Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Between Us

I don't even know where to start. I have a lot to say today. It's all me. And Ross is 'around' but I'm really the one here who is writing it.

The energies have been slow, stagnant. I was home yesterday, and the day before that I had a three hour gap. There is a feeling of pushing forward for slow, slow, very slow progress. For example, during the three hours free, I made phone calls to arrange for appointments for things I have been putting off for two years. Important things. Yesterday, too, I made appointments.

And yesterday, we started going to appointments. Anthony's knee is better, but he is going to physical therapy now, to help everything heal. Our rabbit got seen by the veterinarian today. Even had x-rays. They cost two hundred and fifty dollars I couldn't believe it! I knew her spine was okay. But her poopy butt is from her obesity. She's gained one pound since her last exam. Our whole family is too fluffy!

I had a big breakthrough in I realized I was tired and sleepy this morning because I didn't exercise yesterday. Spirit told me that.

And today I pushed myself just a little, and I communicated with family members--with our 'new address' cards, in lieu of holiday greetings, because I'm so late. It's  a project to assemble all the names into a new address book. I can't find the old one, and it needed an update. But when my mom told me about a cousin who had surgery today, I had the new stationery, and wrote a note, and I'm on top of things at last for that!

I also tallied up the donations and expenses for the Holiday Icicle bracelet project, closed it, and transferred everything to the Angelite 'Possible Expiration Date/Transition' project. Please know that these stones are from Peru, they are designer grade--and waxed. So in time they will go from shiny to opaque. Compared to the Icicle bracelet, which was quartz, and plentiful, our main stone is more difficult to source, and isn't as affordable. The healing qualities are very important, and no other stone will substitute for what it can do. So, it's worth it.

This prayer above is very important, and I'm going to ask you to go back and look at it whenever you feel, a need to do so, as you make your way through this blog post.

Today I felt dirty.

I haven't felt dirty and sickened like that for a long time. 

I've been researching things, stuff I will share later.

But a high school friend shared something, and it really shook me. I was completely blindsided.  He shared about the costs of healthcare and a huge profit.  He likes what I post, and added to one.

I said the usual thing about going down the rabbit hole further--thank you for being awake--and you'll see it's run by Lucy Fairy N Can Nibbles and Blllloooo  D rinkers who run the show.

He said he knew, he'd had first hand experience, and turned his back on his family in 1985 and made it on his own ever since.

I'm not sure how he was able to escape, seriously. But he said his grandmother is the sole heir to a healthcare industry fortune. And he bolted, never wanting anything to do with his family again. 

I opened up.

I shared about my friend the nurse who had multiple personality disorder, and healed from it. She was very Christian, and credited her faith for healing her. She had once been a breeder. She became a minister/divinity school person, and then a counselor.  I knew what she was saying was true, but I didn't want to believe it back when I was an intern. I knew she was excellent in every nursing situation, there was no reason for her to lie. Deep down I wanted to just wish I had never heard of it, I felt so dirty knowing her secret. And I kind of avoided her after. I didn't know anything like that existed for reals. My mother had told me long ago that the priests back in Sicily got the nuns pregnant and they all ate the babies but lied about it in the church. They had to go, every Sunday and days through the week, as villagers, but they kept up the facade that they didn't know. It was a small village. All the townspeople knew. And they watched their kids really careful. Mom would tell me that the kids on the milk cartons would never be found either. They were killed, ritually, she said in ways I as a child could understand. 

I shared about my immediate past life. About how I researched Svali and Kerth Barker (his books are lower priced now, on Amazon), and their stories haunt me. 

He said that one girl from our school had been a breeder too, become a nurse, had lots of plastic surgery--so much he didn't recognize her--and left like he did. They saw one another years ago, looked each other deep in the eyes, and hugged a long time over their leaving and being free. 

He knew what it was like to die and float out of your body, too. 

I took great care to tell him I feel the same now as I did before, with friendship and respect, nothing has changed between us. 

His sorrow was not having had a family. I said, from my heart, what they called 'family' was really a stretch of the definition, it wasn't a family in any sense of the word,  and now your family of choice is the real thing. Thank you for breaking the cycle so your daughter could be free.

But the dirty had come up, I felt icky, just like the first time with my nurse friend. 

This is part of the awakening process. It really is. And what I did was call for Ross, and told him how I felt. He asked me if I wanted him to clean things up inside so I didn't feel dirty. And he did something, I feel like 'me' again.

As empaths, we are going to need to be very diligent about what is ours and what is not, and to let go and cleanse of anything we needn't carry.

This part is where you are going to feel at times stuck between a rock and a hard place.

I am your guide down a rabbit hole, if you care to visit it. It goes deep, and in my opinion, is perhaps the next to last one. The last one would link these things to extraterrestrial things/influences. That is another story.

Please skim the following information. Go over everything and do not click any of the hyper links provided for your completeness. I will summarize the findings gently for you. When you wish to know more--be wise that anything can be taken off the internet at any time--watch and read.

It all started with an article on FB about human meat for consumption being 'okay' somewhere, I think, New York. This isn't the one I saw but it's close--the pictures are different. Snopes says it's a hoax. I'm sorry, I've read Kerth Barker. And the paying the family handsomely for the 'donation' is part of the deal. My gut tells me it's controlled opposition, getting people 'ready' and 'testing the waters' for that kind of 'disclosure'.

It was the picture that really got me concerned. Could I, after years in the O.R., recognize it, human tissue?

So I went to YouTube. This is the title of the one I saw Restaurant in New York given approval to serve Human Meat  that started the whole search. It's now restricted to watch, I'm not going to click it and share it. Too many things kind of sketchy here with the social media. 

Then I watched Human Meat Treading In China video--it was a 'next up'. That one I slowed down, and due to things being erased so much and censored, I took a few photos which I won't show you, but basically screen shots. 

In my opinion, it's a tough call on the veracity of the accounts. I've heard that babies and aborted fetuses are consumed, they call it some weird name, a code name, and it costs a lot--but in China it's like a black market delicacy for longevity or health or something.  These photos could be photo shopped. Or real. The ones without skin, are technically inaccurate. The eyes, without skin, are like a robot--unblinking and open. I have seen degloving injuries (the skin is ripped off in trauma, usually off a hand or something) and I have seen exsanguination because I resuscitate people who are hemorrhaging. The colors aren't quite right but not too wrong either, on the body parts and corpses.  The one image that looks real, is the upside down girl with her heme being drained out the neck into a basin. It's the right location, the right side incision, but I don't think she'd be so straight if deceased or alive. She'd be floppy in the former and fighting/showing pain in the latter. 

Then I watched this five minute video of a radio show. Again, my gut told me this guy is telling the truth. I can't explain it. But it makes sense.

So I watched the full one hour version of the same radio show.

There was something about the author who wrote all about it fifty years ago, and nobody believed him statement. I had to find that source.

Here it is--  The actual author is a priest named James E. Bulger. The book is no longer in print, it's in rare bookstores, which are owned by, well...
The link provided has the main material, it's very dense and hard to read, and it took me about two days to get through it. It's worth it, and helps to make some connections. There is a pattern of covering up the evidence by a tried and true method that shows up time and time again.

I have a question about what was done before the crucifixion as clearly the roots in their type of worship go way back in time? I have my suspicions that perhaps the non-human, cold-blooded creatures from the far past never actually went extinct and just shape shifted. But that's just me.

I also need to delicately share some things I saw on my travels this summer, which add to the data points in the main link attributed to the work of J. Bulger. You will decide ultimately for yourself what you feel is true.

Lastly, before the pictures and the explanation, let me be clear that just as some brotherhood lodges have a 'club within a club', from the reading I gather that in Judaism, there is a similar 'club within a club' that gets passed down orally only from the father to the most trustworthy son. Others in the family may never know. And hence, the term 'blood libel' is correctly used by the others in the family, who are unknowing. The ones in the inner club are using their innocent family members like a human shield for the accusations, and also, using their vast network of similar 'brothers' to use any and all resources available at their disposal to make the accusations not stick.

In Bern, Switzerland, is a curious fountain The hat is part of the data point. I saw it, but I didn't take photos. I'm not sure why.

Perhaps it's because in Barcelona, our Catalonian guide showed us this months before:

The Jews were driven out of Barcelona, and no longer were in that part or the whole town. Nowadays, Judaism is fascinating to the people of Spain, especially those who want to speak out against 'the system' and people are wearing stars of David and other things, studying the religion, etc. Again, they are opening up to the outer 'club' and aren't remotely aware of the hidden club within it.

In summary, here are the main points:

  • What happened at the end of WW2 with Operation Paperclip probably isn't the first time something this major has been hidden in plain sight. Apparently some factions of Judaism really don't like Christians. At all. This would be the innermost circle, the hidden one, much like in May Suns or More Mins or other organized groups. 
  • These inner circle type folks have infiltrated just about everything in society as we know it. What better place for someone who hates Christians than a religious leader, right? The highest form of High Adept Say Ten Ism, according to Kerth, is to lead huge groups of people astray from Source and inner guidance and home. 
  • Even though Jesus took our sins, and died a horrible death, countless others who follow him have been drained of their lifeblood in ritual and tormented like him.

The blood lust of the Jews and their hatred of Jesus Christ are combined in this horrible ceremony. -- James E. Bulger, 1956 publication

  • This goes to all who follow Lucy Fer, Say Ten, the whole deal. It's not just the inner circle Jews. It's all those who tell us black is white, who built the society we live in, and control it. Immeasurable suffering has taken place over time. Also for the adrenochrome addictions.
  • Divine Creator, Divine Mother and Divine Father, still have love for all of their children--those who torture and drink, as well as those who have died. This is way, way, over our heads as incarnate humans to grasp the enormity of it all. What we can grasp, is that the truth is coming out, and everything is coming to a grinding halt--in the suffering department. 
  • You are in the right place, at the right time, like I was with my friend who confided in me his truth. There are steps to take to help. There are steps to take as an empath. Make sure you are always meditating daily to keep yourself spiritually strong and alive and clean in your heart of hearts. It's a tough job.
  • Know that when people have discovered about this secret in the past, they have rioted and murdered the offenders. Murder is never the solution to anything--except perhaps in cases of self-defense in isolated situations. Keep your head about you, and remember the last few blog posts. Many, many in these situations are doing these things not by choice, but by coercion. Let the Galactics and those in the situations to handle it do their job. Try to stay out of their way.

Ross says this is enough. And he is always there for you when you need him.

I'm so grateful for him. I need him more than ever now. I really do. He is like the antidote to all this stuff. For this I give thanks. Big Time!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins