Anthony has a new show. Stranger Things. It's on Net-Flick-s.
He wanted to see if I liked it.
I watched it with him after the Seattle game.
To be honest, I watched the Seattle game because Ross told me to bond with Anthony. It's really hard for me to watch it. I see all the people in the stands going nuts over a touchdown. We have the Red Zone and it's like someone is changing the channel for you. I couldn't tell what game we were on half the time because it flips back and forth.
I have a hard time watching it because of my training. Both my medical training. And my spiritual one--by educating myself on the stranger than strange things. I see the unseen hand which is behind the whole thing, collecting the money from the whole 'amusement' of the game.
I saw 11, or L, or 'Jane' in Anthony's new show.
It was fascinating.
How she flips back and forth to different dimensions, and especially that place where it's just her and she remote views.
I was like, 'hey! I do that!'
My nose doesn't bleed. And I can be doing it and holding a conversation with you. I don't need a blindfold. (That's what being a medium is, right?)
I saw the episode where she goes to find her sister. Then we finished out the season.
That's when the predictive programming caught my attention. Thirteen, fourteen, fifteen year old girl who just doesn't listen to her parental role models. (There were two in the series, there's a red head named Max she does that too).
The androgynous caught my eye too. Jane and 'Max' don't quite fit into the 'I'm a woman' box or the 'I'm a man' box.
The anger giving her more power, especially the anger over her frank MK Ultra type programming experiences, were a tip off that's it's NOT from 'our team' but in fact predictive programming from Service to Self.
Then I saw how they tied the 'possessed' boy Will up on the bed. Twice. That's the sacrifice position. (in their world, they do that to make the dark spirits go IN and not OUT of the child.)
I saw tunnels, and I laughed because I know there are elaborate tunnel systems all over the place for nefarious purposes for Service to Self--under many major attractions--and have been there since colonial times. And they do 'business' with otherworldly, icky creatures down in them too. Art imitates life, yes?
And the icky dog things that eat people. Isn't that what the little boy with the near death experience was talking about? Demon aliens that are here to eat people?
They show us these things to get us ready to accept them. It's called 'predictive programming'. It's a form of getting our 'consent'. Just like showing 9-11 twenty years ahead of its time on the Simpsons.
Truth IS stranger than fiction.
You know, it's really relaxing and fun to spend time with your family watching a movie, or your favorite show.
I get that.
I enjoy it too.
I mention the truth because it's good to keep in the back of your mind there's a lot of sophisticated psychological, and metaphysical 'stuff' being presented in the programming -- and your mind is absorbing it without your being aware of it because you are having fun.
It just is.
Anyone see the movie yet, the Kingsmen 2?
From my research--you are always welcome and free to follow my truth seeking folder on my channel, 77Picklehead on YouTube--the truth may be hidden in plain sight.
There's an interview with a will blow your mind.
It did me.
If you think about it, there's a lot of 'evidence' to destroy after 'rituals'.
I had always wondered why the McRib was around only a certain time of year.
I always wondered why it didn't taste 'right'.
I don't know, but it's possible the rabbi has a very plausible answer for it.
You never know.
What I do know is that symbol there on the cup is a bastardization of the Divine Peace Healing symbol for 'Knowledge and Divine Knowledge'.
That's right.
Whoever made that symbol wants the public to LACK 'Knowledge and Divine Knowledge'.
Whoever made that symbol knows what they are doing in a big way.
They even made the colors wrong. It's supposed to be violet or purple and yellow is the opposite.
Same thing here.
See the black zig zag on Charlie Brown's shirt?
It's a bastardization of the Divine Peace Healing symbol for 'Courage'.
'Courage' is a bright yellow zig zag just like that.
Again, on some level, conscious or unconscious, Charles Shultz knew.
Does Charlie Brown have courage? I think so, I like him.
If he had a white tee with a yellow zig zag I think the cartoon wouldn't be able to pick on him so much.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
I could write a whole book about this image here.
I'll save that for another blog post. Or two. When things are 'right'.
Here is a new Saul message.
I'm not exactly thrilled with Saul as my coach.
On the one hand, no one is special and everyone is here to help Gaia Ascend with her people.
On the other, the 'vast majority of humans have completely forgotten their life purpose'.
But don't judge!
Okay. I won't judge.
I will say to Ross and my teams that my 'muscles' are a little 'tired' from all this work I've been doing while everyone else has been 'sleeping', and it isn't anesthesia services I'm talking about.
And I want my teams to know that I am working very hard, at my post, and I would appreciate a pat on the back by them.
NOT an 'everyone is the same and no one is special' juxtaposed to 'the vast majority has forgot their contracts and promises' backwards compliment.
It's not judging.
It's the truth.
My teams (the ones Ross and I are leading and guiding through this blog) are busting their asses trying to get people to wake the heck up. They ARE being love in everything they do.
And if YOU (managing up to Saul) won't pat MY back, I will make an elaborate show--IN YOUR FACE SAUL--that I pat the back of everyone who is working with us and doing their best, every single day, 24/7, 365, year in and year out, until we go home. Including Divine Mother Incarnate who is working harder than anybody. Almost to the point of being able to do nothing else.
And I DARE you to say we would be able to go home as fast as we are without their efforts!
We are 'one'... energetically.
And we --those awake--are doing the work of an army--just us few--what, 12,000 'likes' on FB, and the people who read the blog (about 1,200 a day), and the dear beloveds on Twitter who I can't count, and the YouTubers who I also can't count.
Your work is IMPORTANT and APPRECIATED and VITAL to the cause!!!
Don't lose heart after reading things like Saul has to say. Stick with the messages from 'Our elder brother'...and there you will find all the respect, love and gratitude you need to get out of bed every morning and start your day.
When all is said and done, it will be like the bible where the prodigal son gets the party and the people who didn't work all day in the field get the same pay....while we who have been awake the whole time didn't get so much as a Happy Meal more to acknowledge our efforts.
That's OKAY. That's the ways of the bible and Heaven that I don't understand.
Just know--officially--we are thanking you HERE and NOW, Patting you on the BACK, with a great big ATTA BOY and ATTA GIRL--to encourage you at your incredibly difficult task you signed up to do and are totally doing an awesome job at it.
That's all I have to say.
I am a rabbi.
I want to clarify first I am NOT the rabbi who does the interview.
That is the total opposite of me.
Furthermore, on Halloween!
There is a difference and distinction I want you to know.
First, that is the time of year when spirit communication becomes more prevalent because THAT is when the 'veil' which 'occludes' us from the afterlife is thinnest. That's why there is a day of the dead, an all souls day, and when families can communicate with their dearly beloved (myself included, for I am in that Realm) more clearly than any other time of the year.
It works for both sides, Light and Dark, and it needn't fool you into thinking Halloween is all one way or the other.
It's a little of both.
And the usefulness is all depending of which boat you are on.
clap! clap!
Carla I want you to tell them about the other thing.
C: okay. In ancient Hawaii, there is history of much contact with extraterrestrials, from the Pleiades, and in their heritage and lore, because of this, the end of October is Hawaiian New Year. It is also New Year in the pagan/wiccan traditions. I call it Pleiadian New Year. From what I understand, the Pleiadians are our caretakers, and they checked up on us (our indigenous people) and taught them. I did hear of a story where 'beings of light' who inspired the 'kachinas' came and taught the Navajo I think. And one Navajo touched a living kachina, and burned up to dust. I think it was from another dimension, this contact, and due to the vibrational mismatch that's why the Navajo who touched the kachina 'burned up'.
R: Is there anything else?
C: I want to share that Samhain (Halloween's name) is new year for White magic too. There's no k in it, the word magic. And it honors nature and the earth. That doesn't mean Gaia thinks it's okay to dress up all slutty and get wasted drunk in honor of 'Halloween' any more than it's okay to dress up all slutty and get bombed for the regular new year. Enough said.
R: You want to know what I think?
C: Sure.
R: I think none of this will matter in a very short time. (he's smiling--ed)
clap! clap!
R: And oh by the way I thank you--all of you who read our words and strive to open your hearts every day--I thank you on behalf of I and all my teams--'except Saul' (he winks mischievously-ed)
Aloha and Mahalos,
Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Team