Monday, January 27, 2020


Are your grids for keeping the general public calm in place? They are going to be needed!

Yesterday's events are sort of a 'test run'--not sure exactly for which team. For the ASSC, it was time for their Grandmother Music Awards ceremony. I cringe to think of it, all the people who died suddenly before--Whitney, possibly Paul Walker from Fast and Furious--I forget exactly when for him--I think maybe even the mom and brother of Jennifer Hudson.  I knew I was wondering 'who was picked' and I was thinking about the 'Queue' about the 'peanut'--a cryptic message from an insider. 

The song by Sting, 'murder by numbers', is actually true--it's about Gematria, and there's some occult thing in ASSC where they decide who lives and who dies. It has to do with all the sacrifices they make. And with the Grandmother awards getting less and less attention, this year with is being done at Staples Center--a huge basketball venue for both the Lakers and the Clippers--I'm like--how weird a place to hold it is that?

A player on Anthony's basketball team is close friends with the son of the local baseball coach who also perished with his wife and daughter, when the helicopter crashed into a mountain. That's how I learned so quickly. What a weird coincidence isn't it? The biggest player to play in that same Center--gone--same day as the event? I'm not buying it as an accident.

With Kerth, there were times that people crossed the higher ups, and the Fabians were told they had to pick their own suicide. Kerth was in the car with them as they speeded up to hit a tree. They told him their last advice and secrets because they had worked together a long time to break his programming. Then they pushed him out of the car and crashed to their fiery deaths. They did this to save their daughters. It was them or the kids, that was the deal...that's how things work in the ASSC.

Did you know Koh-Bee's middle name? 

It's Bean.

And here in the States, the diminutive nickname for a much loved baby is 'Peanut'.

Mamba, Mambacita...Bean, Peanut.

Heck, I don't know.

I've been so busy, post call, medical appointments on Friday. Saturday was a fog, just I couldn't get much done. Every time I get that way, I forget. When someone connected to me is about to Transition, I get that way, probably because parts of my soul are helping. I wasn't close to the deceased, but he was a part of the community.

I did lots of gardening this weekend. The arborists came last week. They trimmed. I fertilized, sprayed Monterey organic spray on the citrus, planted my was fun.

I did mountains of dishes and laundry. We are almost all caught up.

I changed the sheets, and this time, invited Anthony to do his own with his all folded up on his bed. I said, 'welcome to Balboa Navy Hospital'--there we had to put our own sheets on our call room beds, a first!

On Saturday night I fell asleep on the couch while the fire was dying out, to make sure no logs fell out. It was wonderful.  I didn't watch any TV all weekend...

I looked things up.

I looked up the Order of the Magi. Not cool. I think it might be the twist to Lucy Fairy Ann Ism--from wayyyyy back. I also noticed on the latest flyer about the Edgar Cayce organization, a picture with the eye and the temple columns and thought, 'oh shit'. You see the Order of Magi also thinks the May Suns are a 'huge success'.  Just like the Sisterhood of the Rose with that Blatavsky Lucy Ferian...her picture is there. Weird. I need to study ankhs. That's what Cobra's lady, Isis, used for a ceremony I had her do (paid her one hundred dollars) to open up my Divine Feminine years ago. She blew threw it. I didn't feel anything after she did it either.

For the bunny, she and our turtle (the little one, we are waiting to have a big one re-homed to us)--have been getting some freedom in the back yard. The veterinarian says she's overweight. Rabbits are coprophagic (they eat their poop, there's two kinds, and the jelly-like one that's really sticky is their 'probiotic') and she needs to be able to reach to clean herself. She seems to enjoy the freedom. And turtle in the sunshine had her best day ever! But I was reading everyday rabbit care tips, and I learned that the sweet things--carrot, banana, fruit--must be very small quantities otherwise rabbits get 'dysbiosis'--an imbalance of their gut bacteria and it can make them very sick. I know something horses and cattle can get is 'bloat', I'm not sure if this is similar, but for ruminants 'bloat' can be fatal.


I thought, if this much is known about rabbits, then somewhere someone in some high level occult 'order of the magi' or something must know about humans. Perhaps this is why so much sugar is offered to us? Is this the reason why everyone is going gluten free and ketogenic and paleo? To avoid the sugar and the many health complications that follow?

I don't know.  I just know we are like a herd. And that there are so many attempts in so many ways to cull this 'herd'. Like in China. My two friends in China are very brave, but live in Beijing. They are affected. One says there's no cure, and shared with me a video from an English-speaking athlete to be strong and we've got this. I've also seen a video, check it out while you can, from a masked person in the main city Wu-you know the rest--saying that the government isn't good and lies to the people. He said you can catch it through your eyes and you won't have the symptoms they tell you. 

Ross was very close to me all weekend. For us, when Anthony is with his dad, it's time for us. 

Do we go out? Not really. Do we talk? Yes, a lot, some very deep conversations.

Is Ross romantic?


He played a song for me on the radio about a first date, being excited, and I saw him deciding what to wear. Our time is soon, very soon, and although the galactics are known to totally drag their feet for years, they come forward when the time is right.  I'm excited too.

The Schumann Resonance was building up to almost complete white. There was the news Sunday that shocked the world and the sports world and my county...MK Ultra trauma-based programming move 101), it dimmed. Now it's white again.  This is why the Council has this message

Then there's my 'visitor'...

When I was in the garden, a recently deceased basketball player made his presence known while I was up to my ears in digging out a bougainvillea root that was way taller than me, and also, digging up some unused plumbing system PVC pipe that was tangled in with it.

'Well, well, well, what have we here?' he said with a smile.

I was a little annoyed, because I'm pretty sure he's on the other team, and he was addressing me by my real job--inferring it--my job up in Heaven and my real 'self'.  Is said, 'I can be here as a human and work in the garden if I want!' and challenged him.

He backed off.

He threw me the comment, 'If I were you, I wouldn't worry about things.'

I know, I know. He's coming. All is going to be a big party. Yada. Yada. Yada. I know. But it's not here yet, I'm in human form, and I REALLY enjoy working with my hands. Even if I'm getting dirty pulling roots and weeds, and nobody knows--not my neighbors, coworkers, friends, and most of my family--the whole story.

That is enough for today. 

Time for work.

Good things are coming. For all of us. Keep up your meditations, build your grids if you haven't, and know that people are waking up, totally waking up, right and left, and that's a good thing.

When I can, I will write, and when Ross wants to say something, I'll help him.

Oh, I asked Ross what it was like to meet said basketball player?  Ross said he didn't meet him, actually, it was this player's mom who helped him cross over. Anthony tells me the mom is still living, I don't know, could be a grandmother or someone who raised him, but Ross says, 'mom'. Anthony says the mom and son had a lot of bad disagreements in life. Ross was watching remotely the whole time as he went UP. And yes, Koh Bee Bean is UP. He is in Heaven and perhaps it was his mom's prayers that saved him. Daughter is UP too.

But later, Ross met him, and said all was good. 

I know Ross is very tall. I would have liked to see the two of them together side by side, but I suppose I will have to wait for it.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
the Couple who are Valentines In Waiting