Wednesday, September 12, 2018

It's Not Them, It's Us

A powerful and inspiring landscape, the Grand Canyon overwhelms our senses through its immense size; 277 river miles (446km) long, up to 18 miles (29km) wide, and a mile (1.6km) deep

Someone broke up with me once, saying the cliché, 'It's not you, it's me'...and I've grown to learn that painfully, in those circumstances, the reason usually IS 'you'.

This is not a breakup.

This is not any blame on anyone, except I see something that is very difficult to explain...but with great clarity the situation here on Earth I am visualizing the systems of corruption and horrible abuse I had alluded to with the last blog post--and what makes it possible for souls like that to get away with it.

Something not right happened long ago, back in the days of Atlantis. They weren't souls like who are supposed to be on Earth. They rose to leadership. And they destroyed everything besides themselves.

They escaped to Egypt, and started again.

Under one guise or another, they infiltrated and got to leadership roles, using the powerful tools of betrayal and blackmail to retain their positions of inequality with the masses and perpetuate them through generation after generation, while the masses, hypnotized, had no clue.

Up until the past few days, I thought it was entirely a 'Them' as the bad guys, and 'Us' as the good guys...

Ross wants me to share this photo:

Everything is linked a delicate balance, just like this yin and yang sign with little cats I saw on a car sticker...

What I see is how our part in the situation helps to make the system go. I will give you some examples:
  • how we can sit in first class, knowing that we paid more, and have everyone else trudge through the plane to coach, drinking our mimosa's (champagne with orange juice) and not have a care in the world over the inequality--the feeling we have earned it, or deserve it. 
  • The worker's comp patient, who gets care from a surgeon, who treats the problem and says, 'you will go back to work in six weeks'. The patient doesn't want to go back to work. The patient finds a lawyer who has been disbarred ELEVEN TIMES to take the case. The patient sues the doctor, after another surgeon says that the patient had bad surgery and will be disabled for life. Bones are short and the surgery the first surgeon did was botched. The surgeon never touched a bone in the surgery, only soft tissue! The surgeon has x-rays from pre-op, which show the shortened bone was there when the patient sought treatment! And fortunately, the case was thrown out before going to trial...
  • at my work it's dog-eat-dog in the anesthesia department. Through being mistreated for so long, we turn a cold shoulder to our colleagues. A tiny--way under five foot tall--mom had an epidural and got symptoms consistent with a post-dural puncture headache in labor. The anesthesiologist--our very best and most experienced--had never had a wet tap. This one didn't seem to be one. But when she told the next anesthesiologist to do a blood patch through the epidural before removing it, the catheter had been disconnected from the connector hub. So the next one couldn't do what she asked, it wasn't sterile. They tried conservative measures. The next one after that, did everything possible to 'escape' blood patch. The last one, did the blood patch but got lots of CSF and decided not to do it. They did MRI...many things, including planning for neurosurgery. The neurosurgeon said to lie flat for one week. This last anesthesiologist said not to do the blood patch. But the first one, checked with a senior one--usually when CSF comes out, you drain a little, and you put the blood back in. No big deal. But it was a big deal to this first one--the patient who could have been enjoying the new baby (blood patch fixes it in one hour) was not given treatment by three 'professors' the first one called them...and now is so scared they are refusing blood patch.

It's ego.

It's the little part of us that thinks it's okay to push on the accelerator at a yellow light, instead of slowing to a stop.

This part has been cultivated like an agricultural crop in humanity by the 'ones who rule us' (TWDNHOBIAH) since antiquity.

This part doesn't exist in the higher realms!

This is the only thing keeping us from Ascension...well, not the ONLY thing, Ross says, but an 'important one'.

Be mindful for it.

You can only heal yourself.

Watch for it.

When you find your tendency to act in that way, be aware, and do your best to make right--and to do things with 'right action' the first time.

Usui Sensei was a genius with his Five 'Just for this Day' Principles as recommendations for happiness. 

They are:

Just for today, I will live with gratitude.

Just for today, I will not worry.

Just for today, I will not anger.

Just for today, I will do my work honestly.

Just for today, I will have respect for every living thing.

Everyone who is incarnate has ego. It's part of the deal.

The question is, are we in control of it?

Or is it in control of us?

The dark ones want it to be in control of us.

They are our teachers, who have succumbed to the lure of the ego and its gratification--after all their motto is, 'do what thou wilt'...and by our being conditioned to turning a blind eye to these 'ways, and being conditioned to look up to it (glamorous celebrities)...this aberration of the human spirit and all it's capable of, is cut short at the ankles instead of being allowed to reach its full angelic height.

When everyone has eyes that see and ears that hear, no injustice will be tolerated by anyone.

For those who watch the news, be wary, because this is 'injustice' and 'agitation' which is falsely created and thrust upon us.

For those who watch the alternative media, and are against conventional media, even though the positive military 'plan' sounds better an option, do not fully believe without healthy all leadership across the globe has ties to TWDNHOBIAH, and betrayal on a grand scale is considered one the the highest possible accomplishments by them.

Look within.

Look totally, totally within.

Every single time.

Follow the steps and do self-Reiki every day, just lie still and do what you were taught--and if you don't know Reiki your guardian angel DOES, and ask them to send some of their Reiki to you while you lie still and it will flow to you.

I guarantee it!

clap! clap!

(Ross agrees with all I wrote)

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Twins