Friday, October 13, 2017

Time To Be A Healer

Yesterday we had a meeting for the department of surgery. All the surgeons and anesthesiologists were present.

I noticed a distinct shift in the way of running the meetings.

Nurses--high-ranking, executive nurses--were telling us what to do.

There's a project for discharges of patients to be 'smoother' and 'the physician needs to round on the patients by eleven.'  Although there is a 'we know you are busy and have many things to do' disclaimer, it caught my eye that these clipboards and metrics have to do with HCAPS scores which have to do with physician pay.

My life flashed before my eyes.

All this work, to come to this?

Then the next nurse came up with the 'service promise'--wheels in the O.R. by seven-thirty. Or seven, for a seven-o'clock start. Like an 'airport'! I kid you not!

They will clock out production like cattle.

If the patient needs to pee before going to surgery, we will get dinged.


I can't function in that kind of box.

So something went off in my head and in my heart, 'So...It's time to be a healer!'.

I'd been in medicine as an advocate for Reiki and holistic approach, putting healing into healers and patients now for seven years, possibly eight. I can't remember.

I've had two groups of six colleagues--nurses, scrub techs, their families--come into my home seeking  training for Reiki 1.

I don't SEE people doing Reiki in the O.R., and many have actually left our hospital--my students. Only Stephanie keeps in touch with me, and talks about it. We truly have a Reiki Master-Student relationship like I had with my own Reiki Master. Everyone is different and has their own needs. It pleases me to have someone like Stephanie who reminds me so much of me when I was beginning my training too.

But you know what? Right after the meeting, a nurse approached me.

Yesterday the head of the recovery room asked me why she is so calm today?

She had her Ross and Carla bracelet on, but in her pocket. She can't close it on her arm. I'm going to take it and put an s-link into it for her.

It's time to move forward.

I don't know what it looks like.

I don't know what I am going to do.

But I am going to start looking where to place my next steps...and I trust my future can be good as long as I work with my guides.

Yesterday I was blessed to spend some time with my friend at the Mission.

The bottom photo is St. Peregrine, the patron saint to help cancer patients.

I blessed the book of prayer requests, imploring to both Ross and Raphael, that the people were afraid and needed guidance, and a little 'break' in their suffering, total healing if allowed, and everything according to God's plan.

It felt GOOD to be back in a Catholic church again, to go on my knees, and to open my heart completely to God and the angels like I used to all through my life.

I miss being Catholic.

It's a shame I learned of what goes on that is hidden...I'd rather I knew, and I'm glad I know, and I'm glad I took steps accordingly.

But it was very nice to have a place to go, to enjoy mass, and to just focus on Spirit in those ways...long ago back in those days when I did.

Ross was happy I had a pleasant afternoon.

I was too.

Time for work.

Reiki Request for me please--I'm on my nebulizer right now as I write. My lungs are a little 'touchy'. I took an antihistamine in the middle of the night, it helped, but I'm sick again.  I don't know what I was allergic to, it's usually cats or dust, but something at the El Adobe really set me off. The dinner was good and it was very enjoyable. I don't mind. It's just another thing to factor into my day.

I hope in 5D these little ailments won't affect me any more.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple

(Carla is very late for work, dangerously late today, and Ross is stepping back so she can leave for work now that her breathing treatment is over.)