Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thank You

We wish to thank you for the effort you have diligently put forth to comply with the requests from the last two blog posts. We thoroughly encourage you to both read, watch and listen to the links provided in the last two blog posts. It is important in so many ways for you to understand the depth and breadth of the deception which has been held against humanity for generations and generations.

First of all, we want to reinforce that in all the rest of the Universe, with the exception of the third dimensional realms such as Earth/Gaia where the memory of it is blocked -- but it is still present--the only thing that exists is an ocean of Love energy.

We are talking TRUE nurturing, warmth, love and compassion, 24/7, 365 days a year. There is this and only this. And there are lessons.

Earth is a Graduate School of sorts, where the testing has been taking place over many lifetimes. 

Ross says to 'let me pull a rabbit out of my hat!' for Rabbit is Animal Medicine Card for fear. If you think the worst, it will come to you. 

Remember there is only LOVE.

Many of you signed up to incarnate here because you are of the strong connection to Source, and in every way, in every day, you get better and better at being LOVE in action, in all of your interactions, every possible time. 

This is why the energies are UP for the Truth to come out. The rest of earth can handle it because there are 'strong anchors in place' for the energies of Love, a grid perhaps if you are visual, but it's energetic and all of you are connected to your teams who do not happen to be incarnate at this time.

Why you aren't on the Higher Realms enjoying cupcakes, at the moment, and why you fought so hard to earn your place here, is for this reason: ninety percent of the population of co-creators believe in the lies, the illusion which was constructed for them, and believe that this and only what can be perceived with their five senses is REAL.

We are on the fast track for the Illusion to be removed. And since the Illusion is both a comfort and taken for granted by the ninety percent, there is going to be some shock to them both mentally, physically, spiritually and emotionally when the scaffold of lies 'collapses' when it is shown for what it is, in the true light.

The example of Judaism was provided because it was complete. Motives, methods, coverups, everything is a pattern and we hope you recognize it.

We wish for you to extend this concept of a 'club within a club' to every other area of Earthly existence--religion, government, military, entertainment, sports (thank you Houston Astros for the wire scandal, and Boston too--for a 'soft and gentle and easily understandable awakening'), fashion, music, industry, everything--exists. And who has the control are the psychopaths, the antisocial personalities who are involved in dark practices who hold the strings. And use, as a human shield, the rest of the innocent 'clubs' around them. 

These individuals do not play by any rules.


Their goal is for total and complete control over the 'cattle' that they consider to be inferior to them (me and you). They are using every psychological and physiological and scientific and occult 'trick in the book' to not let go of the status quo, and to assert their dominance at all times.

They cover both ends of the opposition--both political parties, all of the sports teams, etc--and let others think it is legitimate just to keep their secrets from being found out/discovered.

Remember that it takes one to know and one not to know for anything to be a secret. When both know, it is no longer secret! Right?

This is how the elite find people are easy to control. Through screens. Through making things appear 'fun'. Even though this in and of itself is just as much illusion as the rabbit in the hat and 'magic tricks'. 

They hide the truth in plain sight, and pride themselves in their trickery.

Meanwhile, our average part of the ninety percent of the Earth's surface population are in this state--tired, stressed and easy to control.

They do not 'get' the 'bigger picture' even though the entire earth has been vibrating at a very high frequency for several years now. 

They don't even stop to think of it.

The moment of betrayal is soon to arrive for them.

This is why we invited you to taste of it a little early, of your own free will.

Your careful noting of your own feelings and your reactions will allow you to be 'there for them' in ways that none of us who are not incarnate have possible.

Our world is run by psychopaths and blood dr-ink-rs who do not give one whit of care about me!

That is, within the Illusion that everyone believes is real, although it is not.

Your job, if you choose to accept it, is to be there for the people when the hurtful truths hit. For example, one of our readers, Phyllis, has a dear friend who is Jewish and does Reiki. They are very close. The friend, chances are, is not included in the Father to Son club within a club. She is in the 'human shield' part the darker psychopaths use to hide behind like a facade.

Can you imagine a whole lifetime being told lies?

Phyllis is ready to step in and comfort her friend when the time is needed for her.

Even if you are an empath, reading and listening to everything--the whole thing, and not to quit--will strengthen YOU because you can only imagine the drain you will feel when the true suffering and surprise begins with the ninety percent!!!

Use this mini-awakening to practice your self-care and replenishment...spiritually, physically and emotionally. It is very important.

How can something we have been told is good for us really be bad?

Get your kleenex tissues out, and listen to this mother, who, through deep personal loss, asks this question plaintively at the she is painfully coming to her own awakening...

The book 'Crooked' available on Amazon, details exactly how it goes up to the brain stem. It has to do with the lymph system. 

But what are you going to say to Krystle? How are you going to speak from your heart to her, when someone like her asks you, in all sincerity, 'what kind of people would do this?'...

This is why we invited you to take the painful discourse upon yourselves, and also, in the process, perhaps, speed your awakening. Many, many are those of our readers who have said, 'it's too painful', 'I am an empath', 'I can't do it', 'It makes me too angry' and on and on and on.  So they excuse themselves from the exercise. 

There is no more time for excuses.

Remember in the airplane how they say, 'please put on your own oxygen first'?

This is your oxygen.

This is your chance to reconnect with unshakable faith to Source, to Divine Creator, and to really do what you are signed up/sent here to do.

To be unflappable in the Awakening.

To be unconditional love to everyone you meet.

And to direct the focus to the future of hope, enlightenment, and Heaven which is on its way.

Thank you for answering our call.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins