Thursday, September 21, 2017

Progress By Another Name

Not everyone is able to walk. For those who never have, or perhaps may have lost this ability, please substitute your current means of motion/mobility and be patient with me as I speak on the 'learning to walk' example.

Learning to walk isn't easy.

It takes time, several months, for a child who is focusing on this lesson to master it.

There are also many mishaps, where the walking didn't go right, and the child falls.

As a physician I was trained to accept bruises that were consistent with learning to walk, when I was examining a child of walking age, and further I knew what 'non-accidental' trauma signs to look for too.

My point is that it takes a lot of falls for a baby to learn to walk. And although the parents do what they can to minimize this, the baby doesn't care, and is so excited to be able to walk that the bruises and falls, unpleasant as they are, are worth it.

This is the first time a planet and everything alive upon it have Ascended.

We are, as souls, albeit graduate-level, master souls, are in fact, learning to 'walk' in the new Higher Energies while incarnate on Earth.

There has been talk about September 23 being a 'high energy day' for whatever reason.

I felt the energies kick in and start building up yesterday morning while I was at work.

I've also been tearful, which isn't my character.

Yesterday, Anthony is still sick, and I was going to his father's house to pick him up. One of his favorite movies is being released soon, and on Wednesday sometimes the new movies come out. So I was using the voice activation feature on my phone to look up if it's out.

My phone system is a nightmare! Any time I go to use it I have to ask twice. And it gets messed up. The technology isn't robust, and the technology to meet my need while I drive simply isn't adequate.

A policeman saw me pick up my phone at a stoplight.

Effective January 1 of this year, having any device in your hands is an infraction of the law.

I got a ticket.

Up until then, with thirty-seven years of driving, I had a perfect record.

The mere fact of being pulled over, and realizing the dude could say anything or even beat you up or kill you and get away with it, is terrifying.

I was afraid my insurance would go up.

As he was in the back with my driver's license and registration, taking forever, I started to cry. What kind of world is this we live in, where a mother out of love for her sick son who wants to take him to a movie gets a ticket?  Where we are scrutinized by government? And the ticket--supposedly a first offense is twenty dollars--will have fees and extras piled onto it in a criminal way. The internet says the total is about one hundred fifty dollars some people have to pay.

The officer was 'kind' and said, 'be careful driving' because he knew I was crying. He also said it won't go on my insurance.

I was so shook up I had to cry about ten minutes before I was able to get it out and be calm enough to drive again.

That's when I started to hear the stories. As I picked up Anthony, Jared has the stories as he has had many tickets, including speeding ones. He bought a device that attaches to his car so you can touch the phone while the device holds the phone with a big magnet. He knows not only the laws but the loopholes too and how to contest a ticket and win. (This one of mine, you can't contest).

My favorite story is the one my mom shared of my Nannu Filippo, her father. He was on a street near his home, and rolled through a stop sign. An officer saw him and followed him home. My grandfather parked in the driveway, came out of the car, and invited the officer to have coffee and cookies with him and my grandmother. He saw the officer was young, and my grandfather acted like he didn't understand what was happening.

In Italian, my grandmother took one look at the cop and asked her husband, 'what did you do this time?!' But in English, my grandfather said, 'I want to invite this nice young officer to have coffee with us this morning!'

The officer sat at the table, had coffee and Italian cookies, and they had a nice visit for twenty minutes.

There never was a ticket.

My mother's point was that in our soul school, there is a lesson called Mortification. It's the embarrassment and shame over punishment for something you did that wasn't deserved.

She got two tickets, I was in the car with her both times they happened, and she said, 'the officer lied, I never did the things they said I did.'

She said my mortification was the loss of my perfect record.

She said the police in my neighborhood make triple what my relative makes with his force back home. My relative even had to buy his own gun for seven thousand dollars! Bought his uniform too. Everything for the police in my neighborhood is given to them for free. But they have hefty quotas on tickets to write, and that's what happened, she said.

I know I live in a vacuum--I don't watch the news, I haven't subscribed to the newspaper in years, and I don't enjoy politics. I suppose I could have looked up the new laws but I find them confusing.

Either way, now I know.  Both Anthony and Jared were touched that I was so upset. And as Anthony said, 'mom, it could have been a lot worse'.

He's right.

In meditation this morning, I saw the Council.

Michael wanted to talk to me.

The lesson had been for me to understand that any time we are near a higher level of Consciousness//power, there is the chance for the misinterpretation of 'condescending' to happen. It is natural. Just like with the police officer and me (knowledge of the law), or me with patients (knowledge of medicine), or even with different people on the Ascension pathway (people further along the path than those just starting) a gap exists.  And it is uncomfortable for both and noticeable.

Michael showed me a book, like this, in this orientation, but it didn't have any marks on it. And it too, glowed.

Michael laid it on the table in front of me.

It was my grade book for my coursework while incarnate on Earth.

He took a silver star and pressed it into the pages. This was a star for my work on my latest lessons.

Then he showed me the back, between the last pages and the cover, or perhaps it was the last pages.


He asked me to tell every one of you that in YOUR books you have been given a star, and also, COMMENDATION.

So I am.

Michael says it helps for your grades to be closer to me in your Spiritual adventure, but each of you 'have to fly on your own' at some point. You will know when it is time and the loving guidance of a teacher/mentor/guide and friend is always a relationship that is never severed, no matter what.

He shows the hands helping the baby learning to walk.


What is it with Carla?  And all her crying?  It is the last of her release, the most tightly held cards closest to her chest, and the energies are ripe for releasing and letting go.

Carla is 'self-diagnosed' and as such is realizing a good part of her life was spent wearing 'glasses that did not see outside the spectrum of Autism'...and nobody knew.

No help was offered.

In their own way, her parents understood and worked with Carla for her differences, but on another there was no loving support or acceptance for her just as she is, a blessing with her child-like ways, and bluntness, and wanting to do what is right every single time in everything. Not wanting to BE right, but to PLEASE and be a pleasure to everyone she meets.

This is the stigma of the Asperger's child.

And the gift is one of tunnel-vision focus towards a goal, for self-education (Carla both taught herself how to read and how to knit).

Carla? How are you? How are you today. Will you talk about it?

C:  Oh honey I feel like I've been hit by a truck! I'm emotionally numb. Anthony and I have been sick for two weeks now, first with the GI problems/fevers and my not being able to breathe, and then with his upper respiratory infection, It's depressing.

R:  And work? How goes that?

C:  I'm so numb honey. On the one hand, when my friend learned I'm being sued, he offered support, with his hand on my back as he told me of his lawsuit--and how it worked out. His was fifteen years ago, and it was awful. He completely understood the hell I am experiencing at the moment.  Then, I had a not-so-easy airway, for a lithotomy case. The nurses at the main hospital aren't kind or understanding. They have sore backs. So they position the patient first, and the head is way down the table. I have to reach uncomfortably to get the breathing tube in. The nurses complain if I ask for old school way, patient head next to me, go to sleep, then lift the patient down the table.  At the surgery center, the nurses were very kind and understanding that I am short and can't reach. It was nice to have a nurse be nice to me again.

R:  Is there anything else?

C:  I'm so sad over Mexico and Puerto Rico--and all the places from the weeks before from the hurricanes. I saw today the state of Hawaii is teaching preparedness for a missile strike from North Korea. It takes twenty minutes for one to travel there, and about eight for the warning systems to activate. So people only have twelve minutes to know what to do. It's sad.

R:  Is there anything else?

C:  My friend's dog died too, yesterday. She sent me a video. The puppy was old and in extremis, breathing really hard. I saw it was the dog's time. The dog was confused and she didn't know if it was okay to leave her owners to go to Heaven. I communicated this, but at the same time, I was like, 'dog? just GO. They will understand.' The dog was super obedient to the owners.

R:  Did you like being caught in the middle between life and death?

C:  I was eating lunch with Anthony. It intruded into our special time alone together.

R:  So there you have it, you don't mind being 'of service' but you need to set some boundaries when it comes to bonding with your sick boy, and there's some confusion over your role who to help first, the dying dog of your Reiki student and colleague, and your son?

C:  Yes! How could I say no to the death? It was in real time.

R:  I'm going to tell you something to help you. Next time invite Anthony to assist, get him involved, and reward him for helping you. Instead of having him sit. Next time your meal gets interrupted. Even if it's from work. I don't want you to shut him out.

And today, make him a nice breakfast. With bacon. He is going back to school. Okay? Pack him a nice lunch too.

C:  I will honey. Thank you and I love you.

R:  What did you think of the end of the Friends series you have been watching with Anthony--at Anthony's request -- since June on Netflix?

C:  It was a little contrived. But I'm glad Ross and Rachel are together for reals. That was nice how she got off the plane for him.

R:  What else?

C:  I was glad it was over so Anthony and I can do other things. It's been a long summer with him watching it.

R:  When you look back watching Friends with him is going to be one of the best memories you have of your vacations. ...   I love you..  Now go and cook.

C:  Okay.

For all of you, this is a slice of Life of our own that we share with you. In Carla's case, yesterday was her day to ingest Humble Pie (my kinder, gentler term for the spiritual lesson of Mortification).

Carla remembers now and both of us want to thank Maria Lourdes for taking the time to communicate for me this message to Carla. It meant the world to both of us, and I thank you.

clap! clap!

Aloha and Mahalos,

Ross and Carla
The Reiki Doc Family