Sunday, October 29, 2017

Test Driving

I have so much to share!  All of it is good. Very, very good.

What puzzles me, a little, is without work, and especially without Anthony here, my body clock has shifted. I find myself going to sleep at midnight, and waking up at nine, which is totally unheard of in my 'natural routine'.


Yesterday I came from my sisters a little later, around is doing well and I will give updates on that at the end.

As we reach the frequency of the Higher Realms as all of the earth Ascends as a planet with her people...I realize we are experiencing 'Something New' and a lot of it is just trial and error.

Do not be concerned about making mistakes.

There are no mistakes, only lessons.

Some might need to be reworked, relearned, reproached, sure!

But in addition to the lessons, please keep in mind and heart, that there are PEOPLE who make Good Choices and Bad Choices.

On earth when you are incarnate, it is very easy to decide from your point of view, there are Good People and Bad People.

But this isn't true.

Everyone is technically 'Good' or has the capacity to be 'Good'  because they are a child of Divine Creator and Divine Creator doesn't make mistakes.

We might choose to not 'rescue' or 'save' those who make Chronically Bad Choices because they can eat up our bank accounts, and take our precious time we have left alive...because in doing this we honor them to their Free Will (freedom to hit Rock Bottom) and our Free Will (desire not to be sucked down to Rock Bottom with them).

I will give examples of this in a bit.

Now I will talk about something really cool that is totally different.

Yesterday while I was driving to my sister's house, I was giving/sending the daily Reiki healing.

I was conscious of the Tahitian Pearl, only this time, I saw it as if it was outside of me--even though I knew it's inside.

As I sent the Reiki, especially the basic Reiki, it started to transform. It had things pop out, Then it was like layers of shells would automatically come out. It would flip on one area--getting bigger and more wires like antennas sending Reiki symbols. And then as I increased the vibration of the healing Reiki to Karuna Reiki which is stronger, the whole contraption flipped on its back, again, and even more things happened.

It was jiggling and sending symbols which I could see, really far, across a network created by the antennas.

And as I got to the higher and higher frequencies I send (Agarthan Reiki and higher), it didn't do anything. The direct aura to aura transmission there is pristine, and the energy just flows from Ross and me to our recipients.

I found this puzzling, fascinating.

And when the healing was done?

It folded itself up and turned back to the Tahitian Pearl.

Our experience of being incarnate in human bodies is similar to the crash test dummy being put into a car.

Our souls are indestructible and always connected to Home.

Our bodies--the vehicles--are destructible.

And the whole thing which makes the 'experiment' fascinating is the concept of PERCEPTION.

No two people 'see' the same thing, even when they are side by side and colored by the cumulative sum total of their experiences, along with their family upbringing and culture.

Even people in the same family can have totally different views--polar opposites--and LOVE can still be there.

Ever heard of the concept, 'agree to disagree'??  That is a nice work-around people have come up with to maintain their relationships.

I want to quote John Smallman here:

Many of you have been following very difficult and demanding paths, filled with pain, anxiety, poverty, and, of course, suffering.  You volunteered from the generosity of your loving hearts so that all who choose to awaken as the divine plan comes to fruition would be ably and lovingly assisted to do so.  You are all receiving enormous assistance from those in the spiritual realms, but, because the density of the physical realm is so heavy, vast numbers are also reliant on the help provided by all of you, Light bearers and Light workers, to enable them to fulfill their divine destiny.

original article

Oh my gosh! I did. Growing up in my family would make your head spin! And it still does.

But I had a huge breakthrough yesterday, and for this I am most glad.

I had a fight with my sister. (We had just taken my mom to visit her house, and were in the rooms looking for any signs of rat infestation during mom's stay, and also, for mom's safety to come back. )

I asked her if she minded if I took a picture frame with lots of small photos in it, when all is said and done, because I made it? I selected the photos and gave it to mom and dad as an anniversary present.

I didn't want it today. And I didn't want to upset her.

Remember I am high-functioning Aspergers in a neurotypical family, the oldest of three daughters.

SHE said, 'do you mind if I take pictures of it first because x and y and z and...'

I got hurt.

I wanted a yes or a no. And I got something I wasn't sure was a yes or a no. I got very confused. Was this a 'yes' with conditions? Or a 'yes' that means I'm supposed to interpret it as a 'no' so as not to upset her? And we have a long history between us of conflict. There's lots of pain.

She accused me of 'taking things' without asking.

I said how the Muppets movie album and the Haunted Mansion album her daughter took were mine.  I didn't say anything. But that was 'taken without asking'.

She said that our mom 'gave it to my niece'.

Theres a certain selective vision in each of us that makes us fear the other is getting more, we see what we want to see. It makes no difference, but my 'list of painful items' that went 'not to me' include the gold coffee service set given by my godparents to my other grandparents for their 50th wedding anniversary which was promised to me when I was twelve, diamond wedding and anniversary rings, a car, acres of property, I don't know, things that were in some way interpreted by me as a betrayal, even though it's my expectations which are really doing the pain, NOT the gift going somewhere else.  I see that. And my sister later said she wanted something mom had given me, and to be honest, I never really liked or wanted them, so I am going to box the demitasse cups up and give them all to her because it will make her happy. It's nice to have the extra bit of room in the house! I'm sharing as an example.

Back to the fight.

I called my sister the Queen Bee.

Then she REALLY went into Queen Bee mode and threatened to destroy me, in classic girl style emotional/verbal attack.

THIS is where my years of training, blogging, Reiki, cleansing and releasing, and healing my issues of betrayal by Ross kicked in and paid off in spades.

She assumed I was reading the books to become a Queen Bee, or to find ammunition.  

I leveled with her. I said, 'I'm reading the books so I can understand. You are actually really good at this whole Queen Bee thing, and I kind of admire you for it.'

She never in a million years expected this response because it wasn't 'written' into our usual painful 'fight script'.

(She had even accused me of writing 'mean things' about her in my blog, which similarly, came through my Asperger Brain like, 'hmmm, that's a dig...but...she reads! She reads my work! That's good and I hope it's helping her.')

I said, 'Do you see how all these years--almost fifty--we have been in two different worlds that were completely unable to communicate due to my Asperger's?'

I told her the whole time with this I was just looking for a 'yes' or a 'no' and I got really confused. Did she want to take the pictures out of the frame to copy them? Send them to Costco for restoring antique photos? I didn't understand.

That's when SHE leveled with me.

She knew of my Asperger's before I did, and she chose the road/path of compassion to me. She knew while we were growing up I was frustrated and having problems with my friends. She chose to be kind no matter how mean I was to her.

And I was mean.

There's been a lot of pain in my life, right next to mom forbid me my best friend when I was twelve. And then we moved away at fourteen. I had to make all new ones, and it really was taught. I hung out with the academic kids, but they wouldn't have been my choice--or maybe they would have--it was just that no one else would hang out with me. It was hard. I retreated into Bible Study/reading it (I was a member of Campus Life), studying and excelling at school, and getting out of the house.

For sure I haven't been mean to her since Anthony was born, and I made her his Godmother and her husband his Godfather. She's been terrific at this. (And since I went to college I have tried my best not to be mean, but I'm sure I had many slip ups and accidents.)

I am so glad we resolved our 'fight' and we actually grew closer.

Mom does have cognitive deficit.

It's affected our family deeply.

Mom around the time it began, chose to have 'three separate families'--one on one relationships with each of her daughters, and refused to give the others information about the one. It was 'up to us' to continue the friendships/relationships.

It was awkward.

And mom added her two cents, on the one hand praising the two other girls to excess in the presence of the one who was making the visit. (OUCH!)

And also telling the one present that the other two were super stressed and not to bother them and to plan all holidays at her house to let the others 'save face'.

As an Aspie, this was un-navigatable. And the path of least resistance was to just 'go with the flow' and 'hope for the best'.

There's this thing with Tim Braun, too. He's told the family we will 'explode' once mom dies--three people going three separate ways.  Yet he's predicted mom's death, and it hasn't happened for the longest time. Tim has his perceptions as a medium, too.

My point is, there are no iron-clad 'predictions', and with love, and a little effort (on my part reading and reading on unwritten rules and learning about neurotypical people and the expectations)--we can forge NEW relationships. Even after fifty years it's never too late.

During the argument I told my sister, 'how about the offering for you to vent to me I made the other day, to give you emotional support? THAT'S straight from the books! It's a success!  I learned that's what's expected of people who are close. So I did it. From my heart.'

And even earlier, way before the argument, she knows I like sparkling water. She had put one in the fridge just for me.  It was kind. I felt all warm and glowing. I've never felt that with my family in a long time. With presents I do, too, of course, but it's kind of expected that someone is doing something nice because socially you have the cues--the card, the wrapping, the get-together--and it's again, totally welcome. It's the unexpected little things that say 'I care' and really 'get you' in the heart, too.

THIS is HOME.  This is what HOME feels like. Home up in Heaven. This is the baseline of 'normal'.

We do not need 'defenses' back Home.

And HOME is coming to earth.

The Lightworkers are reassuring people who are totally shell-shocked from their incarnate experiences, that it is safe to come out from hiding.

You can drop your armor.

Everything is going to be okay.

Even with Service to Self, and Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart--they are on the decline, it will resolve, and a beautiful Life Experience is ahead of us direct from Creator. 

I study YouTube videos and articles just because I want to know. I don't want to be fooled again, and I want to see how deep the deception by Service to Self goes. 

But that's 'my thing'.  My comfort zone. It's learning.

Not everyone has to wake up to it to enjoy what's coming ahead.

Creator of All That Is is going to put you through your paces. 

And in your heart of hearts, you know that this is how it works--there isn't any way to 'destroy' your eternal soul. 

(I'm not sure about those who 'sold' theirs to know...not sure how exactly it works but I think THEIR end-point is the decision--'heal or merge'. All who take the 'heal' path have guidance and are technically 'on' the same path as we are.)

It's not meant to be easy.

It IS meant to improve your skills.

And to be fun.

Just like this.

A little fun away from Home (like making a fort in the living room out of the couch and blankets--it's STILL in the Home, really...just make believe it isn't).

The energies are changing rapidly, and it's OKAY to trust your heart.  It really is.

It's never too late to change your mind about people, and perhaps, give them another chance. 

You might be pleasantly surprised!

Some people--for example, my mom--have solid reasons to act the way they do. There's brain changes.  She knows it, and it frustrates her.

This is where Love and Compassion come into play. 

A lot of the painful things she has done weren't really her fault the last four years. 

It's hard because she's our mom, and she likes to present herself as she has always been, to keep her dignity. 

Somewhere, between the next two photos I am 'borrowing' from Maria Lourdes, is the Truth which has been hidden from us for ages during our incarnate experiences on earth:

Everything is LOVE.


I wanted to get a message out there to my Carla.

I went to my sister Biramel, who is incarnate, and gave her a 'nudge'.

I had her make a bracelet.

One her bracelets she makes for us, there's always a charm in sterling silver that says, something to the effect of, 'Ross loves you, Carla'.

This time, I had it made of the finest rubies and sapphires with so much chatoyancy (star pattern of reflecting the light) that  Biramel commented, 'the sapphires look like blueberries!'.

They do.

In my heart it's true blue.

But I digress.

The message, which I told to Carla yesterday, is I wanted her to wear it on the right arm (sends energy) rather than the left (receives) where she usually wears them.

I told her I want the world--everybody--to know how much I love her.

This was the most beautiful and amazing message I have ever sent to her and it filled Carla with DELIGHT.

(raises one finger--ed)  And it was THIS delight that empowered her to find her way through with her sister who for reasons unbeknown to them both, have caused a Road Block or Barricade between their hearts due to their combined misperceptions (and poor effort on the part of their parents to help them to resolve it).

THAT was my gift to Carla yesterday.

For the first time, a sister--not one but two, really--who are of the heart. 

The second sister joyfully shared the news of her pregnancy with Carla yesterday. 

All is well and (interlaces the fingers--ed) Creator will not 'hang you out to dry'...not with anyone.

I wouldn't say it's 'instant', yet when you choose this path, you are always coming closer to the Highest Good for All.

I highly recommend it.

Wouldn't you agree, Maria Lourdes?

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Couple