Monday, January 6, 2020

A Bonus Day!

Last night as Carla was falling asleep, she took a few moments to express her gratitude to us for her new house. She was surprised to realize not only did she have a new bed, she had a new pillow, new blankets, a new refrigerator, a new stove, and a new dishwasher, as well as new furniture, two fireplaces and lots of wood!

Then she paused and wondered why she was so content/willing to live in the old house, with the neighbors who took her parking spot and all the tiny yard and the problems that needed to be addressed in it? The many repairs that needed to be done. For now, to her, the old house is only a blur, a memory, one of mostly annoyance and not that much joy, aside from it being her first home she was able to purchase.

This brings us to the point of today's last and final, Bonus Day of our Boot Camp...a focus on Gratitude and hindsight and willingness to accept change.

Carla could not have been in this house until Anthony had become older. She couldn't have paid for it, made the monthly payments with him going to his private school. She would have had to watch him closely for the stairs and the other things.

Our point to you is that everything happens in the right time and the right place. And if you stop to notice, Heaven and your guides will bring you things you may not even understand how much you really are reminded of other things you enjoy-- for example, not one but two of Carla's favorite vacation places/hotels have very similar cabinetry and countertops--only just now she realized it.

Let us take this message to heart--

That is enough for today.

And for a little extra, extra credit?

Be very glad for your time to be alive and participate in something along the lines of this--the liberation and awakening of the masses:

Ricky Gervais did his part last night at the Golden Globes to put out the truth which is hidden in plain sight.

If you get a chance to listen to his monologue you will be amazed by it.

All of the hidden 'truther' jokes were brought to light, concepts of pedophilia and the misuse of power as well as how Hollywood is losing their touch with the people (and also unfair labor practices abroad...)

Enjoy the show!

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twin Flames <3 <3
