional power in this country.  And before you start Barack Obama all over me, let me explain...that even though there are black people who hold some power, they don't hold institutional power. I'm an educator--so white judges, white police officers, our systems, our institutions are still dominated by white people. And so, that's a big difference and the outcomes of prejudice are very different. 

This is what Ross likes about me. I am blunt, I am direct, and I speak my mind. I don't beat around the bush.

I don't care what you think or what you are triggered by this statement this woman makes--because that would be losing the teaching point. Bear with me.

The teaching point is by extending this fact--about wielding power--to Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart.

This is what unites us. This is the Oneness. Everyone is at the mercy of Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart, the few, the deeply entrenched into SRA, who run the world--and THEY are highly racist against everyone who is not like them. 

They call us cows...'useless eaters'...and they detest us.  Except to drink the adrenochrome blood. or eat the they see themselves as 'predators' and 'superior' to all others.

Kerth Barker makes a point to those in the middle--in SRA but not on the top--that they are being used, and to get out, if possible.

Here is a second teaching point, from Sang Nguyen:

1. BODY: Poison our food, water and air.
2. MIND: Fill our mind with worthless education
3. EMOTIONS: Constantly sending out harmful frequencies from their weapons to keep our body weak and easier to manipulate
Rewrote our true history and taught us fairy tales, made up bs and false scientific knowledge
4. SPIRITUALITY. Mind control us with religions & cults they created. Redirect our life force toward their exploitation. Put middle men between us and our true Creator.
5. Created NASA to give us fake stuffs about space and fake videos and images.
6. RACISM and SEXISM: Promote falsehood to cause people to be racist and sexist
7. SEPARATE AND SEGREGATE us dividing people into classes based on money, ethnicity, cultures, or regions.
8. FINANICAL SLAVERY: Make us work for less and less money while they inflate things to cause money to devalue.
9. MASS MANIPULATION: Stage propaganda to get us to massly agree to their war agenda, kill innocent people, destroy home lands, take over resources and step all over other countries
10. SELF DESTRUCTION OF HOME PLANET: created and blow weapons in key places that can blow up the planet and send killer radiations across the world.
11. CRAP DRUGS known as medicines that cause more problems than they solve so we become drug dependents and lifetime customers
12. ASTRAL AND ETHERIC MANIPULATION of upper and lower planes that shocking events causing us to unable to tell if things are real or mind tricks.
Yet, we still have not fully stand up to them. Some os us even serve them and help them destroy us destroying the helper in the process.
With that said, if you are for PLANETARY ASCENSION, show yourself. If you are not, then get the hell out of the way before you get run over. Play time is over!!!

In this is the lesson's main point:  Sang is, unfortunately for all his candor and his genuineness--reinforcing Duality. Us versus them. Let's win.

Oh, I WANT to believe it. THEY want you to believe it. It's time for 'our team' to win the game!

Here's a little history--the 'Positive Military' who are behind 'Queue' (to keep under radar I changed it a little)--are people who were in the secret CIA psychic warfare training, who developed enough skills to detect the lies and the extent of the SRA which had infiltrated the military and government. 

Here is a video on their perspective:

This is not one hundred percent reliable--it could still be a psychological operative--because there are some people who are just psychotic enough to pull this on the Lightworkers--get them all fired up and one big 'trick' at the end.

We will never know until all is said and done what is going to happen, and why. All we can do is trust it is for a good reason.

Here is a breath of fresh air from Hope Johnson:

  1. CCareful...demonizing pedophiles, rapists & murderers in thought makes more instances of them in the perceived world...not fewer.
  2. People are dangerous and they cannot be trusted...but only while your mind is guided by the sense of separation...If you are still choosing to think as if you are a manifestation who’s separate from other manifestations, then you must defend yourself from the dangers you have made.  But the instant you choose to see your world as it truly is, no harm can come to you.
  3. Whatever you perceive is a potential within your own mind... Forgive your inner pedophile, rapist or murderer to increase the potential for kindness and to save yourself from suffering the effects of your own judgment....Align your thinking with your inner saint to eliminate the ability to project unkindness in any form.

Let's take a moment to wrap our minds around this so far:

  • An element of power that is not shared with the rest of the world influences our daily life experiences.
  • There is a hidden truth (occult) world 'out there' that is associated with this worldly power of influence, money, fame, and darkness.
  • The unpleasant truth is that we, as bystanders, who did not intervene, are somewhat guilty for not stopping the abuse of the victims. 

The truth is heading at us loud and fast.

When it comes out it will help to be prepared--mentally, physically, emotionally.

THIS is where we take the information of that woman on the Steadhams, from Sang Nguyen, and from Hope Johnson, and we synthesize it into an Action Plan:

  1. Learn and share the Truth like this man is doing the best he can. 
  2.  KNOW these seven signs of manipulation and decide your own boundaries for you, and enforce them. You can also decide boundaries for society--is sex with children an important boundary to protect? Everyone has their own right to decide what is right and wrong for them. WALK AWAY and do not support institutions who are manipulating you. 
  3. Watch this video by John Paul Garrison a clinical psychologist practicing in Atlanta, Georgia on how to watch for 'tells' of lies by body language. This way you are empowered to decide for yourself if the person sharing information or on mainstream media is telling the truth.
  4. Be able to tell the difference between a narcissist, a psychopath, and a sociopath. This way you can decide for yourself. Remember, psychopaths are very charming and engaging and likable.
  5. Develop an awareness of Dissociative Identity Disorder (Multiple Personality disorder) by watching this tasteful, one hour interview of Encina Severa by Kyle Kittleson of MedCircle. Please note that she says this can't happen to you after age seven. (around 5:00 minute mark) and around 26:00 minute mark she talks of 'personal power'. I suspect she was raised in SRA, or at least her father knew of the methods of creating MK Ultra/Monarch slave. There is a science to creating such multiples/DID victims and many celebrities and world leaders are in fact victims of this type of abuse. To learn more, please read the books of Kerth Barker or watch YouTube on survivors of mind control for their testimony. Its very unpleasant how these people have been treated. It  IS informative and increases compassion to understand how Encina sees her life, and how her friends live with her. When I saw 'Minnie' I ached because I could sense the extreme pain that caused her to dissociate and be created as an alter...

You are the best of the best of the team sent for Ascension.

Please take the time to study and to determine what boundaries are important to you, mentally, physically, psychologically, emotionally, sexually, and spiritually.

We are living in a time where manipulation by psychopaths and sociopaths who are deeply invested in SRA is commonplace, and that these same individuals wield institutional power.

There is most likely a shift in the power dynamics going to happen in the near future.

Make sure you know that your skills to connect to Source, to ascertain body language and psychological manipulation is strong enough to give you a reasonable assessment of what is truth, and have compassion and love for those victims of SRA//MK Ultra who are in fact our brothers and sisters, and are very much in need of kindness at this time.

When in doubt, call on the Guides of Compassionate Healing, Ross and his Teams, Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, and your ancestors who are in Heaven, to assist when the going gets rough and you need help.

It's okay to ask for help!

So many on the Other Side are cheering us on as Earth awakens! They are happy to assist in any way they possible.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

The Couple