Friday, September 28, 2018


Mikuni Pass morning of Matsumi Ohashi

Ross chose this title.

Yesterday he spoke to me, so did my Council--which apparently is not 'The Council' (today's Answers III ).  Answers III helps because the one question I didn't have time to write before the option to ask closed, is 'what is a typical day like for you, Council?' which is an indirect (Cancers are always indirect and discreet) way to inquire, 'what is it you do up there anyways?'

My beef with them is that they are taunting us down here on Ground Crew with the attitude of 'we know the answers and you don't''s condescending. And as one who suffers from Spiritual Amnesia, it's very maddening and upsetting to experience this kind of taunt. And the Answers II was just that kind of taunt.

If a loved one has a memory problem, you don't bring it up because it upsets them. If they tell the same story over and over you just nod and smile, because if you tell them--when the disease is really advanced--'you said that, I know, I know...' they really get angry. There's no point to poke fun at them with their disease, even if you are sick of the same story, because it hurts them deeply. You just don't.

My Council understands this now.

I also want to mention that when I went to see Cry-On (again under the radar) I wanted to test if anyone--Mr. Carroll or the guides--would know who I am and comment on it. 

They did. In a sneering, mocking voice, almost like a Sith lord--I heard--'weeee knowwww who you arrrrrre.' and then they changed the subject. 


Anyhow, my guides sent me a bracelet (showed me the picture in my mind, and where to find it--Amazon) --and it was free because I'd earned a fifty dollar gift card to Amazon for doing that interview with my specialty society. 

The name surprised me--it was 'A little Romance'.  

That makes everything better.

Ross had send me the Romance Unicorn Card just minutes earlier, and had played meaningful love songs the whole ride to work.

Here is one that was so on point I took a photo to remember the name:

Velsen, The Netherlands - June 11, 2015: Costa Fortuna Costa Fortuna is a cruise ship, owned and operated by Costa Crociere, built by Fincantieri Marghera shipyard in 2003. It's 273 m (896 ft) long.

I had wanted to title this the Love Boat. LOL.  

Coh-Braw said this:  EXMOSS section0 fleet activated

What the heck?

Is someone leaving the planet? Hmmm?  If it's the ones I want out, well, don't forget to close the door on your way out.

And if it's people coming IN...I know there's quarantine and it's only certain people/ships allowed by the Federation. 

By the way, dear Councils of Councils, on Earth here in the States there's another meaning to the word 'FLEET'.

And here on Earth, when we don't like someone or something we say that they are full of 'Sh*t'. LOL

The antidote for bitterness is love and gratitude.

Ross has told me many a time, that 'FRUSTRATION IS NOT A SIN!'

I was beyond frustration with the Council Answers II.

Here is what was sent, and it worked and it helped:

My Unicorn Affirmator card I drew--to give me perspective on Darkness and 'it's none of your business' what they do, teachers or students, etc.

My gift from my Council

A card from the nurse I used to work with who I gave anesthesia--came to my work

Card from the family of a patient who was on the table--not my team--but still in surgery

They brought cookies for everyone

Even for me.

I came home in time to cook dinner. Ross told me I'd have an 'unusual meat to cook'. I was curious.

Anthony chose a pork loin roast. I've never cooked one. I called another mom, she told me how. Get a Dutch Oven, put olive oil in the pan, and rub some on the meat. Make a rub with salt, pepper and rosemary (I have fresh in the back yard), and then after you prepare the meat, sear it. Put a little water in and the lid on, and bake it until it's done.

We had mushroom agnolotti pasta (like ravioli but a different shape), coleslaw--German style with oil and vinegar not mayonnaise, and homemade lemonade.  Anthony loved it. 

We even had the tiny pumpkin cheesecakes from the Coffee

This Answers III from the Council is a VAST improvement and helps with the amnesia. Now I know who they are, and what role they play in my existence here. As well as a framework for 'ME'--the bigger one I don't understand.  

I know Anne told us we have multiple concurrent lives. She is married back on Sirius or something, but here she only has relationships with women--was an example of how those lives can be.

I remember my life on the Other Team. It was a curious life, because I was taught to do things and did them that aren't acceptable in this life. I was rewarded for doing what I was asked to do.

I look back on that life as one of being espionage, sort of an intelligence officer getting information for OUR team.

That's how I can live with myself.

The things I did were awful.  And the things that were done to me were even worse.

Everyone I know has had not only 'dark times' but people who are awake and aware, even Divine Mother herself, have had 'experiences' like this.

Perhaps it's a prerequisite for Earth School.

I don't like Earth School.

Frankly, I'm sick of it. The suffering. The pain. The anguish.

I know Sylvia Browne's guide Francine said, 'Live a good life. Then go Home' for advice on how to approach our challenge of being incarnate.

Sylvia said we each have a major and a minor. And the major is the one thing you can't get right in your life, no matter what you do. Hers was romance. Three horrible marriages, one where he put a gun to her head in an argument.   She was a 'Loner Humanitarian'.

It is frustrating to be alive under these constraints because you KNOW in your heart it doesn't have to be this way. You KNOW total joy is a normal expectation for anywhere but here. Here we are expected to create our own joy with one hand tied behind our back.

There is always the nagging feeling, the guilt, that you brought your unpleasant experiences to you, and if you were only smart enough, or better enough, or clever enough, you could make everything great again.

However, from what I have LEARNED in my Fifty plus years--it's when you 'accept and surrender' that you get what you want. Once in a while. Not always. But the easiest way to get what you want isn't to fight for it.

My mom accepted and surrendered her dialysis, she had fought it a long time. She remembers crying all the way there driving herself and driving home. Dad wouldn't take her. He wanted her to stop being a baby about it--he drove her for a year. Anyhow, one day she said, 'God, if this is it, as good as it gets for me then I accept it as forever.' She said it in the car as she drove.

Two months later she got a new kidney.

She had a rare thing, and the donor kidney did too, and nobody else on the list ahead of her could take that rare kidney...

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla

Ross says it's time for work--he's right. Long day. Sigh. I asked if it would be good and I didn't get a yes, I got a no.

Talk to you next time when we are able...until then...ciao <3