Wednesday, October 25, 2017

In A New York Minute

Life can change.

I'm going to share with you two videos which recently inspired me.

It can change so quickly for the they a New York Minute!

Here's the first one:

Here is the second:

Isn't it wonderful to see what faith, both in yourself and others, can do?

I have a cockatoo. He is going to be twenty-eight in a few days. He is named 'Harry' because he is a little Houdini bird.

All cockatoos are.

Not only can they escape the cage at will, but sometimes they will find the key to the lock across the room and put it in their water bowl just to show you what's what and how smart they are! LOL.

Even with his new high-tech cage Ross had me buy him in 2013, once he got out. I don't know how. But he chewed the poster next to his cage, a plastic laminated one of a rain forest. It made a fun day's work/play for him! I still have what's left of the poster up next to his cage.

One phone call.

One phone call changed my life.

I took it in the O.R. because it was my lawyer.

I had to clarify, 'are you JOKING?'

She wasn't joking.

The lawsuit went away. Completely.

So these two weeks, which would have been in court, are now, 'staycation'.

Everything happened exactly the way Ross said it would, I wouldn't go to court, it would just 'go away'.  

I had thought it would go away when we wanted to send a letter of dismissal to the court, but their expert witness said, 'no'. I was crushed at the time. The expert witness is a pain doc I actually work with. I have to see him, face to face.

I was resolved to go, resolute, not happy...but I accepted court and everything that went with it.

Then everything changed!

I was completely in shock for a long time. I couldn't process it.

But in time for my would-have-been court date, I sent a letter of thanks, by email, to my insurance representative and my legal team. They do fine work.

Spirit has plans we can't see.

The timing is perfect to help with my mother who had a stroke. Yesterday I had my teeth cleaned. And I offered to go to my sister's house to help.

They needed it.

I helped for an hour, it's far from my house, and I needed to pick Anthony up.

I am thrilled beyond belief to be a mom. To have free time. To be present without the rush and the lack of sleep.

Anthony and I cooked dinner last night. Garlic sautéed mushrooms, and spinach ravioli (he didn't even miss the meat lol!). Little cucumber slices for 'salad'. We both enjoyed it.

We played cards after I paid the bills and he did his homework.

We played 'Speed', an old card game I played as a kid, and had forgotten, but he learned at the daycare.

It was fun. I beat him three out of four games.  I usually don't win when I play him in any game. He enjoyed it.

Today is picture day. We picked out his outfit, and I'm going to iron it.

Yesterday he washed his hair. His classmates were like, did you do anything to your hair? Did you cut it? (they never notice when he cuts it). Well, he washed it! (It sticks up funny most of the time, but yesterday, it lay flat).

I realize my life didn't get so disorganized (I hadn't seen dentist in a year)--overnight. And two weeks isn't enough to 'make everything okay' again. It's not wise to place this pressure on myself.

What I have learned is that by being in the moment, Here and Now, and not having any expectations (but having a huge 'honey do' list for myself so I don't forget important things)--I've accomplished much.

It's still not the perfect balance I would like to have--exercise, etc.--but it's progress.

I'm giving thanks every beat of my heart for this time at home!

Here is something to think about:

It kind of sounds a lot like yesterday's blog post, doesn't it?

The truth shall set you free.

I hear many things which people tell me, and they don't know I have the means to share it.

Here is a recent scandal from the world of pediatric dentistry.

The health department had to investigate a breakout of twenty some odd cases of children who were being infected with mycobacterium of the jaw.

They had all been patients at a dental clinic for low-income people. The inside story is that they do things a little more invasive than they need to, to help support the billing practice and make up for the  money. In other words, they do 'more' to get paid 'more'...but 'more' doesn't actually need to be done.

The mycobacterium was in the water system.

The children needed surgery, and had to lose all of their adult teeth--the teeth buds--during the surgery to clean out the infection at the hospital.

The dental clinic flushed their water system, cleaned things up, and opened up shop again.

Rumor has it that it's the water for the city of Anaheim that actually has the mycobacterium in the first place. It's not unique to the dental office. It's city wide.  Santa Ana, somewhere around there.

But to CLEAN it would be too much work. And money.

So there's a slap on the wrist to the pediatric dental clinic. Those children were written off, they and their lawsuits, as a 'cost of doing business'.

And there appears to be a lot of 'looking the other way' by the officials very high up in the water district, the city, and the state.

Who is at risk? Immunocompromised. Extremes of age--young and old--who are unable to take care of themselves.

Can you imagine in a town with a huge resort, many hotels, tourist attractions, and a ballpark having this problem, how many people get exposed?

But how can you prove it?

This is an example of the cancer that needs to be taken off Gaia ASAP.

Did you know there is a critical shortage right now of special i.v. bags (where you mix the drugs like antibiotics in the bag), morphine, dilaudid, and fentanyl?


Our pharmacy sends us letters.

We change our practice.

Puerto Rico was where many of these medical supplies are made. The storms affected the factories.

Are you hearing this in the news on the mainstream media?

I think not.

Would the prospect of running out of pain meds in medicine affect a lot of people?

You bet.

I've had enough so far, in my practice, and the change of the bags doesn't affect me much.

It really is news though.  It really is.

There is a 'celebrity' online person somewhere, who is saying 'let's free the ley lines with a huge meditation!'

I roll my eyes.

If you want to know what lengths the Service to Self people have gone to in harnessing these things, you can watch this LONG video from a Mason 'sympathizer' which spells out how they harnessed my hometown.

Did it happen?

Yes, a long time ago.

Does it affect Gaia, herself, her Consciousness, and her being NOW?


Doesn't Gaia need all of humanity to free her by meditating and blasting away the pyramids?

Not really. No.  But thanks for the offer.

Gaia has been working with her teams.

Gaia has been traveling over the past few years doing a little 'work' with them. (Yes, her Consciousness, vast as it is, can communicate with others, as is actually-surprise!-incarnate).

Energy is not static.

It moves.

Gaia is now one always one step ahead of those who seek to harm her, especially those who erroneously think her ley lines are static or fixed.

Furthermore her functioning ley lines are protected by the Diamond Flame of Divine Mother.

The only thing holding Gaia up is her people. They are all over the spectrum on the Ascension thing:

Remember this?

If it takes a huge meditation to align everyone UP into the 'enlightenment' range, so be it.

But Gaia, with caution, is concerned about a wise alchemist being able to 'harvest' and 'harness' all that 'mass energy' from the meditation for nefarious intent.

Besides, how sustainable is it, this 'enlightenment' vibe brought about by a group, when most of the members haven't done their 'clearing and releasing?'

It's not 'organic', this type of 'enlightenment'.

Better to have everyone be loving in everything they do, to meditate, and to feel whatever they have to bring up from their past--pain, anger, resentment--recognize it, heal it, and let it go--24/7, 365 until we arrive at the higher scale energy vibrations individually.

To 'save Gaia'--do not look outside the self.

Go within.

By setting yourself free, you will not delay the Ascension she has been waiting for. She has been waiting two to three years so far, and she would really like to go up together with her people.

Gaia Ascended first.

Now it is time for her people.

And she thanks her teams, both in the sky and on Ground Crew, and for all the people who with sincerity live out their Life Experience and strive to be good people.

Gaia knows you and thanks you for everything you do.

She feels it.

Gaia sends healing every day to her people, with this intention:  to release the shackles, to have the 'control systems' from Service to Self fall apart, and for unlimited love to reach all souls.

Even the nasty ones from Service to Self who choose to heal!

I like this picture. In the blink of an eye, that big party a special someone has been preparing for us can begin. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


Gaia had her rant (he chuckles--ed).

This is Chapel Senhor da Pedra on Miramar Beach (Praia de Miramar), Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal.

We are making great headway in our progress towards the liberation of Gaia and her beloved people.

Gaia gets a little frustrated because so much of her work is 'behind the scenes' and she really does a lot to free herself, although she couldn't do it completely by herself.

Otherwise we, all of us--you, me, the Lightworkers, Divine Mother Incarnate--wouldn't BE here at this special time.

When a cat climbs up a tree, and can't climb back down, you have to call someone with a big ladder, often a fire truck with big firemen.

The cat doesn't know how it got up, it seemed like a good idea at the time, right?

But then everyone notices the cat stuck up in the tree. The kitty. The person who takes care of it and loves it and is worried because it got stuck up there. And everyone who is stopping by to see such a ruckus.

Once everyone is in the right place, with the right equipment, it doesn't take long for the kitten to come down back to the safety of it's caregiver's arms.

Everyone is happy.

Even the firemen get that feeling (fist to his heart, emotion--ed) right there, and get a little teary eyed when the rescue is complete.

It doesn't matter if a high school bully put a series of treats up in the tree to trick the cat into getting stuck. 

If that was the case, they will be apprehended and held accountable for their crimes against the cat and the caregiver. (Note how I don't say 'owner' because really, it is the cat who 'owns' you, LOL)

clap! clap!

We are making great progress, by leaps and bounds, and Carla I hope you are enjoying your freedom as a mother these next two weeks. I hope you can get used to it! (he smiles that golden smile--ed)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple

P.S.  Three things

1) Ross had me double up on bird supplies the last visit to the store on Monday.
2) Ross had me say 'thank you' to my Reiki teacher whose school is near my dentist. I wrote a note since the office was closed.
3) I felt 'dread', dark heavy energy that was ominous  like a premonition.yesterday to the east of us, at 9:30 a.m yesterday, and also, Anthony felt it around five p.m. last night. I don't know if it's a false flag coming or what, but I thought you might like to know. My mom used to get these feelings about three days before a big plane crash or disaster. She used to feel out of sorts and she had learned these feelings mean a lot of people are going to die, innocent ones. I don't know if this is it as it has never happened to me.