Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Reflections On The Antisocial Social Club

Good morning! 

Just for today, Ross has a gift for us. We saw a new clothing line hoodie on the street, and the name, 'Antisocial Social Club' just tickled our fancy. It's been a long time we have been using the aphorism 'Those Who Do Not Have Our Best Interest At Heart' (TWHOBIAH).  We thought perhaps since we now know their true secret--(Ross points to his temple and moves his finger in a circle and says, 'they are sick in the head' and 'not like normal people' therefore they need 'help')--why not add ASSC to help us distinguish from the ones they were then (Illusion of in Power) to what they are now (Struggling to maintain their Illusion of Power) and upgrade their name?

We know nothing about the clothing, except for the name, but we'd like to borrow it for our own purposes, as we guide you towards the awakening.

The main topic for the day will be dealing with the intermingling of the demonic and the human in the consciousness of some of those around you, and as an aside, on dealing with demonic/dark attack.

So just for a moment, hold that thought.... 

And I am going to share with you a story that is the opposite.

It was a hard call for me this weekend. I was up eighteen hours straight and worked fifteen of them. I was very tired and frazzled. Then the following day, I had a haircut/trim, and needed to see my pulmonologist to finally find out the results of my tests. Thankfully, everything is normal! I do have asthma and some allergies but nothing to be followed for by a pulmonologist. 

I took Anthony to his physical therapy, and then a haircut.

Ross had been nudging us to go to a restaurant, but I was going to cook. Then I realized that yesterday was his birthday! January 20 is the day Ross had told us to celebrate his birthday years ago. I was like, 'DOH!'

So we went out to eat, I had a glass of prosecco, and we told the restaurant it was Anthony's birthday but truly celebrated for Ross!

And this is the image he chose himself for the occasion.

He says that those aren't eyes on his cake, they are circles and not to read anything into it. He selected the image because of the dog and he thinks it's cool and he'd like to share it.

Giving is one of the greatest joys while we are incarnate. We can't really see or sense the gift so there are wonderful, joyful surprises to be had.

I'm still going to be baking a cake Ross wants, vanilla with chocolate icing, probably this weekend. Until then, we have Trader Joe Vanilla Bean cake which he likes too.

So back to the darker, heavier, and less pleasant part of the blog post.

I and some of our readers are starting to experience 'guests' in their dreamtime and meditation, and for me, actually, in my waking state as I interact with humans who are a little of both--highly influenced by external forces perhaps is a nicer way of saying it.

What do we do?

We know what is real.

All of these dark things are being imposed on us to accept them as real, but they are thought forms and projections from twisted minds and souls--both on and off the planet...

On the one hand we can look on it as 'lore from bygone eras past' from Earth, as soon that is what they are going to become in the greater scheme of things. 

THIS is the original blueprint of Gaia, sunshine, flowers, joy, sharing, nurturing, warmth, love and compassion. 

Immerse yourself in these energies as often as possible to sustain you.

Some recommendations if you encounter not-so-high vibe entities are:
  1. tell them to go away. You are incarnate. You have free will. They must listen.
  2. laugh at them. Point and laugh. They hate it when we do this. (to disincarnate ones only)
  3. keep a bowl of salt water on your dresser where you sleep
  4. place cloves of garlic in your windowsills to keep those things out.
  5. wear garlic too, keep a little 'toe' of it in your pocket
  6. put a perimeter of salt around your house--careful if you have pets or children--a thin line will do
  7. smudge with white sage or palo alto
  8. Place a medal with archangel on it in each corner of your house (you know the little cheap ones from the catholic store). Try to mix them up (not all Michael) but some can be the same
  9. wear blessed items with Mary or Jesus on them, jewelry, do not take them off
  10. wear wood from the Holy Land--I love mine from Earthzschools, it's very protective, all of it

Ross wants you to get things in perspective.

There are disincarnate beings who are like this, who WANT to 'play' on the earthly realms. They are not invited. But they barge their way in.

They have created an established system which promises riches and fame and celebrity and worldly success to people who are willing to do 'anything'.

As a result, the people who look somewhat handsome and 'lightly involved' on the surface are actually in it way over their heads -- metaphysically--and are often controlled pawns by those who outrank them.

It's everywhere the eye can see, and even where it can't, in the Earthly spheres. We will speak more about this next photo in a little bit. Hold that thought.

These ones in charge who hold dominion over others are bloodthirsty and always seeking proof that their 'followers' are 'loyal' to them. So there are sacrifices of many innocent beings, to provide the energy of terror to the spiritual beings who feast on it, and heme/adrenochrome to those who unfortunately suffer from this terrible addiction.

They also hate anything Divine, and torture and try to rid themselves of anything that reminds them of their Divine Nature which is inside everything, including them. 

Deep deep down, it is a form of self-hate that is somehow connected to the fear of separation from Source while being incarnate. 

What is asked of us is merely to be 'friendly and polite' to all. 

We are NOT asked to cure or heal them.

This is outside the scope of our assignment this time around. 

Refer out to The Guides of Compassionate Healing and the Experts.

In summary, how we react is our responsibility. Healing them is not our responsibility--not for the heavily influenced by outside spiritual forces sort of humans, who are kind of the majority these days. They are second only to the innocent but asleep who outnumber them on the planet.

Now I'd like to share with you something very, very special about Ross and what he did for our cause recently.

There is a clearing that was highly dangerous recently. Ross volunteered and did the first start of it, at very high risk to both of us. 

Strange, metal, sword like devices have been embedded into Gaia's surface about one third of the way in.  They are something, a marker or just in case type of 'weapon' in spirit to allow those who control us to find their way back.

They hurt and are painful to Gaia, and she's tried her best to ignore them.

Once she mentioned it to her parents, Divine Mother and Divine Father, it was seen how she was literally ensnared by this network.

Ross came and lifted the first one out. The hole gaping in Gaia's skin was a great concern to the teams. This was where the risk was. Both to Ross and to Gaia. The hole was closed up. The sword thing was taken for dismantling.

I've never felt Ross' purity of love as strong as I did when he stepped forward for that task. He had complete and total faith and trust in everything he's ever learned or trained or did, and accomplished it without fear, not one drop of it.

Gaia Portal saw it.

Even Co B Rah noted something to the same effect after the fact.

We are heading forward at a great pace. The energies are going to keep ramping up automatically.

Gaia feels free, and there are wonderful energies soothing her and healing her surface.

This is the reason and nature behind the attacks some of you may have experienced. It's not just the articles we invited you to listen to and to read. It's the combination of your exponentially increasing compassion and awareness, plus the 'direct hit' to their last 'fortification grid'.

ASSC, Ross says.

He points to a tee shirt/hoodie saying on his chest, flashes some Heavenly 'gang signs' and says, 'you are now in my hood!' (neighborhood, 'rap' talk).

I think he is truly enjoying his birthday.

Now he's reaching for the mike for the Karaoke. He's very good at that.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Angels in White

P.S. Ross says 'how old is he?' he laughs and says, 'I am older than your mother!'